The best counter to red rank swf



  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    'cause nothing's better than waiting 30+ minutes for a match as survivor then getting tunneled and moried.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Just play Spirit lol

  • OperationMintyHippo
    OperationMintyHippo Member Posts: 406

    It's easy on console too if they have matching names lol. Which most of the time I find they do.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    It's sad that the only reason people fear mori's, at least for me, is because about 8/10 times it's only in play by a person who is legitimately bad at killer and intends to tunnel/face camp and mori people off first hook for a shortcut to gain leverage they acknowledge they wouldn't get through sheer skill.

    When I see a mori I don't think 'dang this is gonna be a fun game against a killer I'm well matched against'. I think 'oh here we go, we about to get face camped/tunneled and mori'd off first hook by probably a green rank killer' and that's exactly what happens. Happened last night.

    Green rank Ghost face (11 or 12) with noed, drivers license, that ultra rare camera add on (don't remember what it's called) where you stalk people faster while leaning and an ebony mori.

    He only mori'd one person because they were a R17 dicking around when they could have just ran out the gate. Yet somehow this R17 was doing 360s left and right on this green rank killer too. He still ended up with two kills because my baby teammates wouldn't save me on my first hook while my buddy (the other R1) was getting chased. They were afraid he was down in the basement with me because he had been doing that all game to try and tunnel and get the mori, but when he realized we were just going to do gens he decided that wasn't going to work anymore. The last time he tried that I was able to get the save and blind him to prevent him from tunneling the poor baby.

    The other two were 15 and 1 and he wanted to message us like it was our fault he got matched against us? Like buddy I'm just as dissapointed in the match making system as you are for putting us up against you after queuing for half an hour. It's not like we bullied him or anything, he was just upset he got out played by at least two people and I mean hell, I died in the process trying to compensate for the baby teammates.

    I'm a consistent R1 survivor for context and I'd say about half my killers end up being green. Other half are where they should be (between 1-4 typically).

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208
    edited June 2020

    Well if I'm bringing a Mori, then I give myself specific rules so survivors at least have a chance at winning a game.

    If a survivor unhooks another one I WILL NOT go for the recently unhooked survivor and I'll give them a chance to at least heal themselves and get something done and gain some points. I will only go after the survivor who unhooked the (now) Mori-able survivor, but if a chase goes on for longer than expected (at least 2 minutes tops) then I'll go after another and leave them be.

    If I encounter the same Mori-able survivor again then I'll hook them one more time (if they didn't go on the second phase already.) If they're on death hook for their second hook them I'll leave them on the ground so a teammate can heal them.

    If a Mori-able survivor is on death hook (like the legitmate 3rd and final hook) then they'll get Mori'd.

    If all 3 survivors are Mori'd then I'll let the last one go for free. (Even if they're the toxic one...)

    I continue the same process with everyone else.

    Post edited by Shenanigan on
  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I mean, if you're lobbying with low rank players, you'll get a lot of low rank killers.

    No point in "blaming" them for being low rank.

  • Cold_Oats72
    Cold_Oats72 Member Posts: 12

    I mean first hook moris are the complete counter to any team. They are boring for both sides and at least I feel like an ######### for using them like that. I play both sides frequently and I just feel scummy using them and I never have fun against them because typically those that use them focus solely on one person until they're dead and rinse and repeat. For me moris make the game tilted far into one side and boring for all. (Before I get hate for this keys are just as bad and are also unbalanced)

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    They do it so that immature baby killers don't target them whenever they get into a lobby with them the next time. Nobody likes playing against ebony mori Spirit because some dude treats this game like it's his life. I don't even play solo que anymore because of the constant mori's regardlessly. I get paired with rank 20 killers with ebonys and prestige with 300 ping usually.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Nobody really likes playing against 4-man red rank bumhunting SWF sweatlords, either. Or keys.

    But hey, we deal with what we've got.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    It's not a SWF if we all solo and apparently have enough brain cells to understand that each team member has Head On so we begin abusing locker play.

  • WokeNea
    WokeNea Member Posts: 34

    Swf are mostly pathetic one is doing the gen but only ever hits good skill checks and another with them with prove thyself and one running you around the map until they do gens and there is one on their own who can also run you around what I do in the situation is simple and fast

    Chainsaw the prove thyself and tunnel him then kill the prove thyself then go for the one who can loop since by then we would have found the p3 claudette who throwed every pallet and no more pallets if there is one I have spirit furry and the game is done. The bad player usually gets hatch and that's also why you have alot of bad players in rank 1.

  • WokeNea
    WokeNea Member Posts: 34

    I meant to say first tunnel the prove thyself then kille the one who can loop and tunnel him aswell

    In this world the swf deserve no mercy.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    Easy way to counter this is to pull the plug.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330
  • tacopalooza
    tacopalooza Member Posts: 1

    As a solo rank 1 survivor main, I can attest that there is nothing more enjoyable than going more than 5 games in a row against killers who exclusively bring ebony moris and kill after first hook. I wouldn't call them a counter to swfs but rather a counter to survivors 🤷‍♀️

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    LOL Dude, most of my games in red ranks are against tunnel ebony mori killers.

