Making DC'ing and Matchmaking Locks Fair

Shockzfordayz Member Posts: 2
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

I've recently been thinking about how the matchmaking lock sucks and how DC'ing Survivors ruins the game for other people, so I've thought of four different ideas to try and make it more fair.

1. Actually taking emblems into account that you earn in game. It'd work like this:

At least 2 Iridescent and DC - No Lock

At least 2 Gold and DC - No Lock

At least 3 Silver and DC - No Lock

All bronzes and DC- Lock

The emblems are supposed to show that you HAVE been active in game and actually doing something. If you got caught first and DC out of stupidity, then obviously the lock would make sense. But if you have been actively contributing to the game, such as leading the Killer around, or doing Generators, or healing other Survivors, then it shouldn't give you a lock. If you aren't doing anything to contribute to your team and are just being unproductive, then a lock should be applied.

2. Removing the stackable lock time. This is a no brainer. Just make it a set time of 15 minutes. Server errors happen all the time which cause people to unfairly DC and get the lock and having to wait potentially 6 hours to get into a game is honestly insulting.

3. Much better compensation for a DC'ing teammate. We all remember the old 3/2/1 man games and how generators would scale with each survivor present, but that has been phased out with how matchmaking works. This old feature should be reimplemented into the game for if a Survivor DCs, and makes things more evenly balanced.

4. Moderately increased bloodpoint gain on a Survivor DC. Makes sense: Survivor DCs, you get more points due to the player handicap.

Obviously not all of these are perfect in any capacity, but they are better than what we have currently. Let me know what you think about these, and if they would work well.


  • SnackPac
    SnackPac Member Posts: 11

    They're fair as is.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    I believe its fair as it is. Even if you're playing great, there is no acceptable reason to DC outside of game errors or legitimate game hostages. If youre playing amazingly, why would you even DC in the first place

    As for your second point of making the game lockout always 15m, why bother. For the one or two times the DC isnt your fault, or just a poorly times internet issue, your penalty will be short enough where it won't matter, and if you're getting enough disconnects either through crashing or internet issues, then maybe its more a problem for you, and that you shouldn't play DbD since youre likely to disconnect and ruin a match for others

  • BlowMe_Wan_Kenobi
    BlowMe_Wan_Kenobi Member Posts: 4

    I would like to see that people who lost connection don't get the dc penalty. I think the rules are fair enough as is for dc penalties but my friends and i don't always have the greatest of connections to the servers and lose connection then having to face a dc penalty we didn't deserve.

  • felipao_brabo
    felipao_brabo Member Posts: 169

    no they're not, im currently banned for 3 days because of bugs