DC Penalties in a game that allows playstyles that make it unplayable

JephKaplan Member Posts: 308
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Not gonna say much just that dc penalties are not a solution in a game where the killer can slug all 4 survivors all game and not get banned or even suspended, same for killers in low ranks who have to verse high rank survivors since this game has no matchmaking. I'm red rank on both roles and i verse green or purple rank killers its not fun for either side. Last game as a survivor i went against a leatherface slugging all 4 survivors for the whole game after he chased me for 5 minutes, do the devs expect me to stay there on the ground afk or do they want me to play their game? I'm not gonna deal with this kid's issues i dc'd and got penalized for it. Either make slugging like that banable or remove dc penalties all together. Not even gonna mention that the game has bugs that force u to disconnect and u still get penalized.


  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I have had a game where the guy slugged one person, would let someone pick that person up, then slug the other person. He refused to hook anybody, and slugged like that until we all eventually bled out. There would be 2-3 people on the floor at all times, and he would purposely let the last person pick someone up and then down that person. He played like that just to be toxic, and was impersonating a random streamer to get people to go to the guy's chat and talk sh*t. He stole someone's username because they played well against him and played like a complete d*ck just so people would go harass the random guy.

    The streamer guy was really nice though! Glad I found him through the not-so-nice guy.

    We did report the impersonator though! Not sure if they got in trouble or not but :). Sadly he probably won't be banned from DBD, but we reported him on steam so we hope that went through.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    So in your opinion i should run every perk just in case i get in that situation unbreakable is useless 99% of the time but game changing that 1% of games. Also i guess u enjoy getting slugged on the ground since its just smth I don't enjoy but everyone loves, just like how everyone loves moris and keys. Your point just makes no sense and if i as a player am not allowed to play the game cuz some kid had a bad day how is that my fault and why should i get penalized instead of the kid

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Unbreakable fixes the slugging issue. Either that or learn to take the L and, indeed, go AFK. It's not fun, but it is fair. Also, it takes 4 minutes to bleed out, whereas the DC penalty starts at 5 minutes. Either way you're going AFK, so why not go AFK the shortest amount of time?

    Bugs get fixed. Every game has them, yet they still have DC penalties.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Ok mate, just because you can't take 4 minutes out of your day because not only you, but your whole team got downed means you've definitely lost, but you should just wait the 4 minutes. I hate being slugged, and I have the same opinion about moris and keys, but it's a viable tactic. It's like asking for tunneling, camping and gen rushing to be bannable.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    I never defended quitting first of all. Second of all people that dc against certain killers should be penalized yes. I personally enjoy going against Spirit as it is not an easy m1 killer to loop. The situation im talking about are when the killer is slugging all 4 survivors for the whole match on purpose, not just slugging cuz u saw someone with infectious fright. And no u are not obligated to be nice cuz someone DC'd get your points however u can. But getting slugged until u bleed out is just toxic for the game and i say that as i play both roles both red ranks. Another reason why dc penalties should be looked at is the game breaking bugs it has such as getting stuck inside boxes in the shack after getting hooked and u have no choice but to dc if the killer doesn't activate end game, or as killer when a survivor gets stuck when running out of the exit gates. Again not defending quitting whenever u verse smth "boring" but when its actually excusable

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I know I'm not the guy you asked, but in my opinion, perks should be used to either enhance your playstyle, or cover for your weaknesses. If the former, then your weaknesses can be exploited more easily. If the latter, then you have to rely on pure skill to enhance your playstyle. Make Your Choice.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If the killer is slugging for the sake of letting people bleed out, recover. While the killer is chasing someone else have a survivor run by, tap you and your back on your feet.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Camping and tunneling can be a strategic move if survivors are acting all toxic and cocky, gen rushing just isn't a thing as its the survivors' only objective what u are saying is like saying when the killer is hooking survivors ban them. And im not complaining about the 4 mins but about the fact that they introduce dc penalties in a game that allows players to play in a way that makes the game unplayable for others, things like hacking slugging all game until u bleed out, delaying the game for as long as u want (before end game collapse thank god that got introduced). Im just asking for a change/fix for both penalties and how they look at whats banable and now

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Ah yes the 5th survivor can't forget about them. When all 4 of u are slugged just get the 5th one to pick u up how could i forget thx for the help mate

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Strategy is strategy, it has nothing to do with how toxic the other players are. "Tunneling" is the killer's version of gen rush (AKA: tunneling gens). If one is OK, so is the other.

