Are they planning to do something about the people who vpn? I've been away from the game for three weeks and haven't caught up on the news.
Is there even anything the devs to do to stop it?
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what do you mean "the ppl who use vpn " ?
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Yes. The devs have said they're looking into making hits server-sided so they can reduce the advantages of high ping.
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I mean, the people who use vpn to play on servers that are not anywhere close to their own for the intent of ping abuse.
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Oh! That'll be really nice.
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ah ok yeah i gotcha
like was mentioned before their trying to make certai nactions server sided so it should be more consistant
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I keep saying it. Dev's should block known VPN subnets. They are very public. Streaming and TV services do this all the time.
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but some ppl need to use a vpn for whatever reason
so blocking all vpns would potentialy stop a portion of the community from playing
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What possible advantage could be had as a player to add 20-60ms to your own ping?
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Avoiding certain countries to play with. I'm starting to feel it is time to start using VPN and hopefully get away from these 200+ms players.
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never said foir an advantage
some ppl could be in remote areas and need a vpn to avoid ridiculously long q
if they have good itnernet using a vpn might not lower their ping much
could be other reasons why they need to use a vpn in general and not just specificaly to play dbd
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Fair point. I didn't think about that.