Moris are for baby killers



  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Keys, DS and OoO are op. All the other things mentioned are clearly not.

  • Mak0
    Mak0 Member Posts: 251

    Another killer good survivor bad post

  • SolAkira
    SolAkira Member Posts: 71

    I've lost more teammates to suicide because of mori than actual moris

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    You must not know about Haddonfield map offerings, then.

  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    I don't think a map offering can even compare to an ebony,not even remotely.

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    honestly i mainly play killer and i agree noed is a ######### perk, but so is alot of surv perks object, ds combo with bt, unbreakable, survs have way more unbalanced perks that killers do and what do all these perks do? reward failure, 2nd chance perks. Personally i would see them all removed and add in other perks that reward for being successful instead.

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230

    map offering can be pretty ######### depending on the killer you're playing, you would not want to go to lerys as a billy or a bubba, and you for sure wouldn't wanna go to mother dwelling with most killers, its pretty bad because so maps are just majorly surv sided, so yes i would say map offering are pretty bad almost comparable to a mori

  • AlexnotTozic
    AlexnotTozic Member Posts: 9

    Yes i agree and can we remove this ,, loadout'' thing from killer and plz buff adrenaline and also killers are too op i think there should be none and gens are popping too slow.

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    I once saw a post justifying people who tunnel people with keys. โ€œIf someone wants to leave the game early, Iโ€™m going to give them what they wish forโ€. Which, honestly. I kind of deem as fair, when it comes to end game time area, you canโ€™t keep an eye on both doors and the closed hatch, and even if you can, the killer is probably going to be running NOED to complete that little combo.

  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    Do you hold a grudge against me? You keep replying to my posts for some reason,wherever I go. And I still don't think map offerings can be as ######### ever,as a mori. Moris are consistent nonetheless of the killer or the map,while not all maps are the same level of "Unfairness" for the killer. Moris allow you to take a shortcut in the whole game by 2/3s. They allow you to skip 8 hooks. What do maps do? Even if you got coldwind,you as a killer with a mori can still mori the person the same.

  • choffox013
    choffox013 Member Posts: 30

    Wow, so now have to do 4 gens for literally the hatch spawns is easy win compared with ebony. Well f in my opinion if your not main of survivor and killer you dont have all the perspective xd. (P.s: the game is killer sided if u dont get it )

  • BlazeNightash
    BlazeNightash Member Posts: 230
    edited June 2020

    look man all i said map offering are just as bullshit if not comparable to moris sure moris are stronger but to a player who doesn't use moris often and only with reason to be constantly sent to ######### map by swfs is pretty annoying

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Noed is only OP if you don't take a bit of time to cleanse totems. If you're worried about Noed, cleanse. It's one of the easiest countered perks in the game imo.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    4 vs 1. Pretty big advantage, unless you're just really bad at the game...I could see why you would think survivors had no advantages.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    Haddonfield and Ormond map offering will result in the survivor winning.

  • Dinja
    Dinja Member Posts: 6

    I forgot to mention one other thing in my first response. The hatch without a key is another crutch of sorts for survivors. I have seen killers absolutely dominate and have 11 hooks and the last person injured and is in chase, but by pure luck the survivor escapes because they happen upon hatch while running away. There is literally no effort or skill involved in winning like that.

    I definitely think hatch should be in the game, but I would like to see it changed. When it spawns is fine, but I don't think it should open automatically for the last survivor. I feel like it should be similar to healing. That way a key isn't needed, but the player still has to put more effort because of skill checks. Again, this would be only for the last survivor.

    On the other side, killers could "seal" the hatch to make it unable to be opened (triggering EGC), but at the cost of wasting search/chase time. In other words, it needs to be more than a one-second action.

    While I'm thinking of things I would like to see changed, I have to remember one. EVERY survivor should have at least a chance to get off of first hook, and I'm including the last survivor. I think it's totally unfair if a survivor has played well enough to avoid being downed all the way until the other three are dead only to be instantly sacrificed on first hook. I don't think that survivor should have an increased chance, but give the player the same opportunity. It gripes me!

