

Pyramid head's cages.

Member Posts: 207

Well, some people say cages need to be nerfed or buffed, so, i've made this poll, vote what you think cages should be done to them:

Pyramid head's cages. 69 votes

The cages are balanced.
40 votes
BT and DS should work.
6 votes
BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.
2 votes
BT and DS should work, killer can't see the cage and can't send the survivor before 60 seconds have passed after he got off.
1 vote
The killer shouldn't be able to see the cage.
10 votes
Cages Are Unbalanced and should be reworked.
3 votes
The killer's power should be nerfed/buffed.
7 votes

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  • Member Posts: 3,269
    The killer's power should be nerfed/buffed.

    The kit needs buffs, the cages are fine.

    Torment and Punishment are lacking tho.

  • Member Posts: 16,624
    The killer shouldn't be able to see the cage.

    Thats the only thing IMO.

    It would prevent Pyramid Heads from tunneling (or they would need to guess where the Survivor is, which will actually be a time-waster), while still keeping the core of the Cages to ignore hook-related Perks.

  • Member Posts: 105
    edited June 2020
    The cages are balanced.

    Either every single 'Hook' based perks from both Killer and Survivor should work on it, or none of them should.

    Simply from a programming/description standpoint it's insane to think each individual perk should be reviewed and if it should or shouldn't work with this. You're just asking for more bugs/exploits. Personally I'm fine with no perks working on cages because it shakes up the meta finally. I'm tired of running/seeing the same 8ish perks to be 'viable' . I'm ready for variety.

    Also, I really encourage you (and everyone) to play Killer AND Survivor. None of your poll options included something like 'It should work with Devour Hope and BBQ and Chilli!' try to think about both sides.

  • Member Posts: 105
    The cages are balanced.

    There's already no sound indicator when someone is removed from the cage. That would be very nuts in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 8
    The killer's power should be nerfed/buffed.

    The white hunter needs buffing lol

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    Well, the killer can literally tunnel the survivor untill he is dead, if he is sent to a cage, he doesn't have PROTECTION agaisnt NOTHING

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    do you think the killer has no eyes?

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    btw, im not a survivor main.

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    Every single one of the people who said that his cages are balanced, i think they only play killer, because he is not fun to play agaisnt, a huntress you have a challange, against him you have the challange to be TUNNELED. that's it.

    Every pyramid head I got wanted to just, hook me 2 times and literally "mori" me on the 3rd hook, this is unfair, you shouldn't be able to do this, this killer is a literal DEMOGORDON but better and over powered. This is not fun to go against a survivor, because you are going to get tunneled 100%

  • Member Posts: 6,807
    edited June 2020

    Where's the option for all hook perks working including the Killer hook perks but that technically doesn't include DS because that perk triggers on pickup which still doesn't happen?

  • Member Posts: 114
    Cages Are Unbalanced and should be reworked.

    Me and my 4manSWF group tested this and the cages are the same as old hooks, facecamping will stop any attempt to free a survivor as you can only free them from the direct front.

    It's toxic and they need to be reworked or removed.

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    Well, Pyramid head is a literal Demogordon, but better, and has other features.

  • Member Posts: 773
    The cages are balanced.

    Wrong. I play survivors even little bit more than killers.

    Keep in mind that it's only one killer. Killer, who isn't easy to play as. Killer, whose power is very punishing for him if used wrong.

    Also keep in mind, that if killer wants to tunnel you - he will tunnel you no matter if it's Pyramid Head or someone else. And if this killer isn't completely braindead he will easily avoid any BT and DS's. And it's not impossible to avoid PH's torment, for that matter, so you still can spend the whole game without going to gulag. And not every Pyramid Head tends to tunnel and camp on purpose the whole match. At least smart ones don't.

  • Member Posts: 199
    The cages are balanced.

    It is balanced; if you want your ds to work, do not step into the trail. It is not that hard, you can bring Nea's crouching perk or just stay away from the trails. PH's perks are bad, that needs a buff.

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    you can't make that .

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    by the time you reach another loop, you are already doomed

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    1st. you're wrong, he can literally mori you if you are on the last hook, making your ds COMPLETLY USELESS if you are on the ground.

    2nd. it can be only 1 killer, but i can't do absolute nothing as running to another loop is literally deadly as i could have literally NONE of distance between me and the killer.

    3rd. he is too overpowered, he is a demogordon with extra features, WHAT IS THIS ?

  • Member Posts: 773
    The cages are balanced.

    1st. Yes, but before doing that he needs to get your ass tormented and downed. If you have at least one competent teammate, it can be avoided.

    2nd. Then learn to play against this killer. Both his torment and his range attack can be dodged.

    3rd. If you are calling Pyramid Head and Demogorgon overpowered then you obviously don't know how both the killer and the game work.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    edited June 2020
    The killer shouldn't be able to see the cage.

    I feel like him not being able to see the cage should be added for overall fairness. However, that reduces the amount of advantages that the killer can have and would act as a nerf. Therefore I feel that he should be buffed in some other way to compensate.

    If the cages of torment had a reduced timer compared to a hook, I feel that would be fair. Survivors should feel a sense of urgency to removing the survivor from the box, in addition to that all stages of the box should have skill checks and those skill checks should be more difficult than the current skill checks.

  • Member Posts: 207
    edited June 2020
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    Answer to your 1st. yes, he needs, but let me say this to you, if he uses his trail on a loop, you need to run to another, and getting downed in 5 seconds, get help.