    Hacking is not a thing that's allowed. If you see a hacker, report them.

    Yes, slugging is allowed. There are perks that take advantage of it and perks that counter it. Slugging also takes a maximum of 4 minutes, period. There is no way to extend the timer from either side.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    You face the possibility of being slugged, camped, or tunneled each time you queue up.

    If you can't handle that, the best thing to do is uninstall.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    First i'd like to apologize to all the gens i have tunneled as a survivor. Now i'd like to hear why killer mains complain about gens when 50% of their perks are specifically designed to slow down gens but when a survivor complains about getting tunneled/camped or slugged theres perks to counter it, well when i use those perks (DS) killer mains say i suck and that im toxic. So can u guys just make up your minds and actually see the game from both sides like me? Just play both roles and u'll see the issues both sides have instead of just being an entitled killer/survivor main.

  • Ghosty123
    Ghosty123 Member Posts: 23

    The vast majority of players who slug only do it to apply pressure or because it would be unsafe to pick the survivor up at that moment. To say that they should be banned for slugging is just plain stupid if the devs didnt want people to be to slug they wouldnt add killer perks which help slugging. I do acknowledge it can be annoying but there are far worst thing you can face as a survivor

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    If all 4 of you got slugged then it's your fault. You have more than enough 2nd chance perks. Git Gud.

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    Just because you don't like something means it allows you to disconnect and not expect to be punished when the penalty was made to crack down on said issue of "I don't like this so i'll disconnect and barely be punished". (and the first few times the ban is lenient because they know IRL stuff happens or some bug/glitch makes a match unplayable and you can't play normally so you can DC and figure out the issue with a small punishment)

    Just because you don't like something means it should be a bannable offense when it's a strategy the Developers allow.

    There are Perks that strengthen slugging and some that counter it, some Killer powers even benefit from the tactic (Like Oni or Myers) so if you find it that unbearable then consider running Unbreakable/No Mither/For The People/Botany/Etc... and if you decide not to then that's the risk you accept every time you enter a match and you have to just deal with it.

    And if you did actually distract a Leatherface for 5 entire minutes then the other 3 Survivors should've had plenty of time to heal anyone else back up and complete at least 3 generators before you went down. If all 4 of you got slugged and couldn't come back before he downed the 4th Survivor it sounds more like all 4 of you got outplayed or played poorly in the situation because you can still recover requiring just a sliver of healing from someone else or move away from each other so he can't keep tabs on all of you at once with his 115% movement speed.

    Also it's a game, you aren't forced to stay there and watch yourself bleed out for 4 minutes when you could say standup and make a sandwich, or watch a video, go relieve yourself, go pet an animal, literally anything else that isn't forcing yourself to just sit there and wait.

    It's fine to find something boring or unfun to go against (personally I hate Hag and wish you could power wash her away as a Survivor) but doesn't allow you to ask for it to be nerfed into the ground or bannable because "I don't like it".

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    But how dare someone want to use his phone when is on the hook! Here, we slap a hook struggle mechanic to keep you busy in the game!!11!


  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    So judging by the most answers u guys don't even read what i said. I never said ban anyone who slugs, i said that the game i played we all got slugged until we bled out on purpose he could've easily picked us up and hooked us but no he slugged all 3 came after me chased me for 5 mins cuz he can't even mind game pallets and downed me i couldn't see anyone since he had knockout, i said slugging for the entire bleed out timer on purpose should be banable not slugging cuz u saw someone with infectious or whatever theres a big difference between slugging for maximum 1 min and going afk after u downed everyone just to act like a dick in the end game chat like most ######### bubba mains. And yes i don't like versing ppl that just slug for the entire game but i guess u all do since u all say i dislike it, if u are gonna come and just comment smth ######### like that then don't bother. After playing both roles u can really tell that entitled survivors are nowhere near as bad as entitled killer mains on the forums complaining about DS 90% of the time when u could easily not chase the same person that got unhooked, or for gen speed when ye its annoying but its also the only objective survivors have and u have enough perks to try and slow it down but just like unbreakable they are not gonna be useful all the time so u don't run them. Now if u are not actually going to have a conversation about dc penalties and u are just gonna act stupid don't even bother answering i explained my point enough in the thread its there for everyone to read don't read just the title

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620

    DC penalty is fine as it is.

