New survivor perk is amazing! Repressed Alliance (RA)!

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Repressed alliance: You're accustomed to being hunted by malicious forces, and you've begun using it to your advantage.

Repressed Alliance activates after repairing Generators 

 for a total of 80/70/60 seconds.

When repairing a Generator while Repressed Alliance is active, press the Active Ability button to call upon the Entity to block the Generator for 30 seconds, after which Repressed Alliance deactivates.

Affected Generators will be revealed to all Survivors by a white Aura.

Now, 6 games in a row, either I 99% the 4th gen and block it for the killer not to kick it and/or make him believe there are 2 gens still to be done whyle other survs can see the gen I block and letting them know it is 99% or my team of randoms in solo fix 4 gens, I advance a lot in the 5th gen, block it, the killer thinks we're doing that one and we go and do another one. And yes, I also used it to block PGTW, he hooks someone, runs to my 70% gen, I block it, BOOM! NO PGTW killer!

Post game messages: "That F perk is OP", "How did you block the gen you hacker?" and "PGTW is the only good perk we have and you use that?"
