Pymid head experience

emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

this really sucks.

Starting at lvl 40 I didn't get much from the bw

I currently deranked all the way back to 13

And I must say these matches are trash.


  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    4 matches in.

    The first match and the one after was a hit squad. Dodging and crouching over every attack and using maps with 2 lvls. Forget about it.

    I can't get upstairs in time fck this.

    These perks are trash.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    5 matches in.

    Deathbound is a single scream if someone heals outside my range but there's no way I can get there in time and 

    Why would they separate if they know it will penalize them... and if they do that the separation hit all they get is oblivious. Not knowing where the killer is by sound. They can still see and talk about where I am

    I have no way of knowing if its working or not but its not getting me downs thats for sure

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Game 6

    Only kill I got was a camp with the ranged attack when they unhooked.

    Trail power

    Indoor maps you would think are good. But to accually capitalize on the torment blips you really need a straight line or they are useless. If they have hight on these maps forget it.

    I can't trap anything with it. They don't last long enough. They don't work on gens or gates. If they hit it above my head there's nothing I can do to even see it.

    The trails I leave make it much harder to see blood, scratches people. Or my other aura reading perks or blips other then the ones in front of me. If I'm chasing someone though it im basically blinded

    This power right now really sucks

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Game 8 fck this

    I don't have eyes why can you people blind me so easily during my fcking ranged attack

    My God dam ranged attack is so cooldown long If they dance out if it they can flashlight stunn me.



    Why I don't have eyes

    I don't even have a face

    There is nothing under the metal im headless why can you blind me.

    Why is my head hitbox so massive I can be blinded by all angles

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    well i suppose his power is in mind game where you see a survivor run to the pallet you m2 for 1 sec and survivor change their direction so you can m1 them or when they vaulting which mean they got locked action so you can m2 them (i'm all ears is good for it) and also detection when some survivor step on your trail (use that in front of cage and you'll be an unstoppable camper)

    and also the cage seems like always appear on the edge opposite of map from your position, idk why

    look like i'm gonna still with my piggy then

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    He is hard to use, no offense, but I would not expect a rank 13 to perform well with him on the get go.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I deranked from 6 on wraith last weekend because I wanted a easy adept trophie with these ######### useless perks and I just can't get it.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471

    Pyramid Head is definitely one of the harder killers to learn. Give it some time. Funnily enough I was doing worse at P1 50 with 4 perks that I think are good on him but once I went to P2 and only had 1 perk I did better than I ever did before in a row. Surveillance, Ruin, Nurses, and I'm All Ears have nothing on just Surveillance alone.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Game 14

    Trail down the hallway. Survivor ran the whole way blinding me as I chased. It was awful.

    These perks are useless.

    These add ons are useless

    Oh grate these mothers are litterally spamming the barbed wire to lure me away from gens. And taunt me at the exit Its just a noise notification now ######### these blips are so unhelpful

    Now I can't trap the exit but I can trail the two spots leading into it but now they just spam that to taunt because they can't be hit by this ranged attack its just two small and two slow and too predictable

    These perks are garbage

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363
  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Pyramid Head is very similar to Huntress at loops. Punishes you for being predictable and doing read-able vaults and pallet drops. It's a massive mindgame. Especially when you lose LOS because both the Survivor and Killer are guessing whats gonna happen

    Low tier players won't get it, but at Red Ranks its very interactive and threatening at the same time

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    They are not that bad, i got it on my fourth try

    Forced penance is situational but when it procs be sure to leave the survivor you hit and go for the one he took the protection hit for, then go back for the survivor affected by broken.

    Trail of torment can be detrimental but you can pull some sick mind games with it if you play it smart

    Deathbound is just exquisite, it can work as a reverse nurses calling, or you can use it as a negative, if you see someone healed in you HUD, then it means he is 32 meters near you

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    Simple i got piramid head with his basic perks not even upgraded and was downing survs with his range attack at strong loops

    best way is to protect 3 gen as best as you can in one side of a school so that survs can't take it easly. The ones outside and in the middle of the holways is the safest gens for survs. So simply catch then at 3 gen in the corner and get them with second ability. I did that against 3 red rank 1 survs and one was 5, without add-ons with add-ons should be even more easy.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262


    Doesn't proc, and when it does I'm killing them both or they get away, like... that barely any time broken is 15seconds chase and 15 seconds sitting on a gen then healed. Its really unhelpful.

    I don't see protection hits because I don't see bodyblockers. Its one on one chases or its hookrush and then i down them both with the ranged or grab either way its not helping me personally but thanks for the tip

    Trial needs a gen to kick. So I've been scaring them off the gen and then kicking it to try to sneak up on them but since they gained that distance its basically throwing away a chase. Ive been able to reasonably tell that they can see me coming anyway just because my character makes so much noise doing actions, but even when I don't its really only helped me to the next gen but they run as soon as I'm in sight anyway like this no TR would help early game but not when they litterally know im coming thanks to that gen aura

    Deathbound So a survivor controlled whispers ? That only works on healing ? For spare seconds... hard pass. That trash. I'd rather have nurses so I can actually capitalize before they run off for a dance party after healing. Information that you cant actively use is just distractions

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I can use add ons for the adept trophies?