    Just because i say it doesn't make it true, I have however been accused loads of times of being SWF while soloing

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    I find that the act of using such an offering will encourage the very thing you dislike which is “gen rush”

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Yeah people under estimate hoemw quickly solos can do gens and the plays they can make. Ive had survivors run a killer right in front of my locker on purpose because they assume i have headon when they see me get in a locker. No communication required. Some poor rank 14 brought a mori today, we had gens done before he got his 2nd hook. You dont need to talk to split up and work seperate gens.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    i tend to loby dodge tbh, id rather not use an ebony.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Nobody said it was balanced (the scenario I gave we were only a two man with two randoms anyways), but it's not impossible. 4 man's tend to be super altruistic and that will be their downfall 9 times out of 10. You just have to know when to concede in a chase and go for the weak link when you spot it and it'll snowball from there typically.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    We weren't a 4 man and the one I WAS qued with was R1 like me. If you'd actually read what I said before commenting you'd know that.

    How has it been this long since they changed the way that works and people still try to say this bullshit and get away with it?? Even if we WERE qued with both of them, matchmaking is and has been based on whoever is the highest rank in your lobby for a while now, not the lowest. Get with the program.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    And what if there's no weak link? What if they're actually good, understand and use theiü huge advantage called voice communication, maybe even with OoO?

    It is not balanced and the argument that they tend to be this and that or could be bad survivors doesn't negate the fact at all m8.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    That was changed back, with no mention a while ago. Queue up with a rank 20 friend and watch your games you’re gonna ends up against rank 15-20 killers.

    If there’s no weak link you’re screwed, I would say I run into that like 1/20 games or even less than that though.

  • Genex11
    Genex11 Member Posts: 2

    The best counter is a nurse with knock out and infeccious fright, moris are for noobs

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I don't really care how often people run into actually good 4man swfs. It's the same problem as old nurse: Xou always got the possibility to go against it and if you do you automatically loose. Bad game design. Except nurse got nerfed hard.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,957

    1: steam profiles you can check friend list, If multiple profiles are private then its a gamble.

    2: Steam profile you can check description for hints (yes some people have that big of an ego) or comments (red flag when they come from pissed off survivors)

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    That literally almost never happens though. In a majority of my games where I get keys and toolboxes etc. I tie or win most of the time. People act like there's no counter to this but unless you're running into the most efficient team with Unbreakable, DS, Sprint Burst, and all of those meta perks and items but most of the time people just play bad. They don't get early downs and they don't keep pressure. I know sometimes the maps make it impossible to get those early downs since there's 7 pallets around shack and such, but these things don't happen ALL THE TIME. In the 2 years I've played this game as a killer main I've probably ran into these types of teams 6 times. Sometimes the game just sucks and you have to recognize that instead of taking every match personally and seriously. Stop being so petty and just take the loss. You can't improve if all you do is cry for nerfs because you didn't 4k against a red rank team as GhostFace.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I mean, I was replying to your post whining about things that killers choose to do, and now you're telling me to "stop being so petty and just take the loss".

    Big think. The biggest of thinks.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    There's always going to be annoying things in the game. My point was that both sides have their exact same versions of this. 300 ping mori killer is the survivor equivalent of 4 man swf squad. Just because you go against said annoying thing doesn't mean the game should be balanced around the occasional annoyance. Killers are just usually more vocal since they're stuck in an endless victim mentality.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    Didn't you know that? A good group is always a 4-man sweaty SWF. There's absolutely no chance the killer is just facing 3-4 good solo survivors. We all know they don't exist. 

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Then you're #########, I guess. 🤷‍♀️ But like Warner said, it's not as commonplace to get a full squad of gods and even then, people make mistakes.

    The literal first thing I said was that nobody said it was balanced, but ######### happens. ######### definitely happens less often than people make it out to be, I mean who the ######### even runs Ooo like that? I never see it.

    If I were you I'd be more worried about kindred + open handed in a squad. You can see the killer if they're within like 40m of the hook and that's only with two people running open handed. You can see every move a killer makes while within range. Or even vigil stacking. Pretty debilitating if you ask me.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    I haven't seen that to be the case, but I mainly que with one person who is my rank. We're both good survivors, but always get ######### by match making. We end up with literal babies or boosted red ranks most games, it's a rarity and a blessing to get a decent teammate or two against a competent killer.

    People act like you only que with people to bully killers. We can't help who we get matched with. If we take it too easy we get bulldozed, but if we realize they're having a hard time we're more lenient. We're not the type of people to be like 'lol u suk gg ez' or loop them through 5 gens. I just feel bad going against people who aren't a match for us. I just want to play with my friends sometimes and use memey or absurd perk builds, is that a crime?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Alone the possibility of it happening steals the motivation of many players.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    lmao damn this thing backfired big time on op, allow me to remove myself from this discussion by saying git gud scrub

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    If you're that easily desuaded this ain't the game for you.