Please do something about survivors suicide on hook



  • Benno101
    Benno101 Member Posts: 47


    I actually feel sorry for the Devs for once, having to read through pointless reports about in-game mechanics that aren't even ban-able.

    Stay mad.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    I dunno, unsportsmanlike conduct is a report option. I think everyone would agree not playing the game is unsportsmanlike.

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 266

    I've only seen happen to myself a couple times when I'm killer when they think I'm tunneling, but I totally get why they do it. Its a part of the game sadly. In higher ranks I don't ever really see it. In low ranks its kinda frequent

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    yes it is PART of the game, but it is not part of the functionality from within the match.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    there is no way to force someone to stay in the game. People don’t enjoy getting tunneled, Mori’d, camped on. To be honest I’d probably stop playing if they banned for that type of thing. It’s still a “chance” you can escape off the hook so they’re technically not doing anything wrong. Especially if you consider the fact that they could get Mori’d as soon as they get off all you’re doing is losing faster and wasting time getting that guy off the hook. Same applies if he’s camping the hook. This game gets really irritating sometimes because of the lack of chances survivors have sometimes despite all the whining and crying about second chance perks. These second chance perks don’t do anything for the camped tunneled Mori’d survivor. That guy is getting de ranked anyways for something that’s not his fault. How about that guy? You’re over here worried about something that affects you well what about him? That’s selfish. Just because you’re the one comfortably doing generators while he’s bleeding out on a hook getting camped on or Mori’d when he gets off that makes him the bad guy for finding an easy way out? Yeah okay.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    "There is no way to force someone to stay in the game"

    I don't know why people keep saying that, ever other game has figured out how to do it by giving steep punishments to those that do. And it works fine in those games, and in games like DotA where a game can last an hour they still somehow manage to keep people from leaving the game.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Dying in 2nd phase is not unsportsmanlike. There's no way you can prove it was intentional vs. a slip of the finger, so reporting is probably futile. But by all means, carry on. It won't result in anything. And people typically have a reason for wanting out of a match. Their own personal reason does not have to be validated by you. Everyone has a finite amount of time on this planet and especially to play if they aren't having fun a match - in a game they payed money to enjoy - they should feel free to move on when given the opportunity to do so within the game's mechanics. You're welcome to think that's BS, but I highly doubt we will ever see suicide conditions implemented. On the flip side, it'd be great if they could inject a mechanic like that for when you're a slug. I'd love to just slit my wrists and bleed out immediately. Why should Killers get all the time saving buffs 👍️

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If only people could learn to take an L we wouldn't have this problem.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Yeah, you can prove it's intentional easily. They person got downed in 30 seconds of the match starting. immediately tried to unhook themselves 3 times, then didn't press spacebar. Pretty obvious what their intent was there.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Also, correct, everyone has a finite amount of time. But why does 1 person then get to ruin the game for the 4 other people in the game. You ruined 4x the amount of time that you yourself "saved" for yourself.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    How is it not a team based game for survivors? Can they solo a killer and finish gens?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You can literally do nothing and not help anyone and still escape. It's not a very good tactic, but a valid one.

    Also if it's just you and me left I can totally sandbag you or rat you out to the killer. Scummy tactic but also valid as long as I'm not explicitly working with the killer (as in pre-meditated and the killer and I are in voice chat with the goal to get everyone else killed and then he let's me go).

    Or if it's just the two of us and you get caught and it's your first hook I have absolutely NO obligation to save you. I can just leave you to die, which is actually the smarter decision considering that by saving you we are now both in the same place and the killer is more likely to catch both of us.

    DBD is not a team game. Survivors have the same goal but your success as a survivor is independent of my success as a survivor. It would be in my best interest to co-operate with you because the longer any individual survivor is alive the greater the chance each survivor has to escape, but I'm not forced to work together with you. I can (and will if necessary) let you die if it means I escape.

    If it were a team game then you outcome would equal my outcome. COD is a team game because if you lose, I also lose. DBD is not a team game because you can lose while I can win. At best it's a co-operative game, something like Minecraft, but I have the option to not co-operate and even do what I can to get you killed if I want or feel it necessary to my own survival.

