Create me a Killer Nea with perks and a power please

TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

i main nea and if you have been around this game you have hear the meme nea is the real killer from here: but i really want to see what she would do like her power or powers, perks, maybe a few add-ons. also add some background like did she overtime want to kill her friends and begged the entity to give her a chance to prove herself.


  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    The Street Artist: Natalie Elizabeth Ainsworth was a troublesome child ever since her parents divorce. From the tender age of 6 Natalie would sneak out of her bedroom window and wander the streets at night, much to her mothers dismay when she would step in to check on her. Natalie use to enjoy walking to the overpass near the highway to gaze in amazement at all the colorful paintings the artist made along its walls. (Being a child Natalie had no idea this art was actually graffiti created as a means to mark a local gangs territory.) Somehow Natalie's mother would always manage to find her before anything bad could happen and would scold her ear off as she marched the young child back home. Natalie never listened to her mothers words as the colours and beautiful strokes of paint called to her sense of wonder.

    One night at the age of 8 Natalie once again climbed out her window and wandered down to the overpass. She sat down near a wall she noticed had been re-painted with new artwork and stared in amazement. Looking around for other new artwork Natalie stumbled across a can of spray paint still nearly full. Filled with a child's sense of excitement she hurried over to the can and took it up into her hands. Eyes wide with wonder she searched for a good spot along the wall where she could create her own artwork. Shaking the can as hard as she could and pressing down on the top she smiled in amazement as a bright purple mist sprayed from the can. She covered the wall with a big purple circle then moved with a purple stripe to the other side, only to add another purple stripe in the opposite direction. So fascinated by the mesmerizing glow of the paint Natalie never noticed the man behind her. With a sudden yank of her hoodie the man lifted Natalie into the air and spun her around. Confused by the sudden turn of events Natalie hazily stared in fright as she saw the man holding her was accompanied by two other guys and a girl, all seemingly in their late teens.

    "Now now what do we have here? Stealing our cans and defacing our tags? A little late for a punk like you to be out isn't it?" With a sly grind the man dropped Natalie to the ground. Shaken Natalie stood up and backed herself against the wall she had been painting.
    "Hand it here kid." the man motioned his hand towards the can Natalie had clenched to her chest. As he drew closer Natalie pushed the man away and screamed "Its mine I won't give it to you!" Slightly startled by this the man stood back with another grin on his face.
    "Well well kid whats your name?" Refusing to answer Natalie stared at the ground fists clenched tighter around the can.
    "Hey kid I'm talking to you, whats your name?" Natalie looked up at the man refusing to back down but also defiant in revealing her true name. Quickly she thought of an answer, the only answer she could come up with in such a short time. (Natalie Elizabeth Ainsworth, she though to herself), "My name name is NEA. Its Nea!" she proclaimed standing her ground.

    Sorry I have to go now but I'll continue it another time ^.^

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    edited September 2018

    Her weapon would be a spray can.

    Perk: Streetwise (... don't judge using the same neames):
    You are more efficient with what you are doing. Kicking the generator regresses it by 3/4/5% and makes it regress slightly/slightly/moderately faster

    Balanced Landing (yes):
    You are used to jumping from high spaces. When falling off a high space you break into a sprint burst that lasts 1,5 seconds (similiar to windstorm) It gives you survivor based exhaustion
    You break into a spring for 0,5/1 seconds but it doesn't give you exhaustion

    Urban Evasion:
    Your speed increases when walking outside of the chase.( EDITED NOTE: It only works on your WALKING speed. So using blinks or chainsaw will not make you move faster) You start chases from further distance.
    +PIG You also increase your crouching speed.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    love them guys thanks

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    dead meme, watch noob3's nea isnt a killer

