An idea for Up The Ante

I had an idea for Up the Ante that could make it somewhat viable.
You double down even in stressful times. Earn double tokens for each token scoring event. For each maxed out perk, gain 5% bonus luck to all Survivors.
It would be a nice perk to run with MoM, WLGF or Autodidact.
Do you have any idea how broken that would be?
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I guess not? I really don't see how it will be.
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Let me put it this way: if you stack all the luck perks and offerings you have right now, you have something like a 96% chance to self-unhook after 3 attempts.
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Oh the humanity, all the survivors pouring everything into Luck :)
Luck just needs to be reworked in general but I only added the Luck part to keep some old part of Up the Ante
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To be clear, "all the luck perks and offerings" is one perk (Up The Ante) and four offerings. Leaves 12 free perk slots (3 per survivor).
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I would rather Luck be changed to actually do something besides increase the chance you free yourself from the hook or a Bear Trap especially when you can just run Deliverance which guarantees you unhook yourself and Trapper having only a 5% to be in the trial (and that's generously assuming every Killer was played evenly)
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Same, I want luck to give you more skill checks, better items from chests etc rather than unhook chances.
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Ace doesn't have any aura reading perk but he has a perk that helps read aura. It make no sence to run his 3 teachable perks by itself but for the achievment. And now you suggest to make his another perk be only useful with different perks?
I like it! 💓
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I'd think it would change skill checks to have a better chance at easier(Much slower and starts closer to the zone) with a chance bigger(Up to X2 size at the best) great success zone as well.
"Beginner's luck" like idea where Ace has no idea how to repair gens but he is so lucky he succeeds at repairing them anyways.
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And you would have a less of chance with OP's suggested Up The Ante.
In order to get the 5% boost to Luck you'd need to acquire maximum tokens in a perk that can gain tokens. That means you'd need 4 WGLF stacks, a powered Mettle of Man, or 5 tokens on Autodidact before you get that 5% bonus.
While yes, if all 4 Survivors were adding 15% each through 3 perks with maximum tokens and benefiting from Salty Lips, you'd have a near guaranteed chance of Escape over 3 attempts of unhooking yourself, the requirements would be insane - even with Up The Ante doubling the tokens that are earned.
This suggestion would be a little nutty, but more because you could get Mettle of Man up with just 2 Protection Hits and benefit from the full effects of Autodidact after just 3 skillchecks. Not because it'd be marginably easier to self-unhook assuming the perfect conditions.
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I don't see any big issues with this change, but I'd rather any new effects to Up The Ante be more compatible with Ace's other two teachables - or just more versatile in general.
As is, all three of his perks are both lacklustre and dependent upon other synergistic perks being used - having only a minimal or no effect when used alone.
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i think that would work really well !
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This idea is good but only if it also be used without being combod with other perks, we shouldn't have perks that only have the function of buffing other peks, it's just a waste of a perk slot that way, like open handed.
As long as we're sharing ideas, i think up the ante should increase vault speed by 4% for each generator fully repaired (weather or not that would stack with spine chill & resiliance is debatable). and for open handed, anytime the killer sees your aura, you see the killer's aura, it's perfect for Ace's character/personality.