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Let's Play A Game: Rework an Underused Perk

Member Posts: 1,470

I'll start

Slippery Meat:

*For each Safe unhook you gain a token up to a max of 3. For each token you have the speed at which you unhook yourself or another surivor is increased by 15%. Each time you are hooked you lose 1 token.

*When you successfully unhook another Survivor you gain the Endurance Status effect for 3 seconds.



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  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited June 2020

    The first effect seems useless. If I read the wiki correctly, you unhook after 1,2 seconds, so even a 45% boost would just shorten it to about 800 ms. Not much difference.

    The second effect seems too powerful. Combine that with BT and you get guaranteed safe unhooks for both parties.

  • Member Posts: 376

    We're going to live forever:

    nearly anything at all to make it helpful outside of farming, but how about at 4 stacks killer can no longer see your aura. Or gain 2% gate opening speed buff for each token

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Being able to counter hook camping at the exspense of 2 perk slots and a 3 second window seems pretty fair imo.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    You can already counter hook camping at the expense of 0 perk slots and a 2-minute window. Survivors like you, who feel like they should be able to unhook in any situation no matter where the killer is or what the killer is doing, are why camping works in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I like the range and no cool-down, but 150%? Maybe drop 150 to 100 or 90%? While I may be a Legion Main, stabby stabby and all that, the perk sounds a little op with essentially Ruin Tier 2. Because Ruin 1 already does 100% and Ruin 2 already does 150% Just my thoughts, but I like the direction you're going.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I like that, but Wake Up as well as a couple of other perks speed up the exit gate opening. Maybe the Aura reading can be a thing, but in another way

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Rework, you say? Hmm...

    No One Left Behind: For every Survivor that escapes the trial before you do, gain a token. Each token grants a bonus 5000 Altruism bloodpoints at the end of the trial.

    Increases the speed at which you heal dying Survivors by 30/40/50%.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    With this one, do you mean they get 5k extra points on top of what they have already or would this max out at the 8k cap?

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Cruel Limits:

    Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away.

    Each time a Generator is repaired, all Windows and vault locations within a radius of 32 metres from the Killer are blocked for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds.


    Your ties to the otherworldly manifest when your prey attempts to get away.

    Each time a Generator is repaired, all Windows and vault locations within a radius of 16/24/32 metres from the completed Generator are blocked for all Survivors for the remainder of the Trial.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Bonus 5k, like with scoring points from special event stuff.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    I like that a whole lot more than my first impression.

  • Member Posts: 198

    I have 2 ideas, just because the Demogorgon's perks deserve so much better treatment(and 'cause he's a good boy c:) Mindbreaker and Cruel Limits

    Cruel Limits(Rework)- Once a Generator is completely repaired, any Vault Locations and Windows within a 35(40?) meter radius are blocked for 30/35/40 seconds. If there are any dropped pallets within this radius, it will immediately be broken(only 1 pallet per generator). If a generator is done within the block timer, all Windows and Vault Locations within the previous radius will become unblocked. Once all Generators are completed, ALL Windows and Vault Locations are blocked for 1/2/3 seconds(will not break any pallets).

    Mindbreaker(Buff)- If a Survivor is repairing a Generator with Repair progression under 55%, they will suffer the Exhausted Status Effect for 10/11/12 seconds.

    C: my first time doin one of these, but I'm open to critique.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I mean, the amount of bloodpoints you get from having more than 1 token exceeds the total category cap, so it'd be kind of silly to have it bound to such a limit.

  • Member Posts: 198

    Forgot to mention, when the previous vaults etc. become unblocked, the new radius blocks new vaults

  • Member Posts: 3,666
    edited June 2020


    Furtive chase - On top of its current effect, it now applies the oblivious status effect permanently to whoever is the obsession. To compensate for this, the obsession receives a 5/4/3% boost to movement speed.

    Mindbreaker - The exhaustion lasts 10/15/20 seconds and affects survivors as long as they work on a gen regardless of progress

    Cruel limits - affects ALL windows map wide for a duration of 8/12/16 seconds and destroys every pallet within 32 meters of the completed generator

    Blood Echo - Injured survivors suffer from the exhausted and hemorrhage status effects until they are fully healed


    WGLF - Allows you to see the aura of all survivors for 6 seconds after taking a protection hit or rescuing a survivor safely

    Up the ante - You now have a 30%/40%/50% chance of not being affected by status effects applied by killers perks or add-ons

    Lucky break - completely hides scratch marks and pools of blood for 8 seconds after being injured, causes exhaustion for 80/70/60 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 709

    Deja Vu: The auras of the three gens closest to each other are revealed for 40/50/60 seconds. The repair progress of the gens can be determined by the intensity of their auras. This perk refreshes every time a gen is completed.

    Solitarity and Autodidact: They now work with med kits and their add ons (We'll Make It and Botany Knowledge work with med kits so why don't they?)

    No One Left Behind: Activates when all generators are completed.

