First match of the day

The last 4 gens were all in the same spot on a macmillan map and they said i was camping because i wouldn't leave the gens. I asked why i would leave the 4 gens and they just kept saying i was a trash camper.
They just sucked. Why would you leave final gens bunched? Rookie move.
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Ok cool
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i guess i got to go read up on it
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You shouldn't leave them. If they managed to 4 gen themselves that's on them.
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I think the bigger issue here is broken gen spawns, not general saltiness of online gamers.
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I had a team 3-gen themself around basement and when I hooked one person there they called me camper. I could literally see everything by moving 1-2 steps any direction.
Well, it’s kind of on survivors to check gen positions as well. If everyone just starts chunking then out without regard to which will be left that is on the survivors.
Not too long ago I went a couple days and literally every game ended with a 3-gen so I start paying attention early. If I spawn on a gen I’ll work that, but if I finish and see another gen like 10 meters away I don’t hop on it. I think most people would and that’s how we end up screwed
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Sometimes killers will find 3 gens and protect them so survivors are in a gridlock. I think there should be a mechanic that discourages a killer for refusing to engage in chase. The entity should be upset with such actions.
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killers kill and defend gens. Your gonna take away defending gens from us
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Or survivors could just not 3gen themselves. Ezpz.
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Op clearly said:
The last 4 gens were all in the same spot on a macmillan map
There's clearly an issue of broken gen spawns, regardless of how the survivors played.
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I wasn't replying to OP.
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@HamletEagle @metalklok It is called "the survivors rulebook for killers", to be precise
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this is what i remember of the layout red junk is gens the rest is pure art
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I never understand why people seem to think that it's incumbent on the killer to give up in a 3-gen situation.
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Another trash squad of boring meta perks.
Imagine playing this game over and over without any variation, eagerly looking forward to the time when you get home from school and can hop on for another exciting session of holding M1.
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Why does this one guy only have 5,6k points? Tunneled early out of the match, eh?
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Honestly the gen spawns are fine, you just need somebody to keep him away from whatever gen the other 3 are pressuring. Doesn't hurt to try and plan out which gen you're doing, either.
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Yes rule 3712 in the book. Also rule 273 states that killers must not kick gens, and rule 2235 states that you can't kill the survivors, but since you got a 4k, that means you broke those rules PLUS A LOT MORE. You know what that means, TO THE RANCH WITH YOU!
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It's the survivors' job to ensure a 3 gen doesn't happen.
Killer is going to take the opportunity if they give it to him. They just salty the f'd up.
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Saw that and thought the same thing, looks a little campy there.
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If you are going to comment, stay on topic, don't be that passive aggressive for no reason.The forums are for discussions and sharing games, and you are contributing absolutely nothing to the forums.
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i didn't try to tunnel. I hooked her within the first min then when i was chasing another survivor in the warehouse she came out of the basement and slugged her because i feared ds then i hooked her in the basement and no one saved her
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Killers get to do one thing, and one thing only in this game. Show, chase, hook, wait for survivor to be sacrificed. It's more fun, I'm sure, if the killer waits for the survivor to be sacrificed by getting a head start on the next one thing they can do, but I don't think it's possible to do "too much" of that one thing. Generally it's probably a bad strategy, but at what point are killers supposed to take a break and stop doing their one thing?
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3 gen shouldn’t even be a thing. Devs should make them a lot more spaced out.
Sure it may be the survivors job to make sure they don’t 3 gen themselves but some killers literally guard one side of the map. Forcing survivors to complete gens on one side and 3 gen themselves.
The only way to get out of the deadlock is if you are communicating with everyone else, which is impossible if you are solo survivor.
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I have the right for my own opinion mate, and I had commented saying what I think.
I would appreciate if you don't put words in my mouth or accuse me of being "passive aggressive" when I'm not.
And by the way , I don't see you being "on topic" with your comment, and I see no other comments here from you . All you do on these forums is attack people or is this your first time? Maybe contribute and stay on topic yourself first , then give me a lecture , hypocrite.