  • SketchyPenguin
    SketchyPenguin Member Posts: 141

    The role of the Killer IS to kill all survivors.

    Bringing a mori into the game let's you obtain the job faster. If we go by the original means of this game. Killers should bring Moris and (to an extent) hunt down the already hurt survivor. It became such a forbidden term to tunnel people. I know that it is no fun to survivors to get tunneled, but look at Killers in movies and such. If they want to kill a certain person, will achieve this faster than you think.

    This game is built on the base of killing people as fast as possible with the Horror Elements. However with the so-called survivor handbook you are a bad killer if you try to achieve your main goal by any means. I think many people that play Killer are generous enough to avoid going after the hooked survivor right after the unhook and we should rather be grateful for this, because this is far from optimal play.

    I try my best to not tunnel survivors that came right off the hook, I make an exception when the survivor played scummy/toxic or when a SWF survivor plays Object of Obsession, because they provide toxic behaviour (first example) and/or too much information for the team.

    Furthermore I'd like to say everyone should play like they want, but this topic will always be a battlefield. I promise that there'll be discussions about what's right and wrong in these kind of threads. I mean if we go by this statement, we could make a whole list about ingame mechanics that prematurely end things.

  • Dinja
    Dinja Member Posts: 6

    Okay, you're off a little. Even if the killer moris ASAP, then that's only skipping 4 hooks. The Mori would serve as the second hook for the survivors.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Well for one keys are basically the survivors version of a mori. They have potential to allow 4 survivors out of the match for basically nothing. But for arguments sake I will say it mainly gets used after one person has died but even then the point is it takes zero skill to use, prematurely ends the game. And negates any hard work the killer put in the game to get you. I personally think ebony Moris take a little skill due to having to hook them once. As for counters to mori's, looping is one. A good survivor who recognizes the killer has probably brought a mori can loop the killer all game if they know what there doing. Holding dead hard is another counter to killers who try to bait it out. Adrenaline is a very strong perk also. Decisive strike basically makes the person invulnerable and being left on the ground wastes massive time for the killer. Pair that with unbreakable. Borrowed time does it's job. It makes the killer go for the rescuer instead of tunneling. It's not meant to be op. And sprint burst is another decent perk.

    I think both ebony mori's and keys should be removed from the game as they don't reward skill. I'd keep ivory mori's and the yellow ones. Same with keys green variants.

  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    I just feel like you have something against me cuz you keep replying to alot of my posts,but I guess that's just luck.

  • Spamela
    Spamela Member Posts: 10

    I hate it when people call me 'baby killer', as it implies that I kill babies. Which doesn't make sense... are the survivors the babies I'm killing, or are they suggesting that I kill real, actual babies? Why would they do that? All of this confusion could be settled with a hyphen.

  • Genex11
    Genex11 Member Posts: 2

    True, unless u're tired of using rancor for the daily...

    Also they should get survivors know if they're facing an ebony mori or not in the offerings animations before the match starts

  • Typhon_Patriarch
    Typhon_Patriarch Member Posts: 4

    Yeah, cause adult pro behaviour is to use keys and escape the tru the hatch, after getting ow

    Yeah, cause adult pro behaviour is to use skeleton key after failing miserably to infinite loop and rushing generator. Im Rank 1 both Survivor and Killer and use Moris because I AM Rank 1, dont really need to go anywhere from there.. Just fvk up those betches in Premades using Discord in a game thats not suppose to have a Voice talk option. :)

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Considering the mori can take you out of the game, none of those which you've listed can do that. You still have to rely on your team actually doing something.

  • momppu
    momppu Member Posts: 14

    Have you ever placed a brand new part? Yes it needs skill.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801
  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Many miss bnp skillchecks, I see it so often happening on Twitch.

