How Often Do You Put Add Ons on your killers?

LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

I'm curious here, because I've definitely seen people act surprised when it turns out I'm not running add ons on a killer that's supposedly super add on reliant. How often do you use things to change up your power verse the vanilla flavor?

How Often Do You Put Add Ons on your killers? 49 votes

Never - RPG Hoarder mentality is too strong!
rhafly_172Kxrrupted 3 votes
Very sparingly - When I need a pick me up after a tough loss (etc.)
ScourgeLordRegal[Deleted User]PrettyFaceKateShrekTheThird69hahadrillgobrrr 6 votes
Occasionally - They're nice but I don't use them at least half the time.
PandomCheersDeath_Syko18ElcopolloxerFuzionn 6 votes
Often - I can play without but I prefer to play with.
TekachikaMegMain98Icery 3 votes
Almost always - I feel weird playing without them but do sometimes.
CashelP14musstang62MrPenguinDetailedDetrimentTodgeweihtAwkward_FiendLuciferr_2ndilliumredFobbo 9 votes
Always - I make sure I always have something even if not my favorites!
SnakeSound222F60_31InnCognitoDimekSkeletalEliteTaigaDr_LoomisthisrandomguyMattie_MayhemOGSebaOutbreakGlamourousLeviathannimesulideOBXGreyBigfootCephalon_LebronSpookyStabbyMdawguBlendette_will_EvadeVirusmainWolf_Imperial 22 votes


  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549
    Very sparingly - When I need a pick me up after a tough loss (etc.)

    I definitely fall here. I have the hoarder mentality for games and using limited use items, even if I have over 20 of them, feels wrong. If I want to feel empowered for a rare game I'll take them, but it's too hard to not feel guilty using them because they're gone after that. Same kind of deal with offerings for me, really, and items/add ons on my survivors.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    Often - I can play without but I prefer to play with.

    Depends on the killer honestly. My main three are Spirit, Plague, and Pig.

    I usually use add-ons on Spirit but I don’t need to use them on her. I just prefer add-ons and now that I dropped PGTW on her, I feel as though I need SOME form of add-ons even if it is just brown.

    Plague I mained for a long time without add-ons but I’m so used to the cooldown add-ons now that it is painful to play without them.

    I never use add-ons on Pig.

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Occasionally - They're nice but I don't use them at least half the time.

    When I just want to farm BP or complete character's grinding achievement, I don't use addons because I don't really see the point.

    I usually use them when I have plenty and I want to experiment and see how well addons go with my perks / my playstyle. Or when I really-really need a win and I know that selected addons will help greatly. The Nurse is basically the only character I used addons on, while completing Adept achievement.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    Almost always - I feel weird playing without them but do sometimes.

    Right now I am playing add-onless demo with BBQ because I want to save BP for pyramid boy and Cheryl

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    Always - I make sure I always have something even if not my favorites!

    Cause why not. I'd feel bad to have a bunch of add-ons and not use them. Unless they're just... bad, like those speed limiters for the chainsaw bros or the non-damaging traps for the Trapper. Other than those, I always equip something.

    The only exception would be Nurse, since I feel most of her add-ons could screw up my muscle memory with her. Sometimes I go with just one "reduced fatigue" add-on, but I mostly prefer vanilla Nurse (as of now). But to be fair, she's one of my least played Killers. I equip add-ons to everyone else if possible.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    Occasionally - They're nice but I don't use them at least half the time.

    Depends on who I'm using.

    Spirit and Billy I'll never use add ons for as I can play them without add ons.

    Legion I'll usually use an add on or two for stun cooldown.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
    Very sparingly - When I need a pick me up after a tough loss (etc.)

    Rarely, but I don't do it after a loss. I do it when I burn a streamer or a pudding.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    Always - I make sure I always have something even if not my favorites!

    I always use Killer add-ons because why not? In 99% of cases, something is better than nothing.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564
    Almost always - I feel weird playing without them but do sometimes.

    I only use grey add-ons on most of my killers. Only time I don't use add-ons is on Memegion.

  • Blendette_will_Evade
    Blendette_will_Evade Member Posts: 69
    Always - I make sure I always have something even if not my favorites!

    I like the add-ons since they give me an advantage.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Always - I make sure I always have something even if not my favorites!

    Always. If I've got them, they're being added.

    The only times I don't attach add-ons (and offerings for that matter) is when I'm having a rare farm.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    As a trapper main, he is absolutely trash without trapper bag or tar bottles.