New Killer Idea - The Juggernaut (Feedback Wanted)

NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

The Juggernaut

Terror Radius - 32 Meters

Movement Speed - 4.6 M/S

Picture a big dude with a big fist.

Power: Titanic Strength - After a brief 0.5 second channel preform an extended lunge (think pigs ambush). Any Survivor you hit will be launched 4 meters away from you, interrupting any actions they are currently taking.

If you successfully launch a Survivor they will stagger reducing their movement speed by 50% which gradually returns over the next 1 second. Additionally you will gain 0.6 M/S Haste for 3 seconds and will suffer no fatigue from the dash. If the launched Survivor collides with any solid object they will lose 100% of their movement speed instead of 50%.

Otherwise you will suffer an extended fatigue (3 seconds).

If you or a launched Survivor collide with a pallet or a breakable wall it will be destroyed.


  • Broken Cogs - Kicking a Generator reduces future repair speed on that generator by 6/8/10% stacking up to 2 times per generator.
  • Intimidation - Reduce Survivor action speed by 30%/40%/50% while they are within 8 meters of you.
  • Enragement - When you enter a chase with 2 or more Survivors at once you instantly enter bloodlust 3 and your window vault and pallet break speed is increased by 20%/25%/30% until the end of the chase



  • Charging titanic strength is 0.25 seconds faster
  • Titanic Strength launches Survivors 1 less meter
  • Increase the base stagger magnitude by 5%
  • Decrease the fatigue on a missed attack by 0.25 seconds


  • Titanic Strength launches Survivors 1 meter further
  • Increase the base stagger magnitude by 10%
  • Increase the haste duration on a successful hit by 0.5 seconds
  • Decrease the fatigue on a missed attack by 0.5 seconds
  • Increase the stagger duration by 0.25 seconds


  • Titanic Strength launches Survivors 2 meters further
  • Increase the base stagger magnitude by 15%
  • Increase the haste duration on a successful hit by 0.75 seconds
  • Decrease the fatigue on a missed attack by 0.75 seconds
  • Increase the stagger duration by 0.5 seconds


  • Launching a Survivor into a wall will inflict the exhaustion status effect for 10 seconds
  • Hitting a Survivor with Titanic Strength reveals their aura for the next 6 seconds
  • Hitting a Survivor with a basic attack while they are staggering will inflict the deep wounds status effect on them for 20 seconds
  • Increase the haste effect on a successful hit by 0.1 M/S


  • Launching a Survivor into another Survivor will injure both Survivors
  • Basic attacks launch Survivors as if they were hit by Titanic Strength
Post edited by NuclearBurrito on


  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Interesting, but what about like a corn map, what if theres nothing for the survivor to collide with.

    Also, if the survivor gets knocked into another survivor do they both lose a health state? Cause that would be dope af

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    On a Corn map you still get some use out of it. You cover the initial distance of the lunge for free if you hit them which combined with the speedboost and forced stagger means you can still close the distance faster in a straightaway. Plus if they are really out in the open then you are a 115% Killer and can just run them down, no power needed.

    Basekit Survivors will simply pass through each other if launched. I'm 100% making that an addon now that you've mentioned it because yeah that would be awesome.

  • bLoodSLoth97
    bLoodSLoth97 Member Posts: 29

    The idea seems interesting and perks seem really good. However, does broken cogs have a cooldown or prevention from making a 3-gen impossible? Seems like Forever Freddy could come back to life. Reminds me of the tank from L4D. Nicu.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    No cooldown but the upper limit is a 20% speed reduction after only 2 kicks. Having a cooldown would just make it exclusively used for 3 gens anyways, since at least this way you can use it on a lot of different generators without issue.

    Also since it's kicks that means it doesn't work from perks like Surge or Ruin.

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    @MandyTalk You know what to do ;)

  • Kate_cx
    Kate_cx Member Posts: 181

    Nothing to worry about, it's just fan-made creations are supposed to go in the 'Share your work - Creations' section as General Discussion is just about questions/opinions about the game itself.

