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General Discussions

Soooo We're Finally Not Going To Dance Around Character Orentation



  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Sure, I'd think the pessimistic view is that Pride Month is an opportunistic time to do something like this. But doesn't Pride Month exist to call attention to the impact that LGBT people have had? There's a positive connotation to have a company saying "hey, we hear you." It may not be ideal, but am I wrong in thinking that this kind of progress is a net positive?

  • Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Honestly I hate pride month. Having an entire month dedicated to how different you are kinda sucks. Often tends to be the roughest time to be one too as the sexuality is just being tossed around for marketing the entire month. Having companies spontaneously declare characters gay on pride month for publicity is just plain irritating. Makes it blatant that it's just corporate.

  • Member Posts: 826

    So am I and it's not like it doesn't bleed over a lot past the border. Pride month ends up happening just as much here as the states.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Well, I apologize for anything I've said here that comes across as "straightsplaining," as it were. Obviously there are a whole range of opinions here, but I suppose it sucks to have the feeling that your identity is being treated as a prop.

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    Nah, I won't say you're wrong. It's definitely a fine line when handling social issues.

    Rainbow-washing may be a problem, but there's also a saying that I always liked: "If someone wants to be your friend, let them."

    So...yeah. Fine line and all, I guess.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited June 2020

    I could really care less about such things in video games and I think it's dumb to make a big deal out of it. Some things should be kept unknown and the person playing that character is more than welcome to believe, to them, they are what they are. Instead you're forcefully taking what some people may already do and forcing them to accept their favorite character is this, or is that, and all of their cosmetics in the future become heavily based around it for all we know.

    So, I guess what I'm trying to say is I wish this type of political garbage was left out of a platform that it has no real reason in being in outside of pleasing groups of people. In my experience the people who complain about there being a lack of, say, LGBT things in a video game, are the same type of people who are the kind of people that give LGBT people a bad name. They're the kind of people who force their opinions and beliefs onto you but then hate when you do it to them. And they're the kind of people who say "Bisexual is fine, if you're with someone of the same sex, not opposite." This type of behavior only leads to more problems and more divide.

    Just my opinion, as I have experience with that community. See, Blizzard did the same thing as this, and guess what? Like every company who says they support this type of thing, it's all just for money. They don't support you at all, they support your money. Look at us, we're inclusive, play our game.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    There's nothing political about mentioning a character's backstory. Nobody's forcing you to accept anything, as @ABannedCat already proved.

  • Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    Oh God please don't use that word. This whole "only people with the lived experience can have an opinion" thing is just some weirdly popularized junk that has infected the world lately. Your allowed your own opinion just am I am. I just feel far too many people are putting too much effort into "helping" to the point it's actually causing damage. I can atleast say for myself just being treated as a person not a person of x group is all I ask for.

    I wouldn't know for Quebec on the whole in particular as it's kind of the strange offshoot of Canada having visited Pride Street/Gay Village during pride month in Montreal I can safely say yes. It's certainly got it's roots in the one place I've been in Quebec. It's not exactly a distant land and the internet rather diffuses things all over quite effectively. Thanks to the Internet things can be quite wide reaching beyond mere borders.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Gonna be honest, I think this is a bad move.

    First of all, they tweeted this in the middle of Pride month. That gives me HEAVY pandering vibes. Not “Dear White People” levels of pandering, but still.

    Second of all, sure it’s nice to know that they put LGBT people in the game, but here’s the kicker: By canonizing existing characters’ sexualities, they run the risk of making the game LESS inclusive for some people by denying a trait they might identify a certain character with.

    For example, I’m not the type of person to give one about sexuality of fictional characters, but let’s say I am. Let’s say I’m the type of person who finds the sexualities of characters to be a really big deal. I really, really like Jake. Like, I’m a huge, HUGE fan of Jake. I’m also bi. It makes sense that I, a massive Jake fan, would personally view Jake as bi for the simple purpose of making him more relatable, right? But let’s say BHVR releases a Tome for Jake that confirms him as straight. Suddenly I was just denied a major way of relating to this character I love to pieces.

    See how that’s a double-edged sword? By sticking a character into a certain group to make your game more “diverse” you risk people of other groups who wish to identify with that character being able to do so. It’s a dice roll for these people, especially when it comes to real unfortunate scenarios like all the characters they like being non-LGBT and the one character they really hate or don’t care about being the only person in-game who reflects their orientation.

    You canonize sexualities too much, and suddenly a lot of characters become less relatable for a lot of people. It’s really not as good a move as people would like to think.

  • Member Posts: 14,876
    edited June 2020

    Not a problem at all.

    because they never stated that character would be gay. But also because I don’t care for the sexual orientation of the character at all.

    i made the same argument because your argument was the same, you are saying they might change the char in the future and that will stop you from playing that char, I say they don’t change the char, they just add something, as long as there are no contradictions to previously stated lore there should be no problem. They are not making a char gay, they are just not restricting themselves in the future and are now able to mention same-sex relations and other personal backstory lore, which they already now add to existing chars.

    oh and just to get as personal as you: your arguments were the lousy ones from the beginning. How could you care that much about some fictional character? And even if stated officially, you can still have your own lore in mind (I think it’s called head canon?) and nothing would change.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    So far, then the announcement came.

