Just bought 3 new killers, any tips on all of them?

Okay so let's start of with the one I suck with and depiped all the way to rank 9 trying to get better at. CLOWN. I can't seem to catch anyone under 2 minutes with him even. I throw the bottles and my aim sucks so I can never win a chase in a short amount of time. Clown mains I neeed you.

Second is Plague, I do relatively good with her if the survivors are cleansing every 20 seconds. But I seem to get gen rushed with her, even though I bring corrupt intervention.

Third is Freddy I'm doing really good with him, especially since the first perk in my bloodweb was BBQ, but I really need some tips on how to place dream snares in good spots.

I hope someone can help me!


  • xaphl
    xaphl Member Posts: 48

    Well I can't help you with clown but maybe watch a couple otzdarva vids

    Plague you want to use you vile purge on most pallets and vaults (especially shack pallet and window) and try to get survivors to broken before you m1. Use corrupt purge mid to late game to keep the presuure on the last couple of gens. I would personally use vile purge on any gens you want to hit so it discourages people from tapping the gen to stop it regressing (only if they have just cleansed or no one has the sickness yet)

    Freddy I would reccommend putting snares on really strong loops, exit gates at end game, just random areas you think survivors are going to run through so you know where they are and alarm clocks that wake survivors up

    Hope this helps

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Clown demands perfection. Even if you are completely on point with the bottle tosses you will still struggle to down people in a reasonable amount of time.

    Freddy is clown but strictly better. You want to place the snares at the middle of the loops.

    Plague is just cucked by dedicated servers; you can literally watch the vomit pass through survivors with no effect sometimes.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Clown - Don't even. If you're serious about Clown, just practice the ######### ton with him in matches to nail down your bottles.

    Plague - Purge the ######### out of people. Just follow them and puke on them until they break and then M1 them.

    Freddy - You can place your snares mid loop. When someone starts using a loop, snare one side, then snare the other as you're looping. Of course, set up some traps before hand at loop spots while you're on patrol.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    My tips:

    CLOWN: Get looped, barely catch anyone, and realize he's a worse version of Freddy.

    PLAGUE: Puke on all gens and survivors, and either get fed lots of one-shots or get denied your power. Struggle with loops and map pressure because she has neither without her fountain projectile.

    FREDDY: Blanket loops with snares, keep everyone damaged and/or asleep, laugh at loops, and teleport across the map. Run Pop Goes the Weasel, Barbecue & Chili, Discordance, and any other perk of your choice. You are now, at best, very difficult to deal with.

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    Clown: Use the addon that extends effect duration and the bleached flask, these add-ons actually make him deadly. clown requires knowledge on how to force loops, so you need to push them a certain way but after that with the add-ons i mentioned he is the best anti-loop killer and will get a hit or an instantly dropped pallet. (basic idea is walk one way on a loop to throw a bottle then turn back chasing them through the gas) My favorite perks are Corrupt, Pop, BBQ and brutal (brutal is great, not only can you kick gens faster with pop and break pallets faster but you can also hit most survivors near the dropped pallet slowing them down while you break the pallet making them get very little distance resulting in a hit or another fast pallet drop)

    Plague: use effectiveness add-ons, these are her best and can get people infected/broken super fast (dont always be afraid to hit them if they arent fully broken yet, also remember you can puke on downed survivors or when theyre on the hook, if theyre on the hook aim at their feet/ground) dont do the biggest mistake of always puking on people, it wastes alot of time and sometimes best to get a hit or just hit them with a small bit of puke an move on. my perks (corrupt, pop, bbq as always, really good trio) but use thana as well (nurse teachable) this will either make gens slower or force people to cleanse, both are a good thing and alot of loops you can puke over, you often have to lead the puke so youll be aiming where they was to where theyre running.

    Freddy: his snares are the same as clowns bottles, chase them so far around a loop and place a snare then turn back and chase them the other way around through the snare. add-ons: personally the slowdown add-ons are still my favorite, these are the ropes and chain. i use my usual trio Corrupt, pop, BBQ as for the last one its up to you, can use thana or sloppy either can stack with your add-ons or you can use another detection perk like discordance etc.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Clown is just the weakest killer in all game, my tip for him is to delete his DLC so you won't be agonized with daily rituals that you need play him.