  • Member Posts: 198

    Agree with everything except Autodidact, it's kinda cool where it is rn

  • Member Posts: 3,666

    No, it gives you both the exhausted and hemorrage status but for 45 seconds

  • Member Posts: 198

    Oh ok, haven't used Blood Echo in a minute. And also, we have similar Cruel Limits ideas- high five! :D

  • Member Posts: 137

    I'd like to add to your idea, good person!

    "Upon downing a survivor with any attack, all gens within 40m will explode as if a skill check was failed on them (10%), with an additional regression of 5% (tier 1) / 7% (tier 2) / 10% (tier 3).

    Any gens affected by Surge will also be affected by 'Surged Skillchecks' (old Ruin skillchecks) for 30 seconds."

    Obviously this perk is in dire need of a buff to its range and regression values, and it needs the cooldown drastically reduced, preferably removed entirely.

    However, I find a problem with Surge that I haven't seen many people address is how easily it is for an unseen survivor to just hop back on the affected gen while the killer hooks the downed survivor, and reclaim the measly amount of regression back in barely 10 seconds.

    That's where the skill checks come in. Not only would it make regaining that lost progression a little bit harder, it makes sense regarding the concept of the perk. The description for it is as follows:

    "Your eerie presence changes the air and interferes with technology".

    If not old Ruin skillchecks or Entity arms blocking it, maybe let Overcharge work in conjunction with it. I dunno, I just think it needs an additional effect for AFTER the initial Surge. If they boosted the numbers and removed the cooldown, I'd be perfectly happy. But damn it, this perk has SO much potential, and I'd love to see it get a good bit of attention one day.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Someone on stream said Hex:Ruin should be 200% regression when active and 125% regression when it's gone.

  • Member Posts: 137

    Hey, thanks man! I've also wondered what it would be like if the affected range of Surge was tied to the terror radius. Obviously that would hinder it on 24m TR killers like Hag, Huntress, Spirit, etc.

    But when used with Distressing, Monitor and Abuse, Agitation, Doctor's add-ons, you could have affected ranges of over 40m, maybe even bordering on 50m!

  • Member Posts: 462

    That's what I was thinking. But it would make low tr killers less useful and calm distressing doc on the game a nightmare.

    It would be amazing with monitor because it would bring 32 to 40. Oni would be insane.

    I'm not sure. I'd rather it be stronger on everyone rather than really strong on some

  • Member Posts: 853

    Cruel Limits: Once a generator is repaired, ALL vault locations will be blocked by the entity for 10/15/20 seconds

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I honestly just want Beast Of Prey to be something you can activate whenever you want, but with a set duration and a cooldown.

    Hell, make it only the red light if on-demand undetectable for every killer is too much. It would be a pretty fun perk for tricking people I feel.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Remember me:

    - for every lit or dull totem left standing by the time the last generator is completed, the EGC timer will be reduced by 15%.

    - exit gate switches regress

  • Member Posts: 632

    Trail of Torment

    After kicking a generator gain undetectable for 10/20/30 seconds

    no cooldown

  • Member Posts: 1,122
  • Member Posts: 543
    edited June 2020


    1) Hex:Huntress Lullaby does not appear active until 1 token is accrued.

    2) Hex:Devour Hope does not appear active until 1 token is accrued.

    3) Cruel Limits blocks vault/windows for 32 meters (up from 24 meters) for up to 30 seconds.

    4) Predator holds visual alerts for two additional seconds in addition to allowing scratch marks to spawn closer together. The visual alert cues work for other perks therefore BBQ would now hold for 6 seconds instead of 4s, I'm All ears would hold for up to 8 seconds instead of 6s, etc.

    5) Zanshin Tactics could use some kind of boost. Perhaps improving vault speeds 15% or so? Pallet breaking 15% quicker? I'm not sure.

    6) Territorial Imperative should have no minimum range gate. I don't know why it does. It still won't be popular after this buff.

    7) Hangman's Trick should double the sabo time.

    8) Beast of Prey should activate whenever entering a chase to remove red stain, not just waiting for bloodlust. This would make it usable.

    9) Hex: The Third Seal does not appear active until it is active on at least 1 target.

    10) Blood Echo should take effect when downing a survivor, giving exhaustion and hemorrhage when you are more likely to be switching targets, rather than having to hook someone to activate it.

    11) Mad Grit should increase lunge while someone is on your back. This guarantees that body blocking becomes a poor play to make(which survivors should not be incentivized to make in the first place).

    12) Tinkerer should give the notification at 80% gen completion instead of 85% gen comp. The reason is because some maps are difficult to traverse like Lery's or just too big like Red Forest. This perk is essentially only for Freddy, Billy, and Demogorgon anyways.

    13) Dying Light should incur no additional healing or dehooking bonus for the obsession.

    14) Distressing should give a mild haste bonus. 3-5% should be fine. This allows it to be used in addition to Terror Radius perks and makes up for the early warning survivors are getting.

    15) Hex:Retribution should be extended to give visibility for 15 seconds.

    16) Iron Grasp should be extended from a maximum of 12% to 15% in addition to reducing wiggle struggle.

    17) Brutal Strength needs a slight percentage buff. Play testing would decide. I'm not sure what that number looks like.

