Pyramid head cannot be countered + OP

seriously if anyone truly believes that pyramid head is not Op you're kidding yourself on top of the fact that the combination of his powers makes him impossible to counter. A killer with an instant kill in his base kit come on behaviour you can do better than this.



  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    Instant kill only if you run through his torment and on death hook. On hook or by his blade it's already game over for you. His range atk has a delay to it and is very punishing for PH if he does miss. Just be more careful about vaulting and pallets he's just been released give him some time.

    If you really wanna know which killer lacks counter play.... spirit.... I hate her more than any other killer but won't see me complain.

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 628

    The cage saves you 5 seconds of hooking or so, its not an instant kill.

    His attack has a giant glowing warning of where it is going to hit, it's comically easy to avoid.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I haven't played him yet so can't really get a feel for his strength completely but he is so much fun to play against <3

    There'll be less pyramid heads in a couple of weeks and you can go back to locker-DSing spirits or whatever

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    The fact that he can avoid DS/BT via his cages and DS via mini-mori is pretty ridiculous, actually.

    Devs have stated they are looking into ways to make camping/tunneling less desirable...then they created a Killer even more efficient at tunneling by allowing him to disable the only viable counters to it.

    That will be abused. There will continue to be much rage in the forums about this killer, I suspect. Probably resulting in some variety of 'tone down' in a coming patch. It's pretty much the way it always goes.

  • DapperPickle
    DapperPickle Member Posts: 13

    The absolute state of survivor cucks...

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    You got downed after running into his trail on death hook, you're going to die from being Hooked, Caged, or Jugemented.

    Also look behind you in a chase.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    Well we'll have to see when people really got the hang of this killer, but at his current state he aint OP. On paper it sounds really strong, but theres enough time to dodge his ranged attack and he gets punished with a long stun (5s from PTB, dunno if they changed it). 5s is enough to get to the next loop / just as long as a dstrike for EACH MISS.

    His insta kill is on death hook, so what's the point? The only issue is, that he can body block a caged survivor, making it impossible to be rescued. I thought that the devs do not want that, after they changed the old unhook angles (maybe it was an oversight, but people pointed this out on PTB and now its on the live version...).

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    In order for that to happen, you need to be in torment and be in last hook. He isn’t OP and I’ve survived multiple matches against him already

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    edited June 2020

    People say that about every Killer. And have said that about PH, except it isnt. Because the 'other side of the map' in a lot of cases isn't really that far - especially new maps. IME in the PTB, he was able to get to the cage at or just after the survivor who was releasing from the cage. Of the matches I played, the vast majority of PH's tunneled the cage and camped hooks with his ranged ability to try and down the off-hooked survivor and hit the off-hooker in a single hit. This will be rampantly abused by Killers, regardless if there is a better way to play the game, because it is a very easy way to kill people - with guaranteed no BT/DS - and thats all Killers care about.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    i havent got a kill with him yet, i dont think he is OP ... Im getting better tho, maybe i will change my mind with more expereince.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,848

    Well...yes and no. As a PH, I dont HAVE to cage you right away. I can hook someone who has torment on, and then tunnel them down after the unhook and cage them to avoid a DS. I still wouldnt say its OP or anything, just acknowledging that it IS a thing.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I've seen a lot of cages backfire already anyway. I just got caged and teleported next to two other survivors on a gen, which isn't exactly the best map pressure

  • raulblideran
    raulblideran Member Posts: 225

    Played against him 5 times, 2 out of 5 I actually felt he is op. To me so far he seems balanced.

  • scenekiller
    scenekiller Member Posts: 890

    A killer that hasn't been out for 24 hours (not counting PTB since not everyone does that) is OP

    I swear some of you want to just play this game on autopilot and not be challenged at all

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    He is not OP at all, pretty mediocre I would say. Have escaped every game so far against him. You are the problem not PH. Practice and get better at surviving.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    nEw KiLlEr Op pLZ nErF

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I'm surprised it took the community this long to make a PH is op thread. Normally these things start before they even hit the ptb.

  • TrappinMan
    TrappinMan Member Posts: 66

    This seems to be a lot of people's problem. They're so used to having second and third chances that something that stops it is considered OP. For other examples see Freddy's Lullaby, Huntress and Clown causing exhaustion, Deathslinger shooting people post Dead Hard, Oni, Billy, and pretty much anything that punishes a survivor for just holding m1 on the gen.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,848

    Thats why its generally a good idea to hook someone the first down. If you would normally plan on slugging someone to go after another target, go ahead and cage em but If you have the time... Hook em. They keep the torment status after being unhooