Moris are for baby killers

Survivors: lmao you use Mori's? Lmao what a baby
Those same survivors:
Notice how everyone is debating the balance of syringes and bnp but everything else is known to be op.
Wow what an interesting post thats really contributing to the fourms
Syringes are clearly op btw
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Tried bringing a needle one time and couldn't figure out how to use it so I never did that again
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I made a way more constructive version of this already, that isn't dripping with empty "main" logic.
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Don't forget that OP BNP too.
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Lmao go ahaed and comment that on the rest of the posts like this on the forums and see how long that takes you.
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So keys and brand new part require skill? Pretty much anyone can hit skill checks if they have those offerings.
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Keys called. They said hold there keg.
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"Prematurely removes survivors from the game"
No, it doesn't. You are not entitled to a certain amount of play time per trial before the killer can kill you. You could bleed out in 4 minutes if the killer slugged you and nobody came to your rescue. You could die on the hook in 10 seconds if you tried to break free and then didn't struggle. You die when you die. That's all.
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I have 100% lost far more teammates as a survivor to suicides than I have to moris. Not even comparable numbers wise for me.
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So true. That and DCers. Piss me off so much.
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As much as I want to complain about moris, you are probably right.
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It deletes 33% of the life states in the game before it begins.
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Only if you can't win chases and the killer decides to use it on you after your first hook. Also, by that logic, Self-Care gives you infinite health states.
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I mean keys can get 3 survs out and cut out a good chunk of the game when the 4th dies that’s completely bullshit, blendettes are pretty bullshit, abusing the model and outfit of a character to be almost impossible to see in on a lot of maps, syringes and brand new parts is bullshit, bringing 4 of the 32 charge green toolbox with good add ons is pretty bullshit, you can drain 2 gens super fast if everyone brought one
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The only item you can compare to a Mori is a key. And even then it's not an even comparison. Personally I'd like to see them both adjusted to be a bit more fair. But that's another issue.
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The life states are gone before you take control of your character, with no possible response or counterplay to the life states not existing. Self-Care -- or any other perk -- is something that you can respond to and push back against in-game. If you think someone has Decisive Strike, you can slug them. If someone has Borrowed Time, you can go after them instead of the unhooked. If someone has Dead Hard, you can bait it out.
There is no equivalent counterplay to a red mori being present in a game, other than "just don't make any mistakes, but way more than normal." I said this before, but this would be like starting a game with two generators already being finished. You wouldn't tell players "well, just find survivors faster and win more chases" if there were an offering that made this happen -- you would be rightly livid at how far it tilts the game onto one side.
(And, for purposes of this discussion, I think we have to reasonably assume that a killer who brings a red mori plans to use it on all survivors at the earliest possible opportunity.)
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Syringe and BNP? They're not even OP anymore lol.
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Youre wrong sfw on comms is baby mode.
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Moris are to keys.
As keys are to Moris
Both are for cheap easy wins, and an admittance to a lack of skill. I think they both ruin the game about equally.
Them be the facts.
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Forgot the key
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Just scrolling through the posts and I really don't see the point of this one. You might aswell have put this on reddit rather.
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I have yet to see a killer that doesn't use his mori the moment he is able to.
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I agree, or intimidated killers.
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The irony of this post doesn't escape me.
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Finally someone got the joke ;D
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Both sides have "crutches" (hate hearing that, but I can see why) such as Moris and Keys, but those extras make the game less predictable and more entertaining for me at least.
The thing that confuses me - and this is probably too literal - but to call a killer a baby killer when they actually do the killing, and yet they're not baby killers if they get The Entity to do it for them! Likewise, a baby survivor apparently is one who refuses to be taken to the hook without resisting, or pulling themselves off the floor despite their agony, but they are not a baby if they just enjoy the ride to the hook. Always odd to me!
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They are! I can loop the killers for 2 gens, 1st hit, use syringe, loop for 1 gen, healed, loop for another 2 gens, there you go! Escaped! LMAO
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Funny story, I thought the styptic agent and syringe could work together, so if you didn't get to 16? seconds you'd at least get endurance. It took me 3 weeks to realize that wasn't how it worked :(
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If you die 10 seconds from being on hook the game is either already over or you killed yourself. Not a good comparison.
I've been playing DBD for years and I've literally never died from bleeding out on the ground without a Survivor at least attempting to save me once. Nor a good comparison.
A good comparison? KEYS. Not only are they a free escape, but they're very luck based. Just like how Ebony is a fee kill.
Both should be nerfed.
