What (realistic) perks would you like to see added?

DrNectarine Member Posts: 2
edited June 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Obviously within reason (i.e., no game-breaking perks).

For survivor, I created a few that might be interesting:

MECHANIC'S RESPITE: The knowledge that you are one generator closer to escaping gives you the willpower to carry on.

When you light a generator, gain a token. When you gain two tokens, the next hit that would down you instead puts you in the mending requirement state (forgot what it is called).

EXPLOSIVE START: You may be going down, but your exit is going to be explosive.

When you fail a skill check, you break off into a sprint at 150% normal speed for three seconds. Causes the exhausted status effect for 45/60/90 seconds. Additionally, when working on a generator, you may use the secondary action button to trigger an automatic failed skill check on yourself while the perk is available.

HOPELESS HEALER: Trauma always seems to bring people together.

When healing, the auras of other survivors are visible. Heal 10/5/0% slower.

NAIVE COURAGE: You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, and that's your only advantage.

Perform all actions 3/6/9% faster until your first time being hooked.

For killers, I also had a few in mind:

GROWING RAGE: These lambs have no right fighting back. It is time to bring them to the slaughter.

Every time you are stunned by a pallet, gain a 4% boost to your speed and recover from stuns 5% faster.

RIGHT BEHIND YOU: They could've sworn they had lost you. They were wrong.

When you hit a survivor with a normal attack, you gain an active token for that survivor, and your terror radius shrinks by 50% for that survivor for 30/40/50 seconds. The next time they enter your terror radius, they will scream. If you hit them while this token is active, it deactivates.

INDUCED PARANOIA: Your evil presence tends to linger on everything you touch.

Generators damaged by you whisper of your horror. If a survivor works on a generator within 10/20/25 seconds of you damaging it, they will scream.

I've been getting more into DBD, but I am by far not as knowledgeable as the more pro players. Let me know if any of these perks sound cool, or if any are too overpowered or too weak.

What perks would you want to see?



  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Mechanic's Respite is kinda like old Mettle of Man, as in, not a lot of effort for a good reward. (+in swf it would be kinda bonkers) Oh and no tiers

    Explosive Start is just super weaker Sprint Burst. Same effect and longer cd. Also "Additionally, when working on a generator, you may use the secondary action button to trigger an automatic failed skill check on yourself while the perk is available." why?

    Hopeless Healer - neat idea i would reverse the healing tho "Heal 0/5/10% faster" and then change name a bit.

    Naive Courage - i think it's fine?

    Growing Rage - by "boost to your speed" do you mean movement speed or action speed? Otherwise that part is kinda too strong. (also no tiers)

    Right Behind You is interesting!

    And same goes for Induced Paranoia.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I'd like a killer perk that grants bonus bp in the brutality category. It might even be added to Unrelenting as a side effect.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

    Your ability to avoid participating in difficult activities infuriates the Entity, but so be it. During a match you will remain in an "AFK" like state until the match is over.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    A perk that let's you see the outline of your terror radius!

  • WakeMeUp9
    WakeMeUp9 Member Posts: 17

    Hopeless Healer is very weak and just outclassed by bond tbh, as such i wouldnt he surprised if bhvr actually made it.

    Growing Rage needs a cap.

    Naive courage is cool, i would run it

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  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Killer Perks:

    Wicked Game: Pressing the active ability on a regressing gen causes the next 1/2/3 people to touch that gen to lose a health state (does not inflict dying and only applies to one gen). Takes 3/2/1 seconds to apply.

    Salt: Survivors in the dying state bleed out 30 secs/45 secs/ 1 minute faster.

    Hard Luck: Survivors Luck is reduced by 25/ 50/100%

    Survivor Perks:

    Bully : stunning a killer causes a 150% speed boost for 3 secs. Causes the exhaustation status effect for 60/50/40 secs.

    Take a beating: being both exhausted and injured hides your scratch marks for 10/15/20 secs.

    Shy: stunning a killer hides all killer aura reading abilities for 10 secs, cool down of 60/45/30 seconds.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Okay here are my thoughts, I like the naive courage, an mechanics respite, those seem very good and can greatly give me the advantage however hopeless healer does seem pretty weak though but interesting nonetheless.

    For killer perks right behind you and induced paranoia do seem good, however my question for growing rage is that does it stack. like get faster and faster if so then its a good perk if not, then I don't think it'll do well. These are all interesting and decent and I like them

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    @DrNectarine I really like growing rage but it needs to be modified a bit. Given that its increasing movenent speed it HAS to cap at 120m/s (even that might be a bit much).

    So maybe this instead:

    Everytime youre stunned gain a token. For each token gain .25/.50/1 m/s to movement speed. No more than 5 tokens. Hooking a survivor removes a token.

    This way its not limited to pallet stuns and tokens get removed to make it go away.

    It might be game breaking still but would be so fun paired with pwyf + fired up + brutal strength.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Perk ideas love to randomly pop into my head, so here's one of them, happens to be for Killers...


    Spawns 1/2/3 fake Chests on the map.

    Fake Chests attack Survivors who try to interact with them, disappearing after dealing a blow that inflicts them with the Haemorrhage & Mangled Status Effects until they're either in the Dying or Healthy Health State.

    Fake Chests cannot put Survivors into the Dying Health State, but will still inflict the Status Effects.

    Once only 1 Survivor is left in the trial and they interact with a fake Chest, it'll kill the Survivor instead.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Killer Perks

    Predatory Sense

    Whenever you initiate a chase, survivor's aura is shown to you for 5/7/9 seconds. Cooldown time of 30 seconds.

    It Begins

    At the beginning of the trial, all survivor's auras are shown to you for 3/4/5 seconds.

    Corrupt Protection

    At the beginning of the trial, the entity blocks all Hex Totems for 100/110/120 seconds.

    Survivor Perks

    I Sense Death

    After cleansing 3/2/1 dull totems, you will know if the killer has NoED. Includes a Totem Counter.


    When within 10M of another survivor you can use the action button to CHEER. This will give them a 7% speed boost for 5 seconds. Alerts the killer to your location. Cooldown is 120/110/100 seconds.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Leader and Prove Thyself do nothing about your running speed.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    I personally Mechanics respite, hopeless healer, and growing rage. I think they would add some new spice to the game