    Answer to your 2nd. you make absolute no sense, please go learn how to play survivor and stop just playing killers, kthxbye =D (k thanks bye)

    Answer to your 3rd. go learn english, i said, pyramid head = Demogordon, but with the feature of downing you thru walls, and, having his cages wich fu** the survivor up if he steps in his trail.

    Post edited by jadss on
  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    stop being a killer main and be a killer / survivor main = D

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    1st. he runs the same as demogordon

    2nd. he has the same power as demo, but better,

    3rd. his cages are overpowered, and that's an "Extra feature", So right there, i think he should get a nurf

    4th. i think killers need a buff in general, and buffing his cages is a huge error. his cages already don't work as real hooks, so stop.

    5th. If it requires more skillchecks, would you agree with having skills checks the hook itself? pls play survivor and stop saying his cages are worse then what you think

  • Member Posts: 773
    The cages are balanced.

    Wym? Being objective about new killer means being killer main?

    1st. Completely wrong. They are two different characters. Pyramid Head can't teleport. Demo can't send people elsewhere. It's like saying that Hag and Huntress run the same lmao.

    2nd. As I said, Pyramid Head can't teleport. And Demo's dash is way more controllable than PH's range attack. So although it can't hit through walls or pallets, it still is better on the whole. And it's easier to use, because with PH's attack, if you are out in the open somewhere, you ALWAYS have to predict where the survivor's gonna turn - if anything it's more like Huntress' hatchets or Deathslinger's harpoon than Demo's dash. And it's (PH's attack) still worse than both hatchets and harpoon. Stating otherwise makes me think, once again, that you don't really understand how killers work.

    3rd. The fact that you don't like it doesn't make it overpowered.

    4th. No one is talking about buffing cages. They are already fine as they are. Also, "error" is something that you get on your computer programs, when they crash. Wrong act or approach is called a "mistake". Learning English wouldn't be a mistake for you. Also, his cages don't work as hooks, yes. Because they are not hooks. And killer doesn't get anything, like Pop or Devour, from it too. So stop pretending like survivors are the only ones who have their perks countered by cages.

    5th. I don't think I understand what you are trying to say. Would I want skill-checks on hooks? Yeah, why not, I don't have problem with that - for me skill-checks are better than breaking fingers by spamming one button non-stop.

    sigh I play survivor a lot. I've said it before. Directly to you. Do you even read my responses? I played against live version of Pyramid Head 8 times already, I died from him only 2 times, I've got to his cage only once (although I was in his cages many-many times during PTB, so yes, I'm fully aware of how they work from both sides). Is good Pyramid Head player challenging? Yes, a good player is always challenging to play against, even if it's a Clown, Legion or Bubba. Is he overpowered? No, nowhere near it.

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    1st. no, you're wrong, i didn't talk about teleporting, i talked about how, pyramid head has literally the same power as demo in one perspective, and demo's power of teleporting is cool, but still he needs to down you, pyramid head can just send you to a cage, literally teleporting you, and you can't do no thing about as his cages don't count as hooks, so, stop it

    2nd. first of all, he can't teleport and that is just saying 1=1, so stop it, second , PH is still better even if his controls are Shitter.

    3rd. You're just playing him and you think he is balanced, you never play survivor, it's in the face. =D are you rank 20 ? lol

    4th. stop it =D saying error = mistake, if you think otherwise it's your opinion, and, if it is, you are just trying to get a excuse.

    5th. you're stupid if you think it needs more skillchecks, because if you say his cages needs more skillchecks you are just asking to buff him.. and you are very wrong, because he shouldn't be buffed and killers in general should be buffed so, stop it.

    Yes i read your responses but you defenetly play against rank 20s

  • Member Posts: 773
    The cages are balanced.

    "stop it" is your favourite phrase, ain't it, mate?

    Oh my, someone can't see further than his nose, ain't that right? Well, keep it up, boi, keep calling not-so-good killers OP, hoping they will become basically unplayable with nerfs. PH is good only when player, who controls him, is good. And even when he has good player controlling him, he still doesn't get higher than B-rank. If you still think that he is overpowered, well then, I'm not going to convince you otherwise. Facts won't change.

    I still don't f-ing know why you keep bringing up those skillchecks, although there's nothing about "cages need more skillchecks" in my responses. Nothing about buffing anything or anyone. But you keep accusing me of stating something that I didn't even mention and after that you claim that you "read my responses". I can't tell if you are trolling or just blatantly lying lmao.

    Rank 20? Oh, man, I wish. Although yeah, sometimes I get 20-rank teammates, when playing survivor. Or at least it feels like it.

    Good luck and have a great day lol

  • Member Posts: 526
    The killer shouldn't be able to see the cage.

    The Executioner can leave the trails right next to the cage causing both the rescuer and the rescued gets tormented after the save

    so he should not be able to see the cages but should get a notification when the survivor gets saved

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719
    The killer shouldn't be able to see the cage.

    Demo has portals for mobility, his shred is a different ability altogether with different upsides and downsides and IMHO demo is the weakest killer in the game. Do you feel that PH is stronger than nurse, billy, and spirit. If not, then he's not OP and does not need a nerf. But while he may not need a nerf he could have an overall rebalancing to weaken parts of his kit and strengthen others.

  • Member Posts: 195
    The killer shouldn't be able to see the cage.

    It makes me really upset that at least Kindred doesn't work when you or someone else is in the cage. I use this perk every game I play solo to help me and my team and it instantly becomes useless :(

  • Member Posts: 207
    BT and DS should work and killer can't see the cage.

    you still get rank 20's

    so stop it ,-,


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