

Today's Strength: The Trapper

Member Posts: 13,616
edited June 2020 in Polls

Here we go, another series of mine!

In this one, we'll be going over all Killers & the 4 Survivors, and you're going to vote how strong that character is.

What i mean with strong is: How good are these Killers at sacrificing all four Survivors (with well-done matchmaking) and how good are the Survivors at escaping (with well-done matchmaking)?

So for this example: The Trapper

How good do you rate him at sacrificing all 4 Survivors?

Today's Strength: The Trapper 51 votes

1 - Pacifists Kill More
2 - Baby Killer
2 votes
3 - Ugh
5 votes
4 - Nah, i'm good
6 votes
5 - Meh
8 votes
6 - It's Mkay
18 votes
7 - *thumbs up*
11 votes
8 - Wow
9 - Holy crap!
10 - Death Itself
1 vote
Post edited by Boss on

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  • Member Posts: 13,616
    6 - It's Mkay

    As long as they don't only have Generators on their mind, i'm not ever going to be a great Trapper.

  • Member Posts: 7,669
    7 - *thumbs up*

    too reliant on maps, survivor loadouts and whether its a SWF or not, but it can be VERY devestating when you face a good trapper and dont have these advantages.

    he needs buffs though, especially with how slow his setup is and all these restrictions on the Beartraps.

  • Member Posts: 1,259
    6 - It's Mkay


    • Evan can have some insane map control when he's set up right.
    • He can completely deny Survivors from going places or face the consequences
    • He is also decent when it comes to snowballing
    • Evan can also, when timed right, essentially say "NO" to pallet stuns by placing a trap right before it comes down (see Otz for proof).


    • Three words: Survive with Friends. More so than any other Killer (except maybe Lisa), Evan has problems against SWF groups.
    • He has no early game to speak of, making perks like Corrupt Intervention almost mandatory.
    • Small Game tells Survivors where traps are, making those really nice, hidden traps effectively useless.
    • His traps are spread all over the map. On big maps, you go in and it's almost already over.
    • Loopable, M1 Killer.

    With Evan, you need to set up in one area and pretty much stay there to stay effective. Honestly, a 6 is a bit generous, but he can be deadly in the right hands.

  • Member Posts: 3,666
    6 - It's Mkay

    Lacks a ton of map pressure which he tries to compensate with the ability to cut loops in an instant.

    Good trappers are a bit rare, but man, when they are good, they are GOOD, just look at Otz.

  • Member Posts: 47
    6 - It's Mkay

    Nice series, I feel the trapper depends on too much to be viable, what map, do the survivors know the spots, are they gonna genrush etc.

  • Member Posts: 687
    3 - Ugh

    Trapper isn't the worst, but he's pretty close to it. I'd say that he's just barely better than Legion, but still worse than Wraith

  • Member Posts: 732
    7 - *thumbs up*

    Nicely placed traps make him really strong imo. But if survivors pay attention and communicate with each other, he loses a lot of power.

    If he 3-gens you, however,you're pretty much dead because he won't be lured far away from those gens, and you won't even be able to loop him close to those gens because the area will be FULL of traps... happened to me today :'D

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    6 - It's Mkay

    @Byrd "Nice series"

    Why thank you! 😋

  • Member Posts: 47
    6 - It's Mkay


  • Member Posts: 3,278
    6 - It's Mkay

    I would rate 10 if basement trapper but alas, Survivors know that basement means death, so I stick the trap in the doorway so it's 50% visible.

    He's perk reliant so he's a eh Killer.

  • Member Posts: 316
    edited June 2020
    7 - *thumbs up*

    He's cool to play as but I wouldn't main him. I used to when I got my own copy of game but I've since strayed from him.

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