    At least you can use the key onky at the very end of the match. That at least takes some kind of skill to survive so long. Mori you can use on your second chase already, make a 3v1 and the game super ez from that point

  • irvman
    irvman Member Posts: 10

    I'm surprised seeing people actually complain about moris at all. I hardly ever see anyone use them, why try to "balance" them. Once you see the first survivor die most people hide and they're bound to escape through the hatch

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    Wow I must've really ruffled your feathers when I mentioned your precious brand new part considering youve been on my ass about it the whole time. Let me put this into perspective for you. I've played survivor with a swf. 4 brand new parts can fix a generator so quick the game doesnt even register it. So stop whining over your favorite add on.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    With all the BNP/Mori bickering I just wanted to show this. Mori's and BNP's were already nerfed. (BNP's twice IIRC)

    The OG Mori didn't even require a hook, and the OG BNP was an insta-gen.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Honestly, if both were butchered in the same patch, the community would be way happier.

  • turtlesforlife
    turtlesforlife Member Posts: 20

    So your saying anyone that uses a mori is a baby killer, thats stupid

  • Deathgaze_The_bunny
    Deathgaze_The_bunny Member Posts: 18

    To be honest Moris are fun, I don't mind keys as killer. I like using moris because of the animations and if someone has a key, syringe or bnp. So be it. I would find a mori annoying if the killer was camping or tunneling but if not, than I don't mind ^^.

  • f1uffykins
    f1uffykins Member Posts: 77

    I mean it's small pp against non camping or tunnel killers. I know most no longer tunnel and camp but those who do and leads to the use of ds or unbreakable is small pp

  • PotLeafSenju
    PotLeafSenju Member Posts: 1

    I mean I use them assert my dominance in MY lobby, I play fair with it but if somebody trolling ima remind them who's boss ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    This endgame chat had me cracking up; I immediately thought of the first post.

  • JackJester
    JackJester Member Posts: 2

    Most survivors dont play killer enough to get this. They get upset when they dont get to use DS and then call the killer a tunneler when they do. If survivors werent so used to being cocky and teasing the killer they wouldnt need to worry about a mori.

  • HelloThere
    HelloThere Member Posts: 59

    I can, keys and moris sind partially the same. They end the game earlier as it should. Most times resulting in a win for the player using it.

  • HelloThere
    HelloThere Member Posts: 59

    Give this one a medal! Finally someone says it, both sides have their goods and bads!

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    This post is classic! Needle? Nerfed! Brand new part? Nerfed! Object? Duh you can see us too! Let's name a few more...toolboxes severely nerfed, healing nerfed, Asyptic agent nerfed, add ons to toolboxes are a joke,

    Oh and doesn't the killer basically have 6 perks? Our add ons and items deplete but not the killers. They have 1 hit add ons, aura reading, and that's just 2 op ones, I don't want to be here all day...ebony mori should be removed from the game. Other 2 fine. Nerfing the crap out of any decent perks because boo hoo the killers don't get a 4k every game.

    Exit gates spawn on top of each other. Hatch spawns pretty much near exit gates, loops shortened, less pallets, spaced gyms leaving major dead zones, end game is pro killer unless you get a key, which killers cry about that too. Gotta get that 4k. It's ok to leave a survivor laying on the ground so the killer can search for the forth just so they get hatch and a 4k. No different than a hatch off? The killer will ping pong survivors until both are down. I couldn't tell you how many times I bled out because of this strat. Which is a long boring trash way to play. Wasting players time for your benefit.

    Lets talk about insidious. The camping perk. Which is not what is was created but camping is sooo common that this is actually a thing. It can be used to fool survivors into thinking you left the area, even at gens. But nooo its used to hide by a survivor. Why go after a survivor if they are getting camped? Do I want to make points or waste my time? Not getting chase points, making you miss points, taking hit points, alturism, pallet stuns, blinds, everything you need to not de pip. Which is why this perk and ebony should be removed.

