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Please give keys a timer, like gens/totems/healing etc. Doesn't need to be crazy long, just enough for them to not open the hatch in your face when you outplayed them and got there first. Thanks.
Pointless to do, keys are getting nerfed with moris at some point
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Keys being in chest was a mistake imagine killers randomly finding moris mid match and you have no real warning. Hopefully both of these things get balanced once and for all along with hatch, if I killed 3 survivors with 4 or 5 gens left they don't deserve the chance, the team failed just like if killers couldn't kill anyone and it got to endgame they don't deserve a free kill just cause they had a bad game.
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I'd like it that if you kill the key holding survivor then the key breaks. Also I've seen a massive increase in key uses recently.
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Well, no wonder. There are a lot of cries for Keys to be nerfed. After that happend to instaheals, i rather use them all now instead of keeping them. Same for moris, i used an ebony in my last 30 killer games, and i am going to use one in the next 250, before they become useless.
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Or you could just man up and except they opened it🙄.I mean really take my advice from someone who’s both a killer and survivor main.You shouldn’t act desperate for bp just because someone opened it and escaped.If a survivor escaped in front of you oh well deal with it that’s going to happen.
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na keys are ok
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I'd like to see keys reworked along with their addons to give them unique abilities (and not just a discount bond/object of obsession for 20 seconds). It'd be cool if there were a lot of different abilities you could equip on a key, allowing you to be creative with it. The hatch opening could require a 10 second long action that includes a rapid series of skillchecks (imagine Snapping Out of maddness, but with more than just 3 skillchecks).
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The only change keys need is that they can't be found in chests. That's all.
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I think Keys should still be found in chests. HOWEVER, there should only be a small possibility for it to be found if they have Ace In The Hole equipped.
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Had a game last night where with 1 gen left and 3 survivors remaining, I got to watch 2 ppl jump in hatch right infront of me... Bummer I thought, so I shut it and started looking for the last guy, only for the last one to reopen hatch with a key as well... Endscreen pops up and I see no one brought a key. They found 2 separate keys in chests. Fml...