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Didn't know that syringes are op. But yea, 16secs when you're hurt + in a chase is really not much lmao sad. + the bnp are 25% on a gen, very much. I'm a player that says that moris are op and that only baby killers need them. I don't use any of the shown things, could you please make another post of that but with every survivor perk, medkit and flashlights? Because i think a player that thinks that syringes are op will also say that every surv perk that isn't trash is op.
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Keys require you to survive for most of the match. Then find hatch which can be more difficult than you realize depending on the map. Far more effort goes into a key than a mori lol.
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This is how you get a real Mori
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Why is this section so cringey
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its not the fact syringes are op or bnp is op its just that they're unhealthy like keys and moris, items and add-on in general have never been very well balanced from the get go, it took a while before flashlights were toned down to what they are, toolboxes are just on the same route with their add ons and such. ALSO he did list the perks at the top that 90% of swfs will run and its true that is a meta perk load out all 2nd chance perks with an exhaust perk wastes tons of the killer time.
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Funny story... Last night had two claudetts playing fudging immersive against a nurse and let feng get downed but the thing is she didn't pick up feng she went for one of the clauds so the other one who was swf with same clothing and perks could have got her but she was sitting on a gen near her while I was on the other side of the map doing a gen which is way farther than where she was. I had to run all the way over there just to pick up the slugged feng just for her to get knocked again. Clauds proceeded to 3 gen us because they only know how to stay on gens instead of looping and predicting like me. So when feng and the other claud died I had to myself run myself and get chased to the other side of the map to help claud get the chance to escape and leave the game. It was about a 20 minute game I believe. It was so tilting that players like this do that sometimes and leave people slugged instead of helping.
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I didn't find NOED OP at all when I was able to deactivate it before it came into play and escaped with all my teammates, but maybe that's just me.
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If you are high rank a mori will often cause you to de pip. A killer can 4k and still lose, all a survivor has to do is hide till hatch
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Yeah, Mori's and Keys both confuse me.
They both just end the game prematurely and everyone loses. Even the people who "won" using them.
They just seem so pointless. I don't even care about being OP or not, they just seem like a waste.
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Gotta admit Unbreakable and DS is some small pp energy.
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This is not true at all. I had an Oni game on the preschool where I killed 3 people with all 5 gens still up AND I closed the hatch and the guy runs right up to my face and jumps into the hatch and escapes anyways. I'm not saying mori's aren't bs I'm saying keys need a major nerf. Both are bs but they are apples and oranges, you can't compare the two.
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I find it funny how the OP is complaining about how the mori's and a few items are a baby move, given his username. He must be getting killers that Mori every match. I very rarely Brand New Part and that syringe add on. Even if someone does bring those add ons, you have a very small Check window to successfully use them.
As for Mori's, I only ever see or get mori'd like every 15 matches. You complain about mori's? Well chances are killer had a perk instead that let's them Mori after a certain point. Dont always blame the item.
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Lmao. Me and my friend went up against a freddy with an ebony mori. He only got to mori one person and the rest of us got out. Even if a killer brings a mori, if he can't hook and down people, then it's pretty useless. That said, it's just a game, and we (my friend and I), actually get excited when we see a mori. It makes us try harder and do better and test ourselves, and then we get to laugh at censored moris when we are in tall grass or against a wall.
You know whats more annoying than an ebony mori? Playing as killer and 2-3 gens pop in the first minute and a half of a game.
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Bro you're assumptions were wayyy out of bounds lmao. I dont even play survivor
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You are way too correct. The same can go vice versa
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Coincidently I bring a mori when someone brings a key
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Well I mean being honest the closest thing you can compare to an ebony more is a key. But the mori is still more forgiving, more you can just hook a survivor once and kill them.
At least with key you have to complete two, or three generators and 1or 2 people have to be dead. Then there's the issue finding the damn thing. And killers can actually close the hatch to completely cancel it.
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But then whyd u say Moris are for baby killers, when u dont play survivor? And added a few other things? I've never gotten an Ebony mori to appear in the killers bloodweb. And I think I've only Mori'd someone once with a Cypress mori, for a daily.
Not trying to sound mean if that's what my post looks like.
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It was sarcasm. I was making fun of the people who use moris and say they're for baby killers yet they're killers strongest item then those same people use their strongest items
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Hook a survivor once and they can be killed vs do a few quick fire skill checks for some bonus progress on a gen OR press a button to heal somebody a few seconds later OR survive until your teammates die and then hopefully find the hatch before the killer (who probably also has Noed) finds you. . . Yeah seems super fair, clearly the game favors survivors with aaaaaall these advantages they get 😂