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Or you can equip perks to prevent that situation and communicate better with your team. Hell, you can just drop a Discord link in the chat and boom, instant SWS (Survive With Strangers).
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holy Fing shhhh it, Ruin with pop. Got damn you forgot Surge and NOED. in the words of AngryPug Sweaty bitzh
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Ruin and PGTW don't even work together, dude was playing with 3 perks the entire trial.
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thats true but he does it in case it goes down midway thru the game and he has a fall back to use against the team.
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And survivors bring Decisive Strike in case they get picked up within 60 seconds of being unhooked. What's your point?
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he had 1 d-strike in the team on an already powerful killer
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I'll ask again: what's your point in explaining why he used certain perks? Is it bad that he prepared for the inevitability of his hex perk being destroyed?
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the point is if he actually took the time in learning his killer (which he probably is a killer main because he is complaining here in the forums) he wouldn't have to stack 2 perks like that.
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I already covered that those perks don't stack. You literally cannot use PGTW on a generator that's already regressing and Ruin regresses all the generators. He was playing with 3 perks for the entire trial.
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I had a team get SUPER mad at me the other night after they 3-genned themselves vs. my Doctor. One guy was dead, and I kept injuring others and chasing them off gens, only going for them when I was confident enough that I wouldn't risk the last gen getting popped. They yelled at me for dragging out the game instead of committing to a chase.
Like, I dunno, what do you want from me in that case? Maybe flip your perspective and treat it like a fun cat and mouse game. I've been on the receiving end of this before, and it's actually kinda fun.
EDIT: And I got a grand total of three kills out of it too, so it's not like it was for nothing.
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And like i said if his ruin goes down mid-game or start he has another strong perk to fall on, on an already powerful killer.
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So what's wrong with that? Perks are supposed to help and complement your playstyle.
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You do, in fact have the right to have your own opinion, but you didn't stay on topic as well, neither did I. You were clearly being passive aggressive with your reply saying "ok cool" which is a passive aggressive reply to anything. My comment wasn't contributing to the argument, it was a reply critiquing yours. You do realize that me not commenting on anything else doesn't make me a hypocrite, I know it's crazy, but not everyone has to comment. Hypocrisy would be me doing the exact same thing as you, so I suggest you tell me how a reply critiquing you has anything to do with your passive aggressive response. Go air your grievances on twitter mate.
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Also, I would like to know what you were trying to accomplish saying "ok cool". If it isn't passive aggressive or off topic, what point were you trying to prove?
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The survuvors could have noticed that eeelier and done two of those gens, instead they probably hopped on the 3 closest ones popped their toolboxes and were super proud they were so far ahead with 3 gens done already.. oops strategy comes into play
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I feel the problem is there is usually 3-4 gens all in one area and it's not rng, the devs should space out the gens a lot more, the whole 3 gen strait makes killers lazy. They don't have to leave a certain area on any map, and playing killer every now and then I've noticed on the maps that have a killer shack and another building they tend to spawn near the basement it's like the devs are telling people to be basement campers 🤔
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I LOVE ruin but ive played way too many games where it goes in the first 1 min, is it sweaty because i like to make sure i have gen protection? also why didn't you say the survivors were sweaty based on perks they're all running at least 2 meta perks per survivor and all brought med kits.
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As Trapper main, when u finish setup your traps and 2 Gen gone, just realize those Gens pop at the same corner.
Delicious 3 Gen incoming.
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Cracking up due to the Ranch reference!
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I mean whats your point?? Who cares what random internet people have to say. They are so irrilevent
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Right, I feel like at a certain point you m or how most games will go with certain builds and killers. I just recently started Plunder, Ace in the hole, pharmacy to stockpile some addons. That leaves me one slot for a meta perk if I choose so I’ve been rotating exhaustion addons
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You see their issue was not tackling the center gens first. Kinda sad since those are the closest to everything around them.
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Yeah I can confirm as a Doctor main I try to force out 3-gens. This especially applies to maps like Azarov's Resting Place where there's 3 gens on one side of the map, 3 on the other side of the map, 1 in the middle.
If I'm a low mobility killer I'm throwing the match if I leave my side of the map.