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For how long exactly is keeping the game hostage?

Let's say as killer, use as strategy keeping a surv trapped into a corner for X seconds,

from which number is this X bannable?

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  • Member Posts: 41

    I believe refusing to participate in the main objective and preventing the other team from completing theirs is holding the game hostage. If your strategy involves hitting multiple survivors (say, blinding everyone using Hex: The Third Seal) then do so. If the strategy is to down a survivor and stand over their body, preventing other survivors from healing them and you attack them but you don't chase, you're definitely holding the game hostage.

  • Member Posts: 129
    edited June 2020

    But I also wanna know since it can be strategic.

    Let's say you play Killer and (FOR SOME REASON) 3 survivors literally sit in a corner (where a totem could be or something) and you block them so ALL 3 of them are stuck. 5 gens left.

    Technically that's not holding the game hostage since the last survivor can do gens and the 3 trapped survivors will die from endgame collapse. Also, if the last Survivor isn't doint the gens in this case, the Survivor is holding the game hostage (!)

    Now that would take ~400 seconds + travel time between gens. That's about 7 or 8 minutes. Depends how slow that Survivor is.

    And what about trapping Survivors with active Bear Traps on their head? Takes even less time.

    And since we know that slugging isn't bannable, the X in your question is more than 3 minutes.

    I want a dev Statement on Updated Game Rules. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    It's not holding anything if you stand over a down survivor. 1 others can do gens and 2 the down persons on a timer no one's held hostage.

  • Member Posts: 41

    Yeah you're right.

    But if it's with all 4 survivors it definitely is

  • Member Posts: 1,454
  • Member Posts: 129

    That's way too complicated. What if the last gen is close to done? Yeah sure I wanna get one kill instead of 3 free kills.

    He can't be serious.

  • Member Posts: 262

    Sometimes it's useful if you have a survivor trapped in the corner as certain killers, like if you're Trapper, you can strap under their feet and get a free down lol.

    But yeah if the killer just stands there doing nothing and the survivor can't get out that's reportable.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    That's why there's no fixed number, to prevent people from abusing the system on both sides.

  • Member Posts: 828

    What's complicated about that? Just don't block for an extended period when egc isn't active.

    Your scenario that you can block three people in a corner is really hypothetical and won't happen often, so you don't need to worry about that.

  • Member Posts: 395

    Well, being blocked is also the responsibility of the survivor if he/she goes to a dead end place like the entrance of a house with the closed door

  • Member Posts: 129

    Oh, almost forgot that Killers aren't allowed to use survivors mistakes as advantages.

    I also know that it's a scummy move to do that but so is Facecamping, Insidious Camping, Slugging for 3 Minutes. . . . . . But these are not bannable either :)

  • Member Posts: 3,275
    edited June 2020

    You're supposed to injure the survivors and hook them, not barricade them in place. Doing this for any length of time serves no point and does not help you achieve your objectives, and effectively amounts to camping an unhooked player. You're abusing a design flaw.

  • Member Posts: 828
    edited June 2020

    Yes, because slugging, camping etc is part of the normal gameplay. You're not supposed to just stand in a corner and get kills that way. I guess that's the reason why afk Wraith is a touchy subject (and you won't even get kills that way): The Devs want active Gameplay, not people standing in corners.

    In the end our discussion is pointless, a Dev said it's reportable, so I would guess that the people who review reports judge it the same way and avoid behaviour like that.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Those are frustrating mechanics, and I don't like them either, but they are intended parts of the game design. Blocking another player's movement in a corner is not.

    Camping and slugging will result in a speedy end for the player on the receiving end (less than 5 minutes at most in either case, certainly). This is why those mechanics are not considered holding the game hostage. I'm confident that you understand the objective difference between these actions, regardless of how you personally feel about them.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    if they were to give an exact number, there would be trolls abusing that by holding the game hostage till just before said time is reached in order to make the game as miserable as possible for others while not being punishable for it.

    its better when no one knows.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    I would assume the "exact number" is something to the tune of "any length of time which demonstrates that the offending player was doing it knowingly and maliciously, and not just making an honest mistake."

    I have had games where I chased someone into a boxed-in area of a jungle gym, and wound up in such a position that the survivor was completely barricaded by me. Then I hit them, and they get to run away. But if I were to just stand there not doing anything, even if it's for like 20 seconds, I'd say that would not be OK at all. Maybe if the EGC were ticking down and I was preventing them from escaping or getting to a nearby hatch, sure (since at that point you could legitimately argue that it's about securing the kill). But not in the course of normal non-EGC play, no.

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