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Buff The Nurse?



  • Member Posts: 166

    Instead of trying to deflate my point with some outdated challenge, you should actually try to understand it. I never said Nurse is of the strongest killers just because there are players out there who got multiple 4ks in row. I just gave an example to people claiming she's weak and in need of buffs.

  • Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2020

    @coppersly the nurse's only weakness is simply the nurse messing up and anecdotal evidence isn't going to change my mind

    you obviously don't loop her like a regular m1 but the problem is her counterplay is almost useless against a good nurse. Sitting at corners, being unpredictable, los break, it's all irrelevant when the nurse knows how to be a reactive blinker and not take unnecessary risks, allowing for outplays

    blink to corners, know when to eat the shorter fatigue, when to follow scratches and not blink after them etc. that's all it takes and suddenly her counterplay is not doing much at all

    personally, i hate what bhvr did to her. old nurse could still be beaten by an organised team which is the whole point of an asymmetrical game. the many coming together to beat the 1. but i get it cos dang if she wasn't boring in a chase and quite frankly the chase is all i care about when im on either side

    fix her bugs and make her addons not useless but i think her power is fine as is

  • Member Posts: 554

    Nurse doesn't need add-ons. Period. I would trade having the base kit back if the ability to use add-ons was disabled NOT because she's weak but because she's UNFUN TO LEARN. I constantly get 4ks as Nurse and I stream it, but the only reason I'm as good as Nurse as I am right now is because I learned her before there was a ridiculous cooldown that, like many others have rightfully said, does NOTHING to nerf her power for people that already knew how to play her and makes learning her so stupidly SLOW and ANNOYING that no one wants to anymore. It was a nerf to new players and an annoyance to veteran players, and reworking her again in some way to make that not the case is the right move.

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    If you're looking for a change that still involves her power meter try my suggestion out:

    Keep throwing it at the devs and they might do something with it who knows.

  • Member Posts: 250

    @RockoRango returning to her base kit won't solve the issue her rework was supposed to. what we need is a solution which makes nurse fun for both sides.

    the old nurse was boring for surv. this nurse is boring for both sides.

    she needs some lovin but she'll probably end up getting the legion treatment. "reworked", might get a few meaningless tweaks and then quietly swept under the rug

  • Member Posts: 2,318

    Well originally she wasn't supposed to get basekit changes. It was just supposed to be an addon pass to address Omega Blink and 5 Blinks. They did more than crush those and left few good ones standing.

    The basekit change was unneeded, untested, and should have been done in a different patch than that of the addon pass but whatever. Now we're stuck with a janky power that defeats itself more often than not and is so bugged you could open a museum with all them.

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    You cannot buff the best killer in game which is on a powerlevel (far) above what a killer should be. You can only nerf her powerlevel while making her easier accessable. But noone ever came up with a practical idea for this issue.

    Also dudes stop pretending her basekit change was unneeded. Thats bs and everybody knows that. Old basekit nurses were a 4k guarantee.

  • Member Posts: 2,318
    edited June 2020

    I think I've come up with a solution that should please you (someone who believes the nerf was necessary) and me (someone who believes it was not) I'm really hoping the devs implement this because I'm tired of the myriad of issues that came with the CD meter.

    Also it wouldn't be buffing, most of us just want it reverted. It was sloppy, makes her janky as hell, and was clearly not designed by people who play & understand her. That's not even considering the ramshackle job that was the addon pass.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    You have to make no mistakes with nurse to win. Every other killer allows you to make mistakes. She was unfairly nerfed too much. She needs all add-ons buffed, especially the ultra rares because they are actually not useable. I main nurse and the ultra rares will actually cause you to lose...

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    No buff, just make her the way she was before. Just change her addons.

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