  • dangitben
    dangitben Member Posts: 58

    take your kill and move on to the next game. I've suicided because i really REALLY had to poop. should i get banned for that?

  • DisappointedUser
    DisappointedUser Member Posts: 420
    edited May 2020

    There seems to be many online games which don't prevent you from screwing your team over, only disconnecting.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    You can't rat someone out to the killer, that's working with the killer and its literally a report option and is bannable per the devs.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    If you do it once? No, Games like DotA and LoL won't ban you for one game either, it's when you show a pattern of doing it. Which highly discourages people from doing it unless there really is a valid excuse like an emergency. Similar to the DC penalty, the first one is 5 minutes, usually enough time to hop back into a game, but if you make a habit of it, the timer increases longer and longer.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes you can. It's only bannable if you and the killer are working together to kill everyone else. As in, you are both in a party together and you lead him to other survivors, he kills them, then let's you go. In other words it has to be premeditated and coordinated.

    If I put on Bond/OOO and just bring the killer to you every time that's not bannable. It's a dick move, but not bannable.

    I've ratted out other survivors to the killer and they let me go. See them jump in a locker, run to the locker and open it. Killer hooks them and let's me go. We weren't communicating or planning to do that from the start, I just did it and they decided to let me go. Nothing bannable about that.

  • Meroko
    Meroko Member Posts: 107

    Honestly, I'm hoping they just move the cage mechanic to the hooks. What I mean is, adding skill checks in the struggle phase. When you miss a skill check, it reduces your timer slightly. There's no way to ######### in the cages, and if they utilize this system on the hooks, it would be the same. There would be no real way to suicide, you could make your death happen slightly faster, but no killing yourself anymore

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    It's not a free DC. Its acknowledging your team isn't even working with you, so you're wasting your time.

    If I do 2/3 gens, save someone, and get hooked to see everyone else hiding or ALL swarming the killer, I'm done. Theyve done 0 work, and will likely get caught trying to rush to the killer/me. Resulting in still 0 gens, and 2 or 3 of us hooked.

    If someone farms me off hook and lingers to do it again, or gets me caught and then tries to come farm me, I'm not giving them the points. I'm dead either way.

    Theres a difference between not wanting to play, and realizing it's a fruitless endeavor. I wont DC, but in some specific scenarios, I'll absolutely kill myself on hook.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Hrmm, every other COMPETETIVE game, sure.

    This isnt one of those.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Explain that logic to me. How is DCing any different then killing yourself on the hook? The exception being that you get to keep your bloodpoints and don't get a time penalty. Both take you out the game immediately.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited May 2020

    The same people who defend being able to DC whenever they want and wanting the penalty gone are the same type of people who advocate for suiciding on hook, so unfortunately the only way to get it to happen is to do it. Apparently people only care about their own experience and fun, and have really thin skin so they like having the ability to nope out of any game at any point for any reason, regardless of how small, and ruin the experience for 4 other people.

    Pretty sad people justify it, really. Not saying that other things would have to change if it were a thing, but still.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    More games today, same thing, hook suicide within 30 seconds of a match starting twice.

  • Starr43
    Starr43 Member Posts: 873

    Not to be meme but maybe play something else..


  • fate
    fate Member Posts: 1

    I agree with you Reinami.

