Opinion on PH and how to play him IMO

RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

Its simple, you cant do it every time, but its a guideline:

First hook on everyone: try to get them tormented, but hook them. The tormented status is still on the survivor after unhooking.

second hook: use a cage. No DS, no problem. Sure you can abuse his abillities for tunneling and camping, but to be fair survivors with meta perks abuse them too. the difference is we now have a killer that can counter this mad bad words.

Third hook: its up to you, the major thing is the second hook.

I think this is the smartest way you can play.

Finally the Abusers get punished and actually good survivors that play creatively are rewarded.

I love PH, and I dont even have a good bild on him. For now im using whispers II surge I STBFL II and Devour hope III

I think my final Build will be BBQ, Surge, Im all ears (have to test if its good) and STBFL.

He is a fast paced killer, no more wasting time, just playing. Not to strong not to weak.

He could get some minor tweaks, but im happy as he is.

Maybe you dont need to see where cages are but get notified when someone gets uncaged?

Or a small small small buff on his range attack either less punishment for a miss or a slighty faster casting time.


  • Every1poops
    Every1poops Member Posts: 63

    He is difficult to use but rewarding imo.

    I think he is fine maybe some small buffs.

    I WISH the devs would buff the Third Seal.

    Not just for PH but for all killers. I wish the third seal would work on everything to rainbow maps to pig cages to plague fountains and for cages. Its a hex perk why cant it be super strong?

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Good tips. I'm currently running Ruin, Thrilling Tremors, Surge, and Sloppy as I'm going to P2 him at least. He's been all chase for me. So far holding my own in red ranks until I'm better and I have him where he needs to be. Noticing people DCing outright though.