  • Erohnic
    Erohnic Member Posts: 44

    I think it’s a unique idea, but I do think the movement speed should be reduced.

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    Must... resist... obvious... X-Men reference...

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Was actually already drafting an entirely different change.

    The damage from M2 was removed in favor of a stronger stagger when hitting something, but the speed boost from hitting someone in general was massively increased. Note that you still lose distance in a straightaway not counting the distance covered from the initial dash.

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    Cool concept. The power itself reminds me of Doomfist from Overwatch with how you can punch them and collide them against obstacles.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I honestly never thought about that but now that you've pointed it out I can't unsee it.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    that's a very fun killer. only other killer who can change survivor's place is deathslinger but he's not a juggernaut. +1

    i wish something similar or your killer would get be in the game but it probably wont

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I mean, deathslinger IS in the game. So they could totally implement a Killer about moving the other Survivors around.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230
    edited June 2020

    It isn't false. Could be... Anyways, i'd play this juggernaut over deathslinger for sure.

  • MortisCarnifex
    MortisCarnifex Member Posts: 41

    Something like this would be pretty cool, especially if you wanted to keep a survivor away from an area. If they added environmental hazards juggernaut's ability would be metal asf

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Meh. Environmental hazards would be irrelevant against any Killer other than this one and Deathslinger, making it also OP with these Killer in play.

  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Addons have been addeddeddedd

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    I don't think that matters since every killer has maps they perform better on and maps they perform worse on.

    For example high mobility killers like Hillbilly or Oni generally perform worse on indoor maps where their freedom of movement is more restricted. They are far more comfortable on maps with wider spaces to dash through

    Likewise Stealth Killers are the opposite, taking advantage of the limited sightlines and constricted rooms of indoor maps to easily sneak up on survivors. While they perform worse on maps with wide clear spaces where survivors can see your approach from basically any angle.

    This isn't to say it's impossible to perform well with killers on those maps, it's only to say that certain maps would provide certain advantages to certain killers. It's not a major thing, and sometimes it hardly makes a difference, but sometimes it does have a bigger influence and swings the favor from one side to the other.

    In much the same way "the juggernaut" might perform better on maps that are filled with assets for survivors to collide with, and is slightly less effective on maps without those assets like certain locations in the Coldwind Farm realm.

    But performance on certain maps is not something that makes or breaks whether or not a killer idea would work in DBD, it's hardly a concern.

    Personally it sounds like a decent killer idea with some pretty decent perks. Although it DOES sound a bit too much like The Giant from Last Year: The Nightmare. Which is a pretty big roadblock / dealbreaker, when it comes to original characters I think the devs want to continue to make incredibly unique characters that no one has ever thought of or conceived of before.

    The Giant (sounds a lot like the description OP gave...):

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I'ma be honest. The Giant was literally what I had in my head when I was making this Killer. Although mechanically they are completely different of course.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    I could tell. Like I said I wouldn't mind it, but again the devs want to stand out in creating characters that are unique as possible. Although to be fair, the devs did have this idea four years ago really early in development for a killer (that I think was called the juggernaut) that could bust through walls and assets all over the map. The idea was scrapped however when it became apparent the killer was completely broken in that he could flatten most of the entire map and just kill everybody.

    The only difference is that even though the devs had created the idea four years ago, the people working on Last Year were the first ones to breathe life into the concept in a way that works. So the devs probably would stay away from it now. Four years later and we do see remnants of that killer in the new Breakable Walls feature which is now a global mechanic all killers have access to.

    I think you'd be able to somehow maintain the core ability concept, but you'd have to change the character itself for it to work. "The Juggernaut" is a dead giveaway for where you're going with the idea and where it comes from (for people who are acutely aware of asymmetrical horror titles like the devs probably are). A change to the name and also do away with the concept of a ripped guy whose only weapons are his fists would probably be in order. Maybe the original power becomes a secondary power for something completely different, who knows.

    But I'll quote Dave Richard when I say "never say never"