    I feel this is a societal problem. I'm a competitive person and I've played competitive sports my entire life from pickup basketball to being a state champion in martial arts/football/baseball. So naturally I'm drawn to games like League, CSGO, Overwatch etc. and love playing them. One of the lessons sports teaches you growing up is how to be a good teammate. On this forum, we all love DBD and are passionate about it. We queue up because we want to have fun. I think there are various definitions on what "fun" is. For some fun is simply winning the game and doing your best. For others its making meme builds and tea bagging the killer, facecamp/tunnel/mori every survivor. You cannot hold people hostage to do your bidding to play a game, but I feel if you queue up for a game with others involved you should treat everyone with respect and early quitting because people are not playing how you want them to play is unsportsmanlike conduct. I feel people who do this: never played sport/were on a team in their life, because if they did their parents would be mortified watching them walk off the field and the coach would make them sit on the bench until they apologized to their teammates. I have a friend that back in the day we used play a ton of Maddon football, and he would always beat me. But when I finally did win, he would immediately quit. I eventually just stopped wanting to play with him. It's no different with online games. There is a lot of sore losers and unfortunately we have to deal with it. That's life. Yes life happens. Babies are crying, Pizza delivery is at the door etc. There will always be people who walk the line of what is bannable and what isn't. Well the Devs can't prove I rage quit or I had to pinch a loaf in the bathroom. That's why I think if it's a pattern for sure those people should be banned. But don't be that guy that just rage quit DC'd because "my teammates suck" Usually those people are the ones who are being carried and its their defense mechanism to save face. It's selfish and those people are never going to change. Why is the game over because you decide it is? You are letting your teammates down. It's a respect thing. Yes this is the internet, and there is virtually zero consequences to being a jerk online most of the time so that is why people do it. Devs have to say unsportsmanlike conduct is bannable because it makes some players think twice about trolling/quitting/being a jerk. It's like the gas station that has cameras but without any film in the camera. I used to get super upset about people that troll in games but unfortunately bro there is not a lot you can do. I'd advise take some time to do other things like workout, talk to your friends, read, rather than try to fight online trolls because they will always be there in their sad little worlds getting off on making people angry. Practice some zen meditation. If people are going to be jerks then just be the bigger person or just stop playing the game. If DBD turns into a terrible game then its on the Devs for letting it happen. Don't let your integrity diminish because some people just suck. Hope this helps you out.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395

    No. For this Bubba Facecamper plz no

    Suiciding on hook or DC is one of the main goals, and persuading to do so (nodding head, torturing on hook, spinning 360..) is one of the strategies to discourage survs faster to give up, so can go to facecamp others ASAP

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    yeah these people don’t seem to understand this is a multiplayer game and as a solo survivor I am well aware the random baddies that you could be teamed with. I still do my best, stick it out and Tru to get BP and pip

  • Spamela
    Spamela Member Posts: 10

    When a survivor suicides on hook, everyone left in the match is treated to a pizza party.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    You can't force someone to play a match they aren't having fun in, just so you can score a few points yourself.

    I don't agree or disagree with hook suicide, but it's not banable and we all have to deal with it.

    There's already a DC ban for rage quiting, but if your gonna start demanding a ban on people going for a 4% chance then missing that 4%, I mean really it's a bit ridiculous.

    Just finish your match and move on to the next. Maybe everyone will have fun in that one.

    But you can't force people to stay in cause you need points or pips, they don't play for you, they play for themselves. Everyone's play styles are different.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Yes, you can force them. I'll post what i did in the other thread:

    They did it with DC penalties, and i'm tired of hearing this argument.

    Name a single other multiplayer game that allows you to suicide/remove yourself from the game while playing ranked.




    Rainbow 6

    Every MMO

    All of these games have punishments for leaving games early or intentionally "feeding" (killing yourself on purpose) some of these penalties are extremely hefty. DotA/LoL/CS:GO will actually ban you for several days for doing it, and if you keep doing it your ban eventually escalates to permanent.

    The moment you queued up, you signed up to play a game of Dead by Daylight. If you don't like the game or can't finish it, don't queue up. If you don't like how solo survivors play, play with friends. When you queued up for a solo queue game, you signed up for it.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    No you can't 'force' people. This is not a competition game as far as I know like the other games you listed.

    Everyone I know plays this game casually. No one's entering tournaments and getting money, titles, or prizes.

    Dead by daylight isn't Nazi Germany, it's just a game. And no you can't force casual players to play as you would like them too.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    This is a stupid argument, it is not a party game, and it doesn't matter if you play "casually". All of those games i listed have casual modes. DotA even has a mode called ######### mode. And they STILL ban you if you leave the game early too often in those casual games. The point is, when you do so, you are ruining the game for the rest of you team which is literally against the ToS for DBD.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    Again, it's still not a banable offense. We all deal with it, like we all deal with tunneling and camping and whatever else people maybe complaining about at the moment.