    For the Plague I recommend you bring thanatophobia, ruin, infectious fright and any perk you like.

    I don't have freddy so I can't help with him

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I recommend otzdarva's clown tips.

    For plague i would try a build that punishes cleansing. Addons that make your corrupted vomit stronger and perks that let you snowball. That's it.

    For Freddy just use three info perks and pop.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270
    edited June 2020

    I don't think anyones's mentioned it but clown should be getting buffed today. A small change but could help a lot in chases.

    As for plague gens go by really quickly because for one thing survivors don't really heal in the normal way (even worse - no self care) so you want to run either slowdown stuff (dying light with thana together is nasty on her) or lots of gen stuff (corrupt intervention and ruin are both good on her)

    Freddy you can stack gen perks. Pretty much all gen perks on him become good. Pop is the nastiest, thrilling tremors, discordance and surveillance are all great, tinkerer is also really good, hes the only killer i'd bother running that on

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well. Personally, I dislike clown nor I am good with him. But here you have my tips:

    Clown: His power is used more in loops, so try to throw the bottles where pallets might be so he will get a speed penalty forcing them to throw the pallet earlier or allow you to catch up on the survivor

    Plague: Well, this killer is not bad for me If you started infecting a survivor, you either keep infecting him or if you see a chance hit them, as another users said don't be afraid in hit them or down them even if they are not broken, sometimes it's better that way.

    If survivor doesn't want to clean... well, they will be at one shot all the match, it's like a free noed.

    Remember: You don't need to fully charge the vomit in order to infect survivors nor down them, sometimes it's better infecting them bit by bit than failing a "big shot".

    Freddy: Use the snares on places that you know survivors will run into, like closer to vaults or closer to a pallet. Placing a snare on a pallet, might not be the wisest of the uses.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Clown plays alot like doctor in chases. Though he lacks the detection. Main thing is unless you have the pinky finger dont aim for the survivor when throwing bottles. Use the bottles to either prevent a survivor from going a certain way, or at windows and pallets. When dlc hits, he wont slow down when bottle throwing. So if you are chasing someone you can throw the bottle in front of them and force them to slow down allowing quicker hits. A well placed bottle prevents fast vaults, lithe, sprint burst, balanced landing.

    Clown is not a great killer but he can run around killing people as Santa clause or a fnaf reject.

    I dont play him as much as i used to but he is still one of my favorite killers.

    Freddy, screw snares use pallets. They are more fun if not as good. Trust me. Bring enduring, respect no pallets all game. Profit late game. Getting a hit through a fake pallet is one of then most satisfying feelings in the game.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Yeah I agree with what others have said here. The clown is considered one of, if not the weakest killer in the whole game because not only do his bottles require perfect aiming, but you only have five attempts before he has to engage in a long cooldown to refill his bottles again, thus requiring a lot of practice.

    Never played with the plague before so I can't give any tips there other than to watch streamers like Not Otzdarva who have managed to put together some great instructional videos for pretty much every killer.

    I do play Freddy a lot and I would recommend putting snares down by pallets, in front of doorways and windows, pretty much places you know people are going to be at, especially at strong loops. Just don't spend too much time putting snares down.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Not great with Freddy or Plague, learning though.

    With Clown he is a chaser with his bottles but lacks map pressure. I find I do well when I build around game slowing perks plus brutal strength... pop, thanat, ruin etc You can punish loops fairly easily by throwing bottles ahead of survivors and then herding them where you want them to go. Bust through pallets and continue the chase without much loss due to cloud slowdown. Extended duration and exhaustion addons are good for shutting down survivor chase perks. Let the outer gens go and hold your hunting ground usually works for me.

    A bit like huntress you can hurl a bottle a long way and get info from a gen in the distance. I found bottle arcs weird at first too kept lobbing them to far. Same with plague I'm always spewing over the survivors heads hehe.