Hooks amount nerf.

The Pale Rose 16 to 12
Mother's Dwelling 11 to 8
Grim Pantry 14 to 8
Rotten Fields 10 to 11
Shelter Woods 10 to 9
Disturbed Ward 9 to 6
Azarov's Resting Place 8 to 6
Blood Lodge 9 to 7
Fractured Cowshed 10 to 8
Lampkin Lane 10 to 12
Torment Creek 10 to 8
Gas Heaven 9 to 11
Wreckers' Yard 8 to 6
Wretched Shop 9 to 7
Ironworks of Misery 9 to 6
Suffocation Pit 8 to 9
The Thompson House 9 to 10
Groaning Storehouse 8 to 7
Family Residence 11 to 9
Badham Preschool 9 to 11
The Game 11 to 7
Father Campbell's Chapel 7 nothing changes
Rancid Abattoir 8 to 10
Coal Tower 7 nothing changes
Treatment Theatre 10 to 6


  • Brawler
    Brawler Member Posts: 333
    The amount of hooks is proportional to the size of the map. The bigger map, the more hooks are scattered throughout the trial area. I also don't think that amount of hooks should be decreased on any map. 
  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770

    You also need to take into the equation that hooks are unusable when someone is sacraficed and can also be removed by survivor offerings. The amount we have is fine.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited September 2018

    It would just make Boil over a meta perk and the slug meta come back
    And that's without counting the offering that remove hooks and the fact that it will bring back sabotage into play because it will make it way easier to make no hook area

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    @Global said:

    You also need to take into the equation that hooks are unusable when someone is sacraficed and can also be removed by survivor offerings. The amount we have is fine.

    Yeah, bring more than 2 remove hook offerings and killer will dc.
  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    @ArecBalrin said

    Survivors keep claiming there are more hooks but produce not a shred of evidence for it. In reality there has been no change to number of hooks per map, but the pattern in which they spawn, leaving places where they cluster and places where there is no chance of reaching one even without any being broken or used. Survivors only remember the former case, this is confirmation-bias at work.

  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    @LordziPL said:
    The Pale Rose 16 to 12
    Mother's Dwelling 11 to 8
    Grim Pantry 14 to 8
    Rotten Fields 10 to 11
    Shelter Woods 10 to 9
    Disturbed Ward 9 to 6
    Azarov's Resting Place 8 to 6
    Blood Lodge 9 to 7
    Fractured Cowshed 10 to 8
    Lampkin Lane 10 to 12
    Torment Creek 10 to 8
    Gas Heaven 9 to 11
    Wreckers' Yard 8 to 6
    Wretched Shop 9 to 7
    Ironworks of Misery 9 to 6
    Suffocation Pit 8 to 9
    The Thompson House 9 to 10
    Groaning Storehouse 8 to 7
    Family Residence 11 to 9
    Badham Preschool 9 to 11
    The Game 11 to 7
    Father Campbell's Chapel 7 nothing changes
    Rancid Abattoir 8 to 10
    Coal Tower 7 nothing changes
    Treatment Theatre 10 to 6

    You want to reduce the hooks on Backwater Swamp? Absolute madlad.

    Also, nicht gut, wiggling wasn't made to get you out every time, it was made to prevent the killer from holding you hostage or taking you to basement every time.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Are you looking to revive the Slug Meta?

    Because that's how you get a Slug Meta!

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    The number of hook imo is fine, it's their distribution that sometimes sucks. Having a cluster of hooks easily campable while in an area of the map you're forced to slug it's not ok.

  • Zaije
    Zaije Member Posts: 38
    White_Owl said:

    The number of hook imo is fine, it's their distribution that sometimes sucks. Having a cluster of hooks easily campable while in an area of the map you're forced to slug it's not ok.

    I agree, some hooks are 5 ft apart, some areas have only 1  
  • Steebear
    Steebear Member Posts: 105

    They could work on the distribution a little as sometimes they are clustered or routes to the basement are not spawning well with regards to other hook spots. A reduction in hooks would lead to horrible slug and sabo gameplay where neither side had any fun at all so I really can't support this idea.

