Buff Hag

USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

Really, her traps can be easily counted, her teleport limit is tiny, her traps can literally be destroyed trough walls (yes i got a trap destroyed by a survivor on the other side of a wall) and she is slow movement killer (4,4m/s)


  • NICK714
    NICK714 Member Posts: 173

    hahahahah no is a good killer

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    She's very strong even with her weaknesses, she doesn't need to be buffed.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

    I love playing Bubba right now but if she somehow got buffed.. then bad things will happen with a particular build that Bubba is know for. And it will happen everyday for a month.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    She's fine where she is. Mostly a solo queue stomper but extremely vulnerable to being gen slammed or stalled out by trap trades.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I think Hag is fine. She's one of the killers that looks weak but the people who know how to use her tend to be pretty good. Where's Space Coconut when you need him :P

  • BlindMole
    BlindMole Member Posts: 649

    As someone who loves playing hag.... No.

    She's really good, but you can't play her like a normal killer. Every time i lose its usually because i gave in to the pressure and comited too much to chases.

    If the range is an issue, put in the yellow and green add ons, and depending on the map, you can always teleports.

    She's not op, but i don't think she needs a buff.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    As long as you don't get the biggest maps, Hag is strong.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Hag is a top tier killer, she doesnt need any buffs.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    I'd either like her teleport range increased or for the large maps to be reduced in size. I'll take either.

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    Hag is A tier for me. As someone who plays her a lot she is very powerful. You just have to learn how and where to place traps. Once people finish the gens outside of your web of traps and they start going into your web she's unstoppable. I recommend checking out Michi who's probably the best Hag player out there


  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2020

    she doesnt need a buff, she is an A tier Killer but only if u know how to use her otherwise is like playing nurse first time, it doesnt matter u are playing the best killer in the game if u dont know how to use it is gonna be a nightmare. the only thing i would do to her is her traps by not being eble to get erased by a flashlight specially durng chase thats bs, or maybe at least increasing the timings are needed to break it from what they actually are to double so survivors can delete them taht easily and also need to waste considerably amount of light in order to get them. and that is already a huge buff.- because tahts her biggest weakness getting adressed massively.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    Hag is already such a good killer and her only real weaknesses are SWF teams (every killer has this) or flashlights. The devs put her in an amazing spot with her buff like a year and a bit ago- she's played rarely but when she is played damn she's good.

  • sekkima
    sekkima Member Posts: 194

    I think you don't know how to play it (nor do I really), I have seen main Hags, but the scary ones that even seem to have macros in the control button.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    dont matter anymore trap placement since they can destroy it trough walls now

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Hag is a devilish nightmare for survivors. Can't imagine her needing a buff. Especially with those lovely shackles, the salt gets real.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Hag is hit or miss.

    Slow setup but she can snowball easily with well-placed traps and some luck from the survivors.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Pretty big load of "hag is strong". And I agree. she is pretty much one of the last "doesn't need addon" killers, beneath Billy and Spirit

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    I placed a trap, the survivor on the other side of the wall pointed a flashlight to the wall and destroyed my trap

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    Know the radius of your trap and place your trap so that radius doesn't stick through a wall. Then this will not happen. The Hag is unjustly destroyed by Object flashlight comm squads, because Object is a broken perk, but she has very few other issues and this is not one of them.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    As I know you need at least to point to the trap, not to the wall

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    Oh, you mean with a flashlight. I didn't know about this; how close was your trap to the wall? There was no gap or window?

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    If the survivor can see the trap from the other side of a wall then yes they can destroy it. However they can't just shine a flashlight through a solid wall with no holes in it. Just like you can't blind a killer through a wall. If a survivor did shine their flashlight through a completely solid wall then I recommend reporting it as it must have been a bug.

    However this still doesn't connect to my main point about trap placement. When I say trap placement I'm referring to the process of creating a web of traps not placing a trap in the middle of a chase. You're supposed to play Hag by creating a web of traps around an area of the map not by only placing traps in the middle of chases.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    I don't remember well right now, it makes a few weeks almost. But I think they had a bit of space but physically shouldn't destroy my trap since the flashlight bean wasn't going through as I could see

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    1- I play this game since Beta, and even now days I get blinded behind my neck.

    2- even if I report, I don't even think they see it, if you report this on the ticket thing it is just a CTRL C+ CTRL V message

    3- About the webs, I try but when I grab someone they just step in everything and I need or to replace it or think in a new strat

  • Freesham
    Freesham Member Posts: 262

    Mint Rag and Rusty Shackles are actually pretty good for getting grabs off of gens or totems. The other ones though are kind of lacking.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    Yes, buff hag. Make it so her traps can never be disabled and will instantly reset after teleporting to a phantasm! Make her immune to flashlight blinds and pallet stuns while you're at it!

    Muahahahahahaha, the salt will be so delicious.

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    well if you mean flashlight destroy through the wall it's possible, well try to flashlight to the wall and see your hand can through the wall

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    She doesn't need a buff... and they literally just buffed her recently.

  • Soapbar
    Soapbar Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2020

    Hag is literally S Tier, second only to Nurse due to having a harder time with some maps (Nurse doesn't struggle with any map) and getting rekt by OoO. She absolutely does not need buffs.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 258

    Hag is one of the strongest killers. VS a good SWF group who know how to counter the Hag, I agree she can be weak but that can be said of all the killers. SWF groups that know what they are doing will always trump a good killer.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    Only thing I’d wish for hag is that she was a bit faster. I recently started playing and I only attempted hag a few times because she’s so small and slow at times. Her perks are great, but perks can’t really help anything if you can’t see above the grass.