Still getting stuck in hooks (And getting bmed by the killer for it)



  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
    edited June 2020
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    Where do you see me saying it is reportable? All I said is that people jump to defend an ######### as if he is a saint.

    Do you have a problem with reading or understanding what you had read?

    I know. But that killer was an ass and there's no arguing about it. That's all I am saying. Just find it funny how some are defending an ######### like that.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Oh i agree he was an ass. I dont agree he should be banned

  • SunaIIanu
    SunaIIanu Member Posts: 815

    No one expect the killer to not end the match, OP complained because the Nurse didn't end the match immediatly.

    OP said, the Killer didn't try to hit him and waited intentionally a few minutes to close the hatch. Sadly there is no video so we don't know what happened exactly. Of course it is possible that the Nurse wanted to hit him, it wasn't possible, she killed the other survivors and closed the hatch. But we have no Video so we can only trust OP's version of the story.

    You said that sometimes a killer can't hit the survivor under the hook, but wouldn't you try atleast? Hitting a survivor is the Killer's job and if I would see a survivor just standing there it would be the first thing that I would try.

    The Nurse didn't. Maybe your right and hitting wasn't possible, but if it was, that was the first moment were she could have ended the game (atleast for the survivor who was stuck) but didn't, the next was when she didn't close the hatch immediatly.

    Obviously it is hard to say what is holding the game hostage or griefing, because there is a grey area, but Peanits said it's reportable, if a killers blocks a survivor in the corner till the end of the game before egc starts, even though that isn't technically holding the game hostage, so I would assume that the behaviour of the nurse could be criticall. Obviously not without a video though.

    As for the general situation: It is (or was, I'm not sure) possible for a Killer to get stuck at a three. The only way to get free was to pick up a survivor. So let's say a killer gets stuck on a three, the survivors see it, finish the gens as quickly as possible and leave. There would be nothing wrong with it right? Maybe they don't know how you can save the killer and you can't expect them to give themself to the killer for free. But what is, when the survivors see the stuck killer, dance around him for a bit (like 2 or 3 minutes, annoying, but technically not holding the game hostage) then finish the gen, leave and mock the killer in the endgame chat. Wouldn't you say that behaviour should be punished, even if it doesn't fall directly into a reportable category?

    As for you comparison to general BM: You can still play the game, someone teabagging you or hitting you on the hook doesn't take your ability to act, so it's a different situation imo.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Yeap i think this pretty much summarize my thoughts on this. Also under the game "Exploits" section of the rules on this forum, it clearly states that abusing an in game bug to gain a competitive advantage is a bannable offense. So if there is footage of the nurse not trying to hit the survivor, then its pretty much case closed since he admited that he knew that he was stucked.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198


  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    Your points have 0 logic,sorry to say it. "The killer used bm" don't remember saying it,nor how does it correlate to an argument on ur side? "The killer wasted survivors time" and ur argument also make 0 logic,considering he literally stated he wanted him to stay BUGGED. He wanted to waste his time with a bug and didn't even try to help him out at all. It's different then a survivor doing whatever you call a time waste,cause they aren't purposefully wanting to keep you bugged like the killer wanted to. Doesn't matter whether the killer created the bug or not,he literally stated with his msg in the endgame chat that he wanted him to stay bugged. The last point is just an attempt of provocation really,nothing else. Also on mobile rn,so if my grammar or something is off,i apologize.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    You saying something has 0 logic doesnt mean it has 0 logic, sorry to say. Go ahead and argue with yourself, youre either dumb or blind if you cant see how your arguments are heavily biased even after its been pointed out to you numerous times by several people.

  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139

    When did this discussion turn into "you are biased,this is what it is about". And also,i know the moment someone starts saying stuff like dumb,blind and so on I can tell that whatever I say you'll just backtrack on ur other "arguments" and tell me i'm biased over and over again and i can't change ur mind. And most of this thread agrees with me aswell,pretty sure. Only 1 other person said i'm biased also. No one else directly told me i'm biased. Some people replied,but they weren't unreasonable and classified someone as biased just because i took the side of survivors in this post specifically. Won't reply further,don't want to waste time replying anymore.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    I dont get why you even bothered to follow up on those replys, both of them just shifted this post onto a "killer vs survivor" topic when it was clearly about someone that abused a bug and if he deserves the ban or not.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    I felt bad this happened one time in a game I was killer I had no idea guy got stuck so I went off got the other guy down next thing I know said guy dcs so other guy can get hatch but unknown to him or me other guy was stuck under hook so he also dcs then I’m told by them both I’m a bunch of bad words so I didn’t feel bad anymore after their behavior and the leaving yet I could have helped him out of under the hook and got him hatch

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Except that there is partial proof since he admitted to knowing that he was stucked and then proceed to mock him. Now if he didnt even try to help (wich we dont know) it can can clasify as griefing too and most definitly as abusing a bug because he intentionaly left him out of the game wich is taking advantage over a bug to gain a competitive lead.

    And can you please cut it out with the entitlement #########, no one cares that he is targeted because he is a killer, people are just pointing out that he can possibly be abusing the bug and that behaviour like that should be bannable. The "killer vs survivor" narrative doesnt apply on this situation.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    That is what the killer of this post should have done, but he instead decided to mock the person that was stuck. It sucks though that they were asses to you since you only had good intentions.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    I just went back through the comments and no one is screaming for anything, people are just discussing if it is or not a bannable offense.