    Ik being a killer gets harder when you get to lower ranks. So does being a survivor. A killer also doesn't have to rely on strangers to play the game right. Not everyone plays swf nor all the time. The latency in this game is a nightmare. I have a library full of videos of complete misses. I could be here all day. This community really needs balance...smh tbh I feel sry for the devs. Having to listening all the crying.

  • monstermaster42
    monstermaster42 Member Posts: 81

    When the 4 need perks, items and add ons to be on even footing with the one before counting the ones perks and add ons, the power role has always been killer, and then when they give the survivors some little chance the whiney "killer mains" complain, clearly a pitiful team of four survivors is a match for the killer, but sure talk about how bad i am because i want some challenge when i play killler and not wow i have all the advantages and have to be an actual cooked potato to lose ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240
    edited June 2020

    So you made an entire paragraph over insidious one of the low mid tier perks in the game (camping is countered by bt and ds and a well coordinated hook rush) and mentioned it as if it were godly. A swf on comms turn insidious into an empty perk slot. And out of everything else in that post I mentioned you only mentioned 3 things meaning you know those things are severely overpowered. And since you wanna talk perks how about mention the 16 survivors have and the 4 people 1 killer needs to outsmart. And how dumb do you have to be to use killers being able to see you too as a reasoning for object. You literally act as if swf doesnt exist and its funny

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    Lol The perks I mentioned are the ones pictured. My point with insidious is killers use it for 1 thing camping! It can be used for other situations is all I was saying. OoO can see us. With ghostface it screws the survivor when he is cloaked. Idc if you think someone is dumb because of that comment. Its Facts. I play killer. They usually die first! Lol must suk to suk. You are a rude whiney think you know it all skumbag. Roflmfa

    1 killer who has 2 weapons, who is faster, who gains bloodlust, who has 6.2 - 6.9 meter reach, who has 6 perks, who can drop from heights and not stagger ever, who can drop from 2nd story window and lunge through 1st story window while dropping, who has hooks every 10 feet, who has exit gates spawn next to each other, who end game is mainly for unless a survivor has a key. Camping is countered with bt and ds!? Oh you mean the perks killers call toxic? No way! You can get pulled or downed immediately if they have chainsaw. Probably both of the survivors. Smh...Wow you are pretty thick.

    Against 4 survivors who are slower, who only have 4 perks, 1 item and 2 crap add ons, only so many pallets and so much use of vaults, who staggers when they drop from heights, who don't have weapons to fight back, plus gens, healing, and toolbixes severely nerfed,.etc...

    I do know their is swf's smart guy...who doesn't. I mention things that should be balanced for those who don't play swf's as well. You act like no one plays alone. That is so funny. At least I think of the bigger picture. I said all this before smh. Maybe read and not skim then get all tight. xD

    You have literally given no arguement or sway on how I feel about my post. Go try to bully someone who actually gives af. xD

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    This is rich! Haha this guy cracks me up. I guess we should just go in naked with no perks and no items or add ons to be more on you're level! Most of the time I do go without items or add-ons. But if its too hard. Move on. xD

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    No ones trying to bully anyone here. Judging from how tilted you are in your comment I can tell you got offended as a survivor. I highly doubt you play killer because if you did you would know not to focus a OoO. And you missed the point of this post completely if you think the entire point is to discourage survivors from using what they use. The entire point is to point out the hypocrisy of calling someone out for using their strongest item yet you still use yours. You've gotta be a dumbass to miss that

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    When I see a mori I take it as a compliment, obviously something about the group scares them :)

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    Lol I think you mean the ever so popular killer main saying? Entitled* survivor. I love how you read between the lines and come up with your own opinion of me. You don't know me and I didn't get offended by anything you said other than you calling me dumb. I do play both and everything you say is absolutely ignorant. Boosted killer hahahah

  • Crouching_Ghostface
    Crouching_Ghostface Member Posts: 12

    I swear i cant use any perks or offerings without entitled survivors telling me these random "unspoken rules" because i used a mori and according to them I was afraid of losing