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @alivebydeadight said:
    dead meme, watch noob3's nea isnt a killer

    i know but i main nea and would love to know what her perks and power would be if she became a killer. if i mained dwight i would wonder the same thing also ######### BAN? "You have posted 0 times within 150 seconds. A spam block is now in effect on your account. You must wait at least 150 seconds before attempting to post again." yeah i have posted 0 times BECAUSE YOU WONT LET ME POST ONCE WITHOUT STOPPING IT

  • TLE_Zekaris
    TLE_Zekaris Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 11

    The Blood Artist

    Nea Karlsson moved to the US with her parents from a quiet town in Sweden named Hjo. Never the nice, quiet girl at all, but always a good soul, Nea happened to meet exactly the people she should not have met. The wrong crowd, as her parents called it. When they tried to intervene and keep her from getting in harm´s way, she rebelled against them. She dyed her hair in bright colors, stopped attending school and chose a life between loud music and alcohol. Nevertheless, Nea was not the average "wayward youth", as politicians named such people. She possessed a certain mixture of cunning and willpower. Where others merely got by, she thrived. Whoever got on her bad side had to fear waking up in a hospital, Nea Karlsson, by that time known as "Mashtyx" rejected to comply with the demands of people she considered weak. At that time that was basically everyone without a gun in his hand. It was then that the wrong people took notice of her. Since she was permanently broke, it took the mob just minutes to hire her as one of their enforcers. With cracking knuckles and a neon-sprayed baseball-bat, she came for those that owed money and left a trail of blood stains, fractures and sprayed tags where ever she went.
    Years later, as she had moved up the hierarchy between stacks of dollar bills and illegal substances, her parents finally caught her trail after the police cross-checked her fingerprints and informed them. After weeks of search, a private investigator hired by them tracked Nea down and led both of them to her operation´s hideout. She was not there, but her pals were. That did not believe a word said by the intruders. The kind girl they described had nothing to do with the woman that had just ordered them to dispose of two policemen´s corpses and the photo they brought also did not show many similarities. Finally, they killed all three of them, the investigator, her father, and her mother, in a cruel and sadistic way. As Nea and her two bodyguards returned from her latest endeavor with three duffel bags, she saw the beaten up corpses of her parents whom she had loved and held dear over such a long time, despite all that had happened.
    In a rush of sheer, undiluted hatred she started drew a firearm and proceeded to shoot everyone in the room except those with blood on them. Those she disarmed and tied up at gunpoint. The men she deemed guilty were beaten to death over the following days in a cruel, terrifying and excessive display of violence. The police did not come to that neighborhood anymore, but as the mob finally showed up with a huge group of armed men, days had passed. Two of the corpses and the exact sum of money for a decent burial was missing, the rest was still in the duffel bags. Nea was gone, never to be seen again. On the wall, she had left her "Mashtyx"-tag in the blood of her victims.

    **Weapon: **
    Butterfly Knife

    Accursed spraycan
    As long as Nea stands or moves over freshly spilled blood, her spraycan is charged. It can hold two charges. A "Mashtyx"-tag can be applied to any solid, vertical surface of sufficient hight within the trial. Survivors looking or moving towards a tag from within a distance of 12 meters alert the killer to their presence. Whenever Nea passes near a tag, her movement speed gets increased for a short amount of time. The number of tags is limited to 5.

    Balanced Slashing
    The killer´s reflexes are on point and the challenge of performing an impressive takedown of her prey fills her with determination. While falling from hight, all attacks performed before touching the ground put a survivor in the dying state.

    Light evasion
    The killer´s dexterity is remarkable. The angle and area viable to blind the killer are both reduced.

