The problem with Legion

Pigpen Member Posts: 58

Legion is my most played killer. I love 'em. Even though they are considered a low tier killer, I still think they are better than most people give them credit for.

However, I think they are in need of a few tweaks and changes. If tuned correctly Legion could be so much more fun to play.

Their biggest problem is how they are constantly being punished for using their power. There is no "right" way to end Feral Frenzy. No matter what you are getting stunned in place for 4 seconds and forced to look at the floor while the screen goes black. This feels terrible! I understand the stun if your power runs out or if you end it prematurely, but once someone has been hit with deep wounds there needs to be a better way to get out of FF. It's bad when you purposely want to get hit by a pallet so you can end FF faster. Maybe have striking someone a second time with FF cut down on the cooldown by a second or so. The survivor gets a sprint burst from the hit so it couldn't be abused. Maybe give Legion a blade wipe animation for doing this instead of the stun. This would give Legion a "proper" way to end FF and not just BLEH look at the floor.

Another punishment is one missed swing results in the 4 second stun and full depletion of your power. That's too much. The 4 second stun is ok I guess, but full depletion of your power is too much. What if a missed swing caused Legion to be stunned and cost them a set % of their power instead of the whole thing? Like 25% or 50%?

I'm fine with pallet stuns ending FF, but again should it really fully deplete Legion's power? If Legion gets stunned by just a couple of pallets that's enough to cost them the entire match with how quickly gens can go.

When compared to other killers that have heavy punishments for using their power legion is possibly the worst. Nurse has a 2 second fatigue for a missed blink. That's it. Double blink is 2.5 seconds if I'm remembering correctly. By the time she recovers she's ready to blink again. Legion has to wait a whole 20 seconds for their power to come back from one missed swing.

I remember hearing a dev say they didn't want Legion to have a fast cooldown or they would be able to get close to an injured survivor, end FF and then hit them for the easy down. Let's compare this to wraith. Wraith has to ring his bell for about 3 or 4 seconds to decloak before striking a survivor, which is very similar to a legion ending FF. However, wraith gets a large speed boost once he's decloaked, allowing him to essentially do what the devs don't want legion to do. I'm not saying legion should be able to just instantly end FF and quickly down someone. I play survivor as well and wouldn't want to face that either, but there needs to be a better way to end FF as I mentioned before. 4 seconds is a long time to stand still while a survivor runs off in a straight line. It's basically like getting hit with decisive strike every time your power ends.

Legion's base 10 second FF duration could use some adjustments, these maps are so big and once survivors know they are against a legion they spread out making it impossible to ever give deep wounds to more than one person. This reason alone is why most legion player will always reserve an add on slot for increased FF duration, which hurts build variety. Would it hurt to add another few seconds to FF duration?

Deep wounds takes 30 seconds for a survivor to go down. This should be much much shorter. Like around 10 seconds. Survivors shouldn't be able to finish their gen before mending, it's a little silly. When I play survivor this is what I usually do because why not. No need to mend right away.

Also, I can't possibly find a reason why Legion just straight up loses 50% of their power for landing a basic attack outside of FF. It made sense on old legion, when they were much more lethal, but not new legion. That just needs to go.

I also disagree with making bloodstains invisible to legion while in FF. While this is a minor complaint, it still feels unnecessary.

...and another thing! :) add ons need some major looking into. Bring back the speed add ons. Get rid of the increased killer instinct range they are useless. Frank's mixed tape and stab wounds study have no use what so ever. Cold dirt offers 0.5 seconds (Considerably) of cooldown reduction. I mean c'mon. Oni has a scalped top knot which cuts his charge time in half. It's his best add on and it's green. Most of his add ons are great. Legion's not so much. I would even go so far to say that Leatherface and Clown my 2nd and 3rd most played killers have much more meaningful add ons. The only ones worth using on legion are iridescent button (breaks pallets while vaulting), stolen sketch book (increased FF duration), and mural sketch (increased FF duration). The legion pin (applies broken status) can work against some survivors, but most just get back on gens anyways. So this add on can sometimes backfire and cause gens to get done even faster.

I understand that balancing killers is hard, especially legion because of the drastic rework that took place. Don't take this the wrong way devs, but I feel like you've grown complacent with where legion is right now when the rest of the community are disappointed. Many people in the DBD community want a complete rework of legion. I do NOT want that. I love feral frenzy, it's so much fun zooming around the map and vaulting stuff and tagging survivors. I love it! I just think legion needs some much further tweaking.


  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    I think feral frenzy should have the common cooldown of sucessful hits

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    I think Legion needs too much tweaking like. He needs a new power.

    Like a whole new killer.

    The problem with Legion is that they basically don't have a power.

    It's get free hit on 1 or 2 survivors and they take longer to heal.

    There's really nothing you can do with it. It's just too bland and lazy.

    Clearly the power was originally disguising as a survivor hence the name darkness among us.

    This was clearly reworked and rushed probably a month before they were released so now we're left with this weird mess of a killer that in theory doesn't actually even have a power other than hitting easier and longer heals.

  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Member Posts: 58

    The most fun I ever had with this game was playing old legion. Then bhvr gutted them and assembled the pieces in to what we have now. Even still, I would rather play legion than any other killer in the game. They are the one I have the most fun with consistently. I absolutely do not want a rework, just some more tweaks. If you don't like them fair enough.

    The reason I liked old legion BTW was because they put survivor and killer at the same skill level. They didn't have any difficult mechanics to master, like survivors. Old legion was just a weaker version of spirit, who herself is a weaker version of nurse. I never understood the hate old legion got, especially since nurse and spirit exist and you can't get away from them if they're good. Old legion just made it easier to be good. Not every killer needs to have an extremely high skill ceiling. I could lay back and relax while playing old legion, stress free. It was fun.

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    Old legions problem was that they took like 0 effort to get downs. But I'd like a new power. The current one is unusable due to how boring and simple it is