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Why can killers cherrypick their opponents but survivors can't?
Show SWF, hide names. Problem solved.
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I’ll admit I wouldn’t mind surv seeing my profile name somewhere so if they wanted to message to farm a challenge and such they could or if I wanted to do that while playing surv as long as they can’t see killer it would all work out
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I think we came to an agreement earlier. 😜
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Oh sorry haven't payed attention to the name lol
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Again, you're mistaken if you think most killers do that. Most killers just queue up and wait. I'll dodge streamers that I know, but that's about it. I just don't like playing against streamers that I know. Cause I know how they play.
Survivors had that ability once. What you say killers do, they did it 100x more.
Again - many answers have been given on why this is a thing. Use the search function. You're only the 9834893849384938493849348989484th person to bring it up.
Besides, checking if a team is an SWF is a perfectly valid preparation tactic. SWF requires, as @Orion has said, a completely different playstyle. Based purely on what SWF brings. As is dodging players you know well, cause it would be unfair for them, due to you knowing how they play. Really, there was no argument against killers having this ability then, and there still isn't a valid one now.
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I see it happen multiple times live on Twitch from the killer's perspective. There is nothing to be mistaken.
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That sounds bannable
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Sounds like one boring ass stream.
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Must be a Hexy watcher, he's the only one who dodges on the regular. Then again, he also says BBQ is OP; or watching someone with no viewers. You don't see ANGRYPUG dodging. You don't see Cahla or Tofu dodging. Scott, no0b, Panda, Bahroo, Ohm etc. What special streamers are you watching?
It's not - cause it just reads a file that literally just shows the killer ID in plain text. It can be done with Notepad - which isn't a third party program, as it's literally part of the OS. It's just another oversight/screwup BHVR needs to be held accountable for; except unlike the Legion exploit, they can't go and ban people for it.
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This has always bothered me in game as well because to want to know the killers ping
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Yeah, I watched him because I versed him earlier and he was extremely salty. So I thought let's see how he plays. Well, after several minutes him dodging lobbys because he didn't like who he is going to verse I left.
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Idk who hexy is, but many names you named are either survivor mains, or simply don't take the game that serious. Also, they are making a living out of streaming. They would just bamboozle themselves if they constantly dodge lobbys and waste time checking profiles instead interacting in chat. And yes, it was usually small streamers. But I also saw tru3 dodging a few times after checking profiles. He is taking dbd very serious tho
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The other day I played wraith on Hawkins. Second I slugged someone, they had two people healing. If I dropped them near a pallet, would always be someone there to try a save. Clearly a 4 man swf, but I still won because I was more skilled than them.
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honestly: no
It's a good thing in theory, yes. But back then old MLGA showed you the steam ID of the killer and people kept on dodging killers with a lot of hours or check their achievements to know which killer they'll verse (if they havent played a variety of killers / no achievements for other killers). Imagine spending a lot of hours on killer and people dodge you, bc they dont want to loose. Its as bad as dodging good survivors bc you want a easy match (like OP's twitch streamer).
I'm all in for no names in a lobby, bc I dont care if I'm going against SWF or stronger players. I take this as an opportunity to learn from, even if that means that I'll hold that L. But I'm on some killers list as well, that bring a mori and camp if they see me or a friend of mine in a lobby. We're both pretty experienced players and it's really unfun to get the same killer multiple times during a single day/night of playing, that is determined to make our gameplay experience miserable. No we're not toxic with flashlights, keys, teabags etc.
imo surv names should be blacked out, shown at the offering screen (similar to mobile) along with items. Surv can see the setup of their team mates, killers can see the names + items (not addons). I'm okay with a swf indicator while being in a lobby (maybe an icon next to each of the swf surv).
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Probably cause the fact some perks hard counter certain killers for example small game/object of obsession vs trapper so if you know you're going against a trapper you can make the game alot easier for yourself by bringing those perks, Got a hag? Everyone bring flashlights, its a spirit? dodge the lobby, a nurse? dodge the lobby, Bubba? Lets put in lery offerings so its harder to chainsaw people you see my point?
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Not to mention there's nothing stopping a killer from last second switching to another killer after the survivors prepared for another one, so even that wouldn't make much sense.
See, most killers dodge SWF. As a survivor I have several people I remember that I've blacklisted and will dodge when i play survivor because they're horrible teammates in the toxic kind of way.
What survivors would do with this information is use it to constantly dodge and only play against killers they know aren't experieced, don't have a lot of hours, are playing an easy killer to fight. It's far more easily abused as a survivor if the information a killer has is given to them, but just like many things in this community people are only capable of comparing things to other things. Dur, if killers can do this, why cant I do that! And 3 pages in of explaining why people still can't seem to grasp or accept it.
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that to, it would just be too much info to give to the surv side, if you ever watched some tournies where they give survs the info of what killer and what map they're going to they massively prepare all the perks and items if allowed to counter that killer its way to much info to give to survs