    Hex: Bleedwise
    A hex rooted in toxic stress. As long as the Hex Totem stands, all survivors expend their items at an increased rate.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @TLE_Zekaris said:
    The Blood Artist

    Nea Karlsson moved to the US with her parents from a quiet town in Sweden named Hjo. Never the nice, quiet girl at all, but always a good soul, Nea happened to meet exactly the people she should not have met. The wrong crowd, as her parents called it. When they tried to intervene and keep her from getting in harm´s way, she rebelled against them. She dyed her hair in bright colors, stopped attending school and chose a life between loud music and alcohol. Nevertheless, Nea was not the average "wayward youth", as politicians named such people. She possessed a certain mixture of cunning and willpower. Where others merely got by, she thrived. Whoever got on her bad side had to fear waking up in a hospital, Nea Karlsson, by that time known as "Mashtyx" rejected to comply with the demands of people she considered weak. At that time that was basically everyone without a gun in his hand. It was then that the wrong people took notice of her. Since she was permanently broke, it took the mob just minutes to hire her as one of their enforcers. With cracking knuckles and a neon-sprayed baseball-bat, she came for those that owed money and left a trail of blood stains, fractures and sprayed tags where ever she went.
    Years later, as she had moved up the hierarchy between stacks of dollar bills and illegal substances, her parents finally caught her trail after the police cross-checked her fingerprints and informed them. After weeks of search, a private investigator hired by them tracked Nea down and led both of them to her operation´s hideout. She was not there, but her pals were. That did not believe a word said by the intruders. The kind girl they described had nothing to do with the woman that had just ordered them to dispose of two policemen´s corpses and the photo they brought also did not show many similarities. Finally, they killed all three of them, the investigator, her father, and her mother, in a cruel and sadistic way. As Nea and her two bodyguards returned from her latest endeavor with three duffel bags, she saw the beaten up corpses of her parents whom she had loved and held dear over such a long time, despite all that had happened.
    In a rush of sheer, undiluted hatred she started drew a firearm and proceeded to shoot everyone in the room except those with blood on them. Those she disarmed and tied up at gunpoint. The men she deemed guilty were beaten to death over the following days in a cruel, terrifying and excessive display of violence. The police did not come to that neighborhood anymore, but as the mob finally showed up with a huge group of armed men, days had passed. Two of the corpses and the exact sum of money for a decent burial was missing, the rest was still in the duffel bags. Nea was gone, never to be seen again. On the wall, she had left her "Mashtyx"-tag in the blood of her victims.

    **Weapon: **
    Butterfly Knife

    Accursed spraycan
    As long as Nea stands or moves over freshly spilled blood, her spraycan is charged. It can hold two charges. A "Mashtyx"-tag can be applied to any solid, vertical surface of sufficient hight within the trial. Survivors looking or moving towards a tag from within a distance of 12 meters alert the killer to their presence. Whenever Nea passes near a tag, her movement speed gets increased for a short amount of time. The number of tags is limited to 5.

    Balanced Slashing
    The killer´s reflexes are on point and the challenge of performing an impressive takedown of her prey fills her with determination. While falling from hight, all attacks performed before touching the ground put a survivor in the dying state.

    Light evasion
    The killer´s dexterity is remarkable. The angle and area viable to blind the killer are both reduced.

    Hex: Bleedwise
    A hex rooted in toxic stress. As long as the Hex Totem stands, all survivors expend their items at an increased rate.

    love it as well.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    dead meme, watch noob3's nea isnt a killer> @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @alivebydeadight said:
    dead meme, watch noob3's nea isnt a killer

    i know but i main nea and would love to know what her perks and power would be if she became a killer. if i mained dwight i would wonder the same thing also ######### BAN? "You have posted 0 times within 150 seconds. A spam block is now in effect on your account. You must wait at least 150 seconds before attempting to post again." yeah i have posted 0 times BECAUSE YOU WONT LET ME POST ONCE WITHOUT STOPPING IT

    wait how did you get spam blocked

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @alivebydeadight said:
    dead meme, watch noob3's nea isnt a killer> @TheLegendDyl4n1 said:

    @alivebydeadight said:
    dead meme, watch noob3's nea isnt a killer

    i know but i main nea and would love to know what her perks and power would be if she became a killer. if i mained dwight i would wonder the same thing also ######### BAN? "You have posted 0 times within 150 seconds. A spam block is now in effect on your account. You must wait at least 150 seconds before attempting to post again." yeah i have posted 0 times BECAUSE YOU WONT LET ME POST ONCE WITHOUT STOPPING IT

    wait how did you get spam blocked

    for posting a comment on how to exploit the game to save your item if your going to die in game (MODS I DID NOT SAY HOW I SWEAR IF I GET PERM BANNED) and so i can only post one thing every 150 sec for some reason. usually its 3 things in 60 secs

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187
    What about evan MacMillan the survivor?
  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893
    edited September 2018

    I think her power should be a multi power similar to pig.