    I don't like getting stuck in a 3v1 whether killer or survivor. Not being able to differentiate between a 4% try and quiting is where your argument ends.

    You can't ban people for trying for 4%, a game mechanic from the very beginning.

    And you aren't offering anything to help do so. You're just complaining about it and calling other people's opinions stupid.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    Seems like a party game to me, since I do play with my friends when not playing killer or soloing.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    I am offering something, i think they should punish people for doing it. There is an obvious difference between someone taking the chance and someone intentionally doing it 5 seconds into the match, everyone knows it.

    By that token is DotA 2 or LoL a "party game"? I play those games with my friends too, but it doesn't change the fact that they are a highly competitive game.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    The main problem with this game is people make it more competitive than it needs to be.

    They get so upset and salty when they don't "win". You play how you want to play and everyone else will play how they want to play. And we all just need to deal with that without trying to force them.

    It's a game, it's not life changing and it's not life or death. Dying on first hook is an annoyance to some, but having the option to 4% when the game seems hopeless should remain.

    Forcing people to play your play style when they find it unfun will only drive people away from the game. People are already leaving it fast enough.

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    If I get the first hook and it's pyramid head, I'm out. 85% of the time my teammates are scrubs who can't handle him.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I play both sides but I have to agree to disagree! I'm all about points, fun and improving my gameplay. Survivor's that suicide on hook are some of the most entitled player. I hate playing against Billy because he's not fun to play against, but that is a pitful excuse to kill myself on hook, when I can literally either get as many points til I die, or I can improve my gameplay against him. The reason why I disagree with you is because I firmly believe that nobody should be forced to stay in a game that they don't wanna be in, but that is also a entitled statement.

    Holy ######### the entitled statements on this thread, I'm sorry but just because you kept the killer occupied for 3 minutes doesn't mean your entitled to a free escape or that you should killer yourself on hook. I've been in the same situation before, but because I decided to keep playing all four of us escaped. Like damn man, does anyone play for points or to better there skill anymore.

  • MauriLagion67
    MauriLagion67 Member Posts: 1

    I was a rank 3 and decided to depip intentionally. (Solo Q red ranks is ungodly) The whole “you ruin it for 4 other people” argument is kinda over dramatic imo. I don’t know the 4 people I’m playing with nor will I ever meet these people. Are these 4 people going to lose sleep because they had a game where I suicide on hook out of the 1,000’s of games they’ve played? Doubt it. Also comparing this game to the likes of LoL and CSGo is absurd. DbD is a casual game that for some reason attracted sweats from Fortnite and turned it into a half ass comp game. Stop complaining this isn’t a tourney game and Faze won’t sign you if you get 4k’s or 20 escapes in a row. Any interaction within the game is playing the game, enjoy the free barb stack and move on.

  • Tillablerhino44
    Tillablerhino44 Member Posts: 505

    Sometimes life happens. I had to dc before because of non game related reasons. For the money at part no there's not a reason to dc.But this game also kicks people for no reason and gives you a penalty.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Sure, if you only do that once in a while, you are fine. Other games ban you permanently if you leave habitually. Or in the case of DotA you get put in "######### island" where you only play with other toxic people and leavers until you win some number of games.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,931

    Nice necro. But either way your logic is flawed.

    You don't know the other people walking down the street, so why not just murder them?

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I don't like it when a teammate does it early in the game on first hook and they just rush to die on the hook, I agree I think that's a poor behaviour.

    However, I have done it myself when I've observed my team doing absolutely nothing to come and unhook me and leave me to get to the second hook stage while they are busy self-caring across the map (or even close to the hook, which is in some ways more annoying) when the killer is obviously occupied elsewhere.

    I think sometimes survivor teammates forget that when you're hooked, you can see the other survivors. You can see if they are doing something useful, if they are making their way over to you, if they are trying to evade the killer. And it's also very clear when they are not. I am not going to stay in a game longer than I have to with selfish and clueless teammates, personally - so the moment that becomes obvious I nope out of there asap.