    If a killer has downed a survivor he should really be able to hook them...

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    White_Owl said:

    The number of hook imo is fine, it's their distribution that sometimes sucks. Having a cluster of hooks easily campable while in an area of the map you're forced to slug it's not ok.

    This. The current hook distribution is pretty bad. It would feel better for both sides if they were spread out a little more evenly.
  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677
    edited September 2018

    Hook distribution does need to be fixed, but if you really want an even amount of hooks per map (these values are based on an average of 14-15 tiles per hook):

    The Pale Rose - 15 hooks (was 16) -1
    Grim Pantry - 12 hooks (was 14) -2

    Mother's Dwelling - 13 hooks (was 11) +2

    Rotten Fields - 12 hooks (was 10) +2
    Fractured Cowshed - 12 hooks (was 10) +2
    Torment Creek - 12 hooks (was 10) +2
    The Thompson House - 11 hooks (was 9) +2
    Rancid Abattoir - 9 hooks (was 8) +1

    Shelter Woods - 12 hooks (was 10) +2
    Ironworks of Misery - 11 hooks (was 9) +2
    Suffocation Pit - 11 hooks (was 8) +3
    Groaning Storehouse - 11 hooks (was 8) +3
    Coal Tower - 9 hooks (was 7) +2

    Disturbed Ward - 12 hooks (was 9) +3
    Father Campbell's Chapel - 10 hooks (was 7) +3

    Azarov's Resting Place - 12 hooks (was 8) +4
    Blood Lodge - 12 hooks (was 9) +3
    Gas Heaven - 11 hooks (was 9) +2
    Wreckers' Yard - 11 hooks (was 8) +3
    Wretched Shop - 11 hooks (was 9) +2

    Lampkin Lane - 12 hooks (was 10) +2

    Family Residence - 11 hooks (already at average)

    Badham Preschool - 10 hooks (was 9) +1

    The Game - 10 hooks (was 11) -1

    Treatment Theatre - 8 hooks (was 10) -2

    Overall hook nerfs: 4 maps
    Overall hook buffs: 20 maps
    Unchanged hook: 1 map

    Post edited by CoolAKn on
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    If this were to happen, I'd be bringing Third Seal, Knockout, Deerstalker, and Ruin every game. 

    I just don't see that much of an issue with hook numbers th, the only issue is WHERE some of them are placed. I've had hooks bunched up in the corners of the map with little to none anywhere else.
  • Tazare
    Tazare Member Posts: 39

    This is basically buffing survivors again, theyve had enough icing on their cake man, the hook amounts are fine, it takes forever to get a kill as it is, no need to make the hooking process an uncertain task in which survivors can wiggle free more times, and when you use a hook it vanishes too so a survivor could crawl to a safe area where there arent hooks for miles, and the killer couldnt do anything but bleed them out. i feel like this survivor/killer community could be compared to females and males, survivors being the females, (not saying they are female just comparing) where if you hit them, theres all this controversy and most girls start crying and screaming for the men to go to jail or in dbd terms "nerf the killer more" and the females can keep hitting the males and apparently thats not prison worthy or in dbd terms "nerf worthy" etc. ill stop now x)

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    If penetration from behind hurts that much, just tell us upfront, sheesh.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2018
    Lol you want to see a slug meta? The hooks are like this for a reason.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Jack11803 said:

    If penetration from behind hurts that much, just tell us upfront, sheesh.

    Want some... lubricant?
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    Nice, another bright proposition to make DbD unplayable.

    Have you seen how many hooks there are on Grim Pantry or Lery's? Literally, there are spots from which killer have no chance to bring you to the nearest hook, and you want to reduce the numbers? Only for one free mori without needing to hook someone.

  • Kilrane
    Kilrane Member Posts: 89
    Guy guys, we can trust this is in good faith. He has Freddy as a profile picture so obviously a Killer main. 
  • LordziPL
    LordziPL Member Posts: 590

    I'm maining Freddy no long time ago, but now I balance all killers and survivor.