[Killer Story Time] Survivors blaming killers for their mistakes.

(Format blatantly stolen from Orion.)
(I was 14, pipped up to 13! Yay, thanks team. Fear not, I'll be back to 16 soon. 4-man SWF, hence the extreme disparity in ranks. Last guy got hatch, who also happened to be the angel in chat.)
Regarding the chat context: Yup, I camped the everliving crap out of Bill. Why? Because the second I downed him, Nancy came over to sabo the hook, while Meg and Nea tried to heal him, and one of them kept clicking a flashlight so I didn't really bother picking Bill back up right away.
This went on for some time, until I hit enough people that they realized it was a bad idea and gave up. Then Bill got hooked and proceeded to suicide immediately.
So yes, survivors: If you over-commit to saving someone in that situation, you're actually almost guaranteeing their demise. Where else would the killer go in this scenario? In fact, Nancy probably played the biggest part in ensuring Bill's death by sabotaging the hook twice, because had I just hooked him I would have left and the game could have likely moved on.
...or you can just blame the killer and yell at them for playing unfair.
Poor Bill...probably his first match and now he's scared to try again...lol
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I'm confused. How did you camp Bill if you left him on the ground while they did their little shenanigans and then he immediately hook suicided?
Did he suicide on first hook?
Was this his second hook and you camped him through his first hook and downed him when he got off?
I feel like we're missing some deets.
Also, why is your game always super funky colored?
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Of course it's you rushing to the defense of the survivors.
"But no, you MUST have done bad things, you're the killer!" π€£
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The sequel!
I wonder what these guys were up to, SWFing with that 19.
Must have just been a mistake. π
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Oh, ok.
Let me know when survivors restrict their communicating to the "design" of the game, too.
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They probably swfed with that rank 20 to bully a rank 20. failed, and now there calling you a camper instead of admiting there bad
Post edited by Respectfulnancymain on3 -
Like survivor that like to run up and constantly flashlight blind a killer and teabag, then they complain when you decide to remove that annoyance.
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Woah why does it look so cool with the colours?
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Because my eyes don't like reds/greens together too much. So reds are now some kind of light purple?
It's not full on deuteranopia by any means (I think it's called a mild "weakness" rather than "blindness") I can see red and green very distinctly, but in situations where colors are often blending together and I need to quickly see tiny bits of red (scratches?) it's possible but just a lot easier if they're a color other than red.
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Okay, since it's story time here is mine:
I played as the Demogorgon as a rank 13 Killer against rank 10 and below. The round lasted about 10-12 minutes because at the beginning gens were just flying once i found a survivor(Dwight) by the time i downed and hooked him they were down to 2 gens that was all they needed. So i hooked Dwight and went on to the closest gen when I noticed one of them making a run for Dwight. So I abandoned my original plan and went after that survivor. We made loops and loops around Dwight until i finally downed her(Meg i think) and as soon as i downed her one other survivor rescued Dwight... so I went there to check and hit the rescuer and downed Dwight again so now 2 down and 2 to more suvivor to go. I picked up dwight and hooked him again when i noticed the other 2 survivor at the hook so we made loops and loops and loops until i finally downed the other 2 so 1 hooked Dwight and 3 downed survivor. When Dwight died i easly picked the other 3 up and hooked all of them since I had Deerstalker III . One of them even menaged to get off the hook but unfortunatly for her i was still close, downed and hooked her again. So that's my story of a 4 kill match. Then after the game in the chat they said i was a "noob". Then I asked "why"? The respons was "think". And yes it might seem that i was camping but for god's sake all of them were right there.
(the perks I had: Deerstalker III, Whispers III, Hex: NOED, Shadowborn I)
What did I do wrong? all 4 of them were there trying their best to rescue Dwight. What was I suppose to do? go to the other side of the map when i knew that all of them were at the same place?
Any advice? (I might be a noob for all I know xd I only played this game for like a month and a half)
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Mmm yes I love it when survivors swarm a teamate in need, downed or hooked. No need to pressure gens no ones at, just free hits for days.
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Yup. You'll have this happen to you a lot. You didn't do anything wrong.
There are a lot of situations where survivors just seem to think that the killer should give up. They won't say that directly, but they'll insist that you're a "noob" or "toxic" if you don't take actions that directly lead to your loss.
Situations like extreme altruism - like your example - or a really tight 3-gen scenario, or hooking someone when the exit gates are open. People will insist that you should just walk away from the hook, or commit to a long chase instead of protecting the gens, or look for other people instead of securing that last kill.
It's nonsense and it basically boils down to asking the killer, "Would you please just let me win?". And some people will get extremely pushy about it.
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So basicly it was just a little bit of salt because they messed up?
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Pretty much. Although in their mind they didn't mess up, you "didn't play fair".
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Everything about this post is absurd and barely even warrants this much of a reply, honestly.
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...they literally...never rushed to any defense though?
Like this person just asked for clarity in a polite way, told you why they were confused and you not only respond jeering with a bad attitude but don't clear up what the questions they asked?
Not everything is a personal attack, you can reply to people in civilised manner when they are literally talking to you in that way.
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True. But given my history with that poster, that "innocent question" was almost certainly going to be a prelude to, "A-ha, I found something that I think is an inconsistency, you lying killer scum!" π
If it was anyone else I probably would have just answered, honestly.
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That's fair enough I suppose. I see you around here and even in twitch chats often and I didn't think you spoke that way usually so I was just surprised.
Honestly I think it's more effective to completly ignore people you don't get on with if you know they're trying to aggravate you, the only thing they achieve is wasting their own time
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I'm guessing it was Bills first hook? And this must've been early in that match and not end game if you got two more kills. If playing like that you can't be bitter after if it doesn't work, instead learn when it's best to split up.
There was a time myself and randoms did something similar to an Iri Huntress at beginning of a match. Start of match I found flashlight in chest, gave it to other survivor because I suck with them and always give them to first survivor I see. During this Huntress downed someone nearby. I ran over, sabotaged hook and was downed but survivor being carried wiggled free. Then as I was picked up the survivor I gave the flashlight to blinded the killer. We got maybe two gens completed before she killed us all. Think her one shot with mori made us figure we were all going to die quickly anyway so may as well have some fun. π
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You're the one calling me out for something. Not the other way around. Pretty sure that leaves the hypocrisy ball in your court.
Besides, it's obvious that you're just trolling over someone's video settings. It's not like it's even a real discussion, why would I bother to engage seriously? I guess I could respond with, "Why is your headphone volume set the way it is, bruh?!"
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I had something similar happen tonight. Two bills and a david were clearly teamed up, i think poor dwight was just caught in the middle. I pick david up and bill sabos a hook, so slap him and start walking to the other hook. He sabos that one and i slap him again downing him. I tried dropping david but it was to late, he wiggled free, made it a few steps and i downed him again (left him slugged). Came back to bill being picked up by other bill, i slappdd him back down. Chased 3rd bill (who had a flashlight), downed and hooked him then went back. Dwight picked them both up i slapped dwight amd we went round 2. This went on for awhile with dwight finally giving up and working on a gen on the other side of the map in killer shack. It ended with the tree of them slugged on death hook and being hooked and dead one after the other. Hatched showed up in killer shack and i got to watch dwelf bounce.
Bully squads are the best cause they dont bother much with gens. I also learned iron will doesnt help bill. His coughing is still audible.
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Bruh, your so wrong.
Everyone knows that if you play the game, your automatically wrong. If you post something on here, your wven more wrong.
What do you mean "improve", im a God at this game. I made it to purple ranks once.