    18) Haunted Grounds should activate one of the unused hexes every 60 seconds (not replacing any unactive hexes used, so an inactive NOED or Devour Hope will not be replaced). The effect is the same, but with more usage than the current HG.

    19) Make Your Choice minimum range gate should be reduced to 24 meters. Effect for exposing stays the same.

    20) Thanatophobia incurs up to 4% per injured/downed/hooked survivor but doubles for each killed survivor. This makes sense because lore wise it increases the fear of death, doesn't degenerate as you continue to play but improves, and when you get down to one survivor anyways they're not trying to heal or complete gens-they're looking for hatch- so that 24% is a scary number but the last surv isn't trying to pop gens. In duos where two are dead and two are injured they would be looking at 24% uptime and that's fair. Alternatively, rebalance the percentages to reflect that marginal difference it has on healing and the much more potent effect it has on generators.

    21) All perks involving obsessions should give you a means to figure out who your obsession is as you're chasing them, not after you squander time chasing the wrong target.

    22) Hexes should take slightly longer by default to break.

    23) Perks that punish bodyblocking need to be introduced(if not just an outright mechanic). The one slated to release with Pyramid Head is a waste. Bodyblocking is an offensive tactic and should not be used by survivors.

    24) Iron Maiden should expose a target for 30 seconds. Possibly more. 15 seconds is nearly useless, particularly if they have a pallet or vault or window or meatshield to bodyblock nearby.

    25) A perk needs to be introduced that summons the entity to maim survivors who teabag at exit gates. I would not only reinstall but purchase a DLC for this one item.

    Post edited by TransverseCaster on
  • Member Posts: 543


    1) Up the Ante should buff % of luck slightly more.

    2) Borrowed Time should have a cooldown of 120 seconds. Honestly I think it should be reworked to give a sprint burst rather than invincibility. It's painful when a survivor is unhooked, Sprint Bursts or Dead Hards away, maybe catch them because they ran into a wall or made some stupid play and they're still rewarded with it and given invincibility on top of the advantage they already had. Gets worse if they have ADR. Giving invincibility also encourages body blocking(offensive gameplay for survivors is wrong).

    3) Decisive Strike should be removed. It's offensive gameplay for the side that is supposed to be defensive. "But I need more safety after I get taken off the hook" I hear hordes of screaming survivors say. Wrong. There are other perks for that. There's still dead hard, lithe, balanced landing, or sprint burst that resets on top of defensive perks like borrowed time, breakdown, off the record, etc.

    4) Adrenaline(ADR) should not be put on hold if they're hooked. That's just stupid and punishes the killer for something they thought they did right and had no way to prevent, especially with the culture and perks that already exist to mitigate tunneling off hook.

    5) Unbreakable recovery time should be capped at 20%, down from 35%. That number we're working with right now is absolutely ridiculous.

    6) It's not a perk, but survivors should get extra time to hide in lockers if they're within the killers TR.

  • Member Posts: 2,065

    My ideas:

    Monstrous Shrine: The effects on the basement hooks are also applied to a single hook that you have used to hook two or more different survivors.

    Beast of Prey: Along with its current effect, decrease the amount of time needed to reach Bloodlust.

    Mindbreaker: Its effect becomes cumulative. The longer you spend on a generator, the longer Mindbreaker's effect lingers for after it stops causing exhaustion.

  • Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2020

    Beast of Prey: While you are chasing an Injured Survivor, you are undetectable. Bonus Bloodpoints would remain the same.

    Gearhead: After hitting survivors two times, Gearhead activates. Any survivor working on a generator is faced with a skill check. On a good skill check, the generator's aura will glow yellow for 10/15/20 seconds. On a great, nothing happens and the gen won't gain any bonus progress from the great skill check. On a failure, the generator explodes as normal.

  • Member Posts: 2,259

    Coulrophobia: Screaming increases your fear and has you on edge. Every time you scream (take hit, get hooked, certain killer powers, perk sources), gain a stack. At 7 stacks, you are easily spooked and scream every time you get within 2/4/6 meters of another healthy or injured survivor (not slugged or hooked) for the remainder of the trial.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Hex: Third Seal and Hex: Lullaby. Add the following text to both perks "The first time the active hex totem associated with this perk is cleansed if there is a dull totem available it becomes active for for this perk." I would even be okay with all progress toward the hex being lost. Lullaby loses tokens and those blinded by third seal are unblinded unless hit again.

  • Member Posts: 543

    That's an interesting way of ensuring some use out of these perks. I'd be for those changes. It's probably better than what I suggested. Def wouldn't want these effects on other hexes though. It might be OP used with DH.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    It would definitely be overpowered with some hex perks. I specifically picked the underused and less powerful ones to bring them more in line.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    Overcharge: generator remain broken untill successful skillcheck.

    Sometimes survivors tap gen while chase and fail skillcheck but gen stop regressing. I suggest Overcharge status be applied and skillcheck appear over and over until survivor get this skillcheck or until generator fully regressed. Also if Killer break gen and it go to 0%, there will be no skilcheck.

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