    That helps alot. My main problem has been he has no slowdown and I'm genrushed HARD by the time I've 2nd hooked im 3 gens lost and ready to camp. And these vertical maps lol forget it.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Wanna trade ranks?

    I don't like the character of Pyramid Head so I just wanted to get his trophies out of the way and then bench him. I got the other two, but the adept is eluding me. It's nearly impossible at red ranks. I've lost my prestigious Rank 1 and am currently now at Rank 3 just from trying to get his adept. Adept Nurse was easier than Pyramid Head. BHVR did him dirty with those useless perks and it's a shame because Pyramid Head is so iconic. If I were Konami, I'd be right pissed.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I'd bank that you are either a really low rank killer or you hit the survivor jackpot and were matched with the worst survivors on DbD.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    If I wanted rank 1 I'd play my doctor lol

    No thanks to that mess.

    My rank 13 while still matching me with rainbow ranks anyway took an entire weekend of hiding from survivors as wraith and opening the gate for 1000bp repeat. Hours and hours of just watching anime on my second screen mindlessly reading up and wandering around the basement

  • AFatPenguin
    AFatPenguin Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2020

    Totally cool map design. Love getting trapped in rooms back to back. Also what a great new OP character that doesnt just hook you and immediately draw circles of barbed wire around you then tunnel your friends

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    The barb wire doesn't stay anywhere near a hook or gen or gate.

    His perks are trash, his addons only give him less detectable status or added range and without mobility its only useful for tunnling off the hook yes. Its a poor design.

    And no he's not OP he's the clunkest waste since the clown. F TIER FOR SURE.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    Was rank 1, am now rank 8 and still trying for adept.

    Once I get the 2 achievements needed he’s getting benched, I dunno how he made it outta PTB relatively unchanged

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    red rank killer also red rank surv, you can chek my profile with same name under steam and you can see achivements for red ranks. Nope jut outplayed them. Maybe they were boosted potatoes, but again manage to get 3-4k with his perks alone.

  • kosmi
    kosmi Member Posts: 363

    Well i got my addept first game and was new map. So maybe cz of that survs could not rush me fast enought. But if you don't go for new map just find 3 gens and keep pushing them, don't camp gens and hooks the less gens they have the more ph is stronger but have to wait and aim hist range attack carefully at vaults and pallet drops, until you get hold of it then you can use behind walls too.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    It sounds to me like your too hyper focused on the trail portion of his kit.

    Do not worry too much about it. Place it when it's convenient and then stop.

    For is ranged attack, only use it on vaults, pallet drops and straight corridors. You will miss otherwise, but in those scenarios you can hit them extremely consistently. You can also use it if the Survivor is preforming a channel for whatever reason.

    His ranged attack addons are his best addons. The other ones aren't worth bothering with.

    PH's own perks don't synergize with him so I would recommend ignoring them. They go much better on other Killers anyways. Instead I would recommend close range tracking perks such as:

    I'm all ears

    Nurses calling

    Spies from the Shadows


    Nurses Calling in particular can get you a lot of free downs if the Survivors get careless. They usually won't but on occasion they do.

    Beyond that you run gen slowdown perks. Ruin in particular is good on him.

    As for how to use his teachables

    Deathbound - This is a Synergy perk, do not judge it solely on it's own merits. You use this with perks like Discordance or Save the Best for last or even just while playing as Legion to encourage Survivors to group up.

    If they don't then 60 seconds of Oblivious is plenty of time for you to make a play on the Healer. Unlike other Oblivious perks the timing of the perk makes it particularly disorienting, since the Killer isn't already near you and thus you don't know where he would be coming from.

    Forced Penance - A common scenario in many games is where a healthy Survivor unhooks in your face with Borrowed time. You hit the Healthy Survivors while he's unhooking, and then the unhooked Survivor that's body blocking on the way out.

    With this perk both Survivors will become broken under those conditions. And 60 seconds of broken is a genuinely long time. More than enough to stop one of them from getting a quick heal after running off.

    Yeah that's not the best effect ever. But that's how you'll most likely get use out of the perk in a real game.

    Trail of Torment - This perk is still #########. But if you want to insist on getting value out anyways of it then try Blinding the Survivors first. That way they won't see the gen aura and thus won't know where or when you use the perk.

    Thus if you are going for adept then you could try the purple blindness addon along with the green range addon. Then you activate trail of torment soon after hearing someone become tormented and then try and jump scare them.

    Even then it's still just eh. But it's something I guess.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    This is really helpful thank you for taking the time to write all of this.

    I'll keep practicing using these tactics and keep updating

  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    Yeah he's a strong killer, I won almost all my games today. I usually torment a survivor, hook him, cage him, and then re-hook him : good bye