    I'm saying that i hope this announcement doesn't mean that their lore will solely revolve around that one aspect.

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    I mean... basing things off of their track record I would say the story will make sense where it makes sense. That's the whole point of them even announcing this.

    But I also think it's unfair that some people want to jump the gun before they even add anything.

  • Member Posts: 96

    I am sick of posts like this one. I dont have anything against gay people, but come on, you dont need to go around and scream that you are gay. Keep your sexual orientation for yourself and just play the game. We don't need that kind of stuff in gaming. Sorry for your tough times but its life and youll just get stronger. Dbd has nothing to do with it so you might search for a help somewhere else. Peace.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    "I don't have anything against gay people, I just don't like that they're visible in any way and wish they would get away from me."

    That's what you sound like right now, just wanted to let you know.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Okay, but i'm not jumping the gun, all i'm doing is hoping.

  • Member Posts: 96

    No. Toughen up and dont act like a victim cuz you're not. Dont try to make me a homophobe.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I'm just telling it like it is, why are you getting upset?

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    Sorry but the fact that posts like this make you feel sick is just telling that you do have something against gay people. (Alone that phrasing.. lol)

    just keep your hate to yourself and ignore posts like this. They don’t attack you and shouldn’t affect you in any way if you don’t have anything against any LGBT+ people/chars.

    DbD and the creators of DbD just stated that they do have something to do with it and they want to include people of the community and they don’t want to exclude anyone.

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    It basically reads "I don't have anything against gay people, but I do."

  • Member Posts: 953

    Can someone tag mod to close this thread?

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    @MongolPSR I left a comment on your profile, please read it. Don't let people like this silence you. Express your happiness, Entity knows we need some positivity.

  • Member Posts: 96

    What i said i meant for every sexual orientation, no matter which one it is. But i can see that lgbt lobby is strong on this forum and that is what upsets me. Stop spreading your ideology and leave everyone alone. Straight, gay, bi i dont give a #########. Let me enjoy the game without that bullshitery or something similar to that. Bye

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited June 2020

    Heterosexuality was added to the game a few years ago, where was your outrage then?

    PS: My reference to "people like this" wasn't even about you.

  • Member Posts: 209

    Props on being a voice of reason on this discussion on multiple fronts. It's a lot of energy and it really doesn't seem to work on people who believe sexuality is an inherently 'political' topic, but you and a few other people are doing a really good job of outlining the hypocritical thinking that this tweet seems to have inspired. Thank you!

  • Member Posts: 96

    I ve started playing recently and also recently joined the forums as you can see from the number of my posts. I'd reacted the same way cuz i don't see stuff like this important for the game. How about they fix bugs and balance it better. Priorities my people and not this. Use youre imagination and every character can be gay, straight or whatever else you want him to be.

  • Member Posts: 209

    This argument is more than a little facile.

    Lore is something being added to the game which is a big draw to some people. The team that writes the lore probably aren't the same people who fix the bugs. Both can exist.

    If you 'don't see how stuff like this is important for the game' that's great! Go jump on the thread about hook suicides, nerfing swf or reworking leigion- whatever the hot topics are right now.

    It would be a real shame if a significant portion of your first forum comments were spent arguing over something you don't think is important.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    Well the problem was they said they won’t mention the sexuality of character so that you could self insert etc. But they did mention multiple heterosexual relationships (notably Nurse was married to a man, Julie and Frank, David had an ex).

    so in a way they contradicted themselves and excluded everything non hetero.

    now they just mentioned they revised their stand on this and they will include LGBT+ in the lore etc. because of people giving feedback and questioning them about it.

    this will in no way stand in the way for bug fixing etc. The people writing the lore etc are not the same and will not actually work more on it now, they are just not restricted anymore.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Am i the only one, that gives a damn about the lore and sexual orientation?

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    You don’t have to, that’s totally fine! but there are people that care and it does not hurt anybody to include non hetero relationships. And there are people pretty much saying „I don’t care but pls exclude everything gay“

    Lore and backstory of characters is nothing new, so actually nothing should really change with this but some people feel more included in a way.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    I give a damn about the lore, but sexual orientation is as relevant to me as what you had for breakfast. Meaning, unless we're actively dating, I couldn't care less.

  • Member Posts: 14,876

    This is so well written! I couldn’t write something that well in my native language if my life depended on it..

    thank you so much for not staying silent and for not letting the negative comments get the upper hand!

  • Member Posts: 209

    I hope you've seen that there have been a lot of people on the same page as you too! The negativety is tough to face, but you definitely aren't alone in seeing this a positive step for the game and gaming at large ^^

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