Every time a new killer comes out on console

Why is it with every new release, survivors on consoles act like jerks? Console players don't get a chance to feel out a killer or his perks on PTB. We have to learn on the fly, even if you are in red ranks. I'm not asking for free wins, by any means, but today...
I've played three games as Pyramid Head so far. In my first game, a three man swf 6 second switched on me to flashlights and a BNP toolbox (I got one kill). In the second game there were three toolboxes on Mother's Dwelling (I got one kill). The third game was a little better, but only because the survivors rushed three gens on one side of Suffocation pit, giving me an easy 3/4 gen. Got a 4k, but barely (and one emblem away from adept, which was annoying, but they rushed the first 3 gens too fast).
Console survivors, if you see someone playing the new killer, barely 2 hours after release, why not be a little less sweaty? Don't throw the game, but at least give people a chance at a learning experience.
I've come to terms with this game having the worst community ever, thus I don't even bother anymore.
I'm testing thing, I'll just open the gates as soon as they are powered.
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If you're expecting anything other than literal human scum OP you have way too high of an opinion on gamers and this community.
Like Sylorknag said, don't bother trying to have fun with a new killer in red ranks. Just let it happen if it ever happens.
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You've basically explained why I don't experiment with new killers outside of custom games with my friends. I haven't really branched out to new killers since walking into a game not knowing how to fully use the killers abilities is a guaranteed loss for me.
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Maybe have an alternate account where you can learn him?
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" ... don't bother trying to have fun as a killer ever."
Fixed that for you.
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I'm not paying even more money just so I can actually learn the character without wanting to uninstall the game forever.
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On PS4 and Steam you can share with another account. Provided you have the Game and DLC bought off the store and not in game you can play everyone.
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Yeah I play on PS4 and I really wish there was a way to test out killers. Originally I was excited to play the deathslinger but when I realized that his playstyle wasn't for me, I was really bummed out because it cost me $8 to find that out. 😕
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What system do you use? I have a PS4 and I have an alt account with rank 20-17 for both, that never moves because I rarely play on it. If you purchase the DLC pack through the PS store (as opposed to just using cells in game), it applies to both accounts.
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I don't know lol. I just started playing Rainbow Six Siege and on there you get voted out before the match even start or you'll have your teammate intentionally kill you. A waste of time loading into a match
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I play on xbox so 1 account needs gold and thats it.
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But don't you need PS Plus for both accounts? I don't want to waste more money just to try out a new killer every 3 months.