Every time a new killer comes out on console

Jholla31 Member Posts: 253

Why is it with every new release, survivors on consoles act like jerks? Console players don't get a chance to feel out a killer or his perks on PTB. We have to learn on the fly, even if you are in red ranks. I'm not asking for free wins, by any means, but today...

I've played three games as Pyramid Head so far. In my first game, a three man swf 6 second switched on me to flashlights and a BNP toolbox (I got one kill). In the second game there were three toolboxes on Mother's Dwelling (I got one kill). The third game was a little better, but only because the survivors rushed three gens on one side of Suffocation pit, giving me an easy 3/4 gen. Got a 4k, but barely (and one emblem away from adept, which was annoying, but they rushed the first 3 gens too fast).

Console survivors, if you see someone playing the new killer, barely 2 hours after release, why not be a little less sweaty? Don't throw the game, but at least give people a chance at a learning experience.