    People should not be forced to continue playing a game if they don't want to. If a game is no longer fun to you, you should not be forced to keep playing it. I understand why people disconnect. Some of you act like people who disconnect are murdering your firstborn when doing so. They're not. It's a game.

    You're, however, ruining that match for the other people who are playing (at least a bit). So the punishment of not receiving BP and having the time penalty applied to you is honestly fair. As long as you don't do it very often, it will only be 5 minutes. If it's longer than that, then you're disconnecting too much, thus being a little #########, and you deserve the punishment (I would know, look at my username :P).

    Here, however, I am not taking into account network errors ---and most importantly, random game errors. People being punished because the game is buggy and sometimes kicks you out from matches should be fixed asap. But this is not what this post is about, it seems.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    I agree with what u say 100%. The issue is that u get the penalty for anything (as i said in the original post) even when the game forces u to leave a bug or it just kicks u out doesn't matter, they need to fix the penalties and make them so if u lose connection u don't get penalized for it or if the game just kicks u out. But ye the entitled killer mains that cry about anything survivors have made it into a ######### hole. But my friend for example had bad connection the other day and kept getting kicked out (we were still talking on discord fine so idk why the game was doing that) and his dc timer got to 15 mins. Which ye wasn't fun for him

  • TotemsCleanser
    TotemsCleanser Member Posts: 620

    You're absolutely right here, the game is so buggy and DC penalty sometimes penalizes players for things that are honestly not our fault (nor our internet connection's fault, before anyone can "if you have a bad connection then don't play bc you're ruining the game for others blah blah blah" me). The being randomly kicked out thing has been happening to my friends too. Lately it has happened a LOT, and we were still talking on Discord as well so it wasn't their internet connection failing. It has even happened that two of them get kicked out from the match at the same time, so... unless both their connections failed at the same time...

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Can't wait for both of us to be called out for being "toxic survivor mains" who talk on discord and "bully" killers

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Don't go down

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    not going down is really the counter to every survivor issue

    mories without going down can't be used

    can't be hooked if you dont go down

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    if you are getting slugged, there are perks you can run to combat it.

    This is a PVP game, dont cry about things that you have control over, you either outplay your opponent or you get beat. Welcome to PVP

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    if u are getting gen rushed there are perks u can run to combat it. This is a pvp game don't cry about things that u have control over u either outplay your opponent or u get beat welcome to pvp. No one here is crying my guy maybe read the discussion before leaving a useless comment

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Incorrect, no one is complaing about gen rushing this is about slugging, which there are numerous perks to combat that playstyle. Now eityher get good or stop playing, but blaming me is not going to help you learn to play better.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Do u like not look at the forums or watch any videos lol "no one complains about gen rushing" ok. Now can u just leave instead of ######### posting

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    "I lost" = "Game is unplayable"


  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    "all 4 survivors got slugged until they bled out on purpose" = "game is unplayable" no one here is complaining about losing the game my guy. Prob use your eyes to read

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Yup, that's called slugging. It's why Unbreakable exists. Next DLC will come with a perk that allows you to get up from the dying state endlessly if you're being affected by a hex perk. You also have No Mither.

  • JephKaplan
    JephKaplan Member Posts: 308

    Ye can't wait for Soul Guard its gonna be so much better, that dlc can't come any sooner just 6 more days

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Here, let me hit that one button i configurated with my keyboard driver and he does the struggeling for me. Amazing, this new technologie. But its only around for 30 years, so not everyone knows its secrets.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Unbreakable counters slugging. Which would make the game playable again

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Do you not recover or crawl to the hatch ?

    Unplayable ? Or just played in a way you don't like ? If you can't be bothered to run the counters to the very thing that drove you to make a post you can't be helped.

    0 sympathy for survivors when they cry like this. The role is overpowered AF and every base game mechanic is designed in your favor if you loose its on you.

    I got carried hard but even perkless I lived every single day until last week when I got my first death of the year

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Damn it, you tried to outplayed bhvr? That's illegal, you will go to jail for that!!!