    I do believe that a full context is required in order to ask for a ban. But you just came here pointing fingers at survivors for being entitled to ask for ban. I dont see nothing wrong in pointing out this type of behaviour, because lets face it if he did to survivor he can just as easily do it to a killer aswell. My bet is that your opinion will not be the same if the situation would be affecting a killer.

  • MyersRulz
    MyersRulz Member Posts: 90

    Once again i went through the comments and i dont see anyone claiming anything just people wondering if it is reportable or bannable and some others putting context to the situation to see if it is indeed bannable. The OP even puts it as a question if that can be bannable. You keep repeating that the killer had to throw the match i dont really know why no one is saying that he should, only that maybe he should have been more compassionate with the survivor.

    Anyways i think will have to agree to disagree on this one your clearly biased and a bit angry at the post itself ( i dont see why, that is the entire purpose of the forum anyways, to ask question if you are in doubt). I wonder if you knew the killer on the post and thats why you got so worked up.

    Goodbye and have a good one.

  • Dweeteater
    Dweeteater Member Posts: 37

    Shouldn't be bannable imo. Not the Killer's job to get you unstuck. And he didn't purposely glitch you in there. At that point youre out of bounds from the game and normal "hostage" rules shouldn't apply.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    Imagine not understanding the situation and instead assuming I wanted her to let my friend lift roflmao

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    A difference between getting stuck UNDER the hook and INSIDE the hook, man.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    It's hurtful that this community is THIS toxic.

    Twisting the facts and making it seem like I literally made the killer cry, or something..

    Jeez. I edited the post if anyone is interested in another screenshot

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    I don't think Mr killer is obligated to fix any issues anyone encounters. Why it sucks as long as he ended the game at a reasonable time he did nothing wrong.

    He's not the help desk stop expecting him to help you. Exploiting I would think would be like infinite mending legion. Or wake up on gen repairs. You know ones you choose to do. But he's not tech support stop expecting random people to give a ######### cause I'll tell you I dont

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    But it is considered griefing. Period. It is re portable. maybe not perma bannable, but he deserves discipline so he doesn't do it to other people.

  • ChelseaFreaky
    ChelseaFreaky Member Posts: 16

    Holding a game hostage is an easy ban. Besides that, personally, I don't think anyone should BM in after game chat. Regardless, of the situation. Some people have off days and don't play as well as others. Its easy to just say "gg" and move on. If you are mad at how a game goes just don't say anything and just move on. I'm really tired of seeing other survivors in after game chat talk so much trash on either killers or fellow survivors. I've just made a habit of reporting it if I see it. Tbh, I think it would be better if they just did auto responses in after game chat. I think it would solve a lot of reporting issues with people who wanna say racist #########/ stupid insults.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Agreed it is a dick move. I had a game where my buddy had a bug where couldn't escape. He would go through the exit and nothing would happen. He went to go jump into the hatch and the killer downed him and hooked him . That's a dick move as well but we didn't report him for it

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666
    edited June 2020

    Ok so when the killer down him and hooks him because he is stuck would that not be abusing a bug?

    Also not once did I defend the killer action. I also said it was a dick move. All I am saying was that he is in a position where he is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    I didn't say he had to let us go. The killer got a kill cus of that, yes, but there is no fixing that bug as far as I am concerned.

    The killer.


    That he made him wait.

    Knew he was stuck.

    Yet didn't just kill him and hook him.

    Decided to make us wait for x amount of time.

    Big difference. Why are all of you people so ignorant?

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    Honestly, all of you guys are assuming I said he should let him live.

    If you read the whole post, and had a less dense skull, you would understand why I was upset and why what the killer did was griefing.

    He purposefully waited to kill my friend last, would come down and nod at him after every other person got hooked, at the end blinked around for a bit (probably to find hatch) closed hatch and came downstairs to stare at my friend till the ECG got him.

    He didn't try and swing to down him. Nope, just decided to waste our time by tabbing out to let ECG get him, instead of very easily pressing m1 and spacebar to down and hook.

    Then, in end game chat, said, "I knew you were stuck."

    If you still think this killer is completely innocent and did nothing wrong, then stop being so ignorant and learn what exploiting and/or griefing means. I seriously cannot understand why people are in here trying to start arguments and calling everyone defending me a "entitled survivor main."

    Nothing about this post was entitled. All I wanted from this post was for a mod to please answer me, because none of my reports before have been answered and this one I for sure want a response from.

  • QsKaa
    QsKaa Member Posts: 56

    Headbanging nurse, the best nurse

    For ace - you can always dc if you dont have fun - its a game

    For nurse - Ill laugh my ass off when ill placed on ace's point of view

    Oh shack pallets bug dear God I want it back soo badly

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    If he blinked around found the hatch and closed it he ended the game what's the issue he's not obligated to hit you but he did end it via collapse so....

    People used to slug to see the kill animation what's the difference

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Not holding the game hostage he went and looked for the hatch and closed it.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    However it IS griefing, seen as they let the ecg kill him and bmed him while they were at it, and never even tried to down and hook him. Just nodded their head at him until it did. Not okay.

  • Snowstruck
    Snowstruck Member Posts: 564

    Why should we have to DC and eat a 5 minute penalty just because someone is being an ass. Hmm?