    Bloody Tags: After injuring a survivor absorb their blood with M2 into your entity infused spray can for 120 seconds, you can spray yourself with this can to take on the appearance of the person who's blood you've captured using the action button (E or whatever that is).
    While taking on this appearance your movement speed is reduced to 100% and your terror radius is reduced to 0, you may also use the ctrl button to crouch, crouched movement speed is set to urban evasion levels of 100%. Holding shift will allow you to sprint at normal survivor speeds, and you may also perform vaults over pallets and windows while in this form.
    By pressing M2 in front of a generator while in this form you can act as though you are working on a generator. If a survivor is working on a generator while you are are on the same generator it will stop progression on the gen. If a survivor performs a skillcheck on a gen that you are on the skillcheck automatically fails and regresses the gen by an additional 5%
    Attacks performed while crouching lead into a lunge at 150% movespeed. If you attack while masked as another survivor the paint will immediately be removed from your body removing all stealth and the ability to crouch. (so Use M1 to decloak basically) You may not kick gens while cloaked as a survivor.

    After absorbing the blood of an injured survivor you may use M2 to place a tag on the ground or any surfaces. This tag reveals the auras of all survivors within a 15m radius, You are limited to 4 tags.

    While outside of body paint mode you perform as a normal killer, 115% movespeed 28m terror radius, M1 to stab things.

    There, now thats a spicy killer.

    Perks, I dunno, but some gen control perks? Maybe some hex protection stuff? Dunno, perks are another deal entirely.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493

    @PigMainBigBrain said:
    I think her power should be a multi power similar to pig.

    Bloody Tags: After injuring a survivor absorb their blood with M2 into your entity infused spray can for 120 seconds, you can spray yourself with this can to take on the appearance of the person who's blood you've captured using the action button (E or whatever that is).
    While taking on this appearance your movement speed is reduced to 100% and your terror radius is reduced to 0, you may also use the ctrl button to crouch, crouched movement speed is set to urban evasion levels of 100%. Holding shift will allow you to sprint at normal survivor speeds, and you may also perform vaults over pallets and windows while in this form.
    By pressing M2 in front of a generator while in this form you can act as though you are working on a generator. If a survivor is working on a generator while you are are on the same generator it will stop progression on the gen. If a survivor performs a skillcheck on a gen that you are on the skillcheck automatically fails and regresses the gen by an additional 5%
    Attacks performed while crouching lead into a lunge at 150% movespeed. If you attack while masked as another survivor the paint will immediately be removed from your body removing all stealth and the ability to crouch. (so Use M1 to decloak basically) You may not kick gens while cloaked as a survivor.

    After absorbing the blood of an injured survivor you may use M2 to place a tag on the ground or any surfaces. This tag reveals the auras of all survivors within a 15m radius, You are limited to 4 tags.

    While outside of body paint mode you perform as a normal killer, 115% movespeed 28m terror radius, M1 to stab things.

    There, now thats a spicy killer.

    Perks, I dunno, but some gen control perks? Maybe some hex protection stuff? Dunno, perks are another deal entirely.

    all of the ideas are amazing and i would love to see how they work

  • kyuu
    kyuu Member Posts: 32

    dead meme, watch noob3's nea isnt a killer

    It seems you dont know...no0b3 is the entity! Hes giving you false hope that she is a survivor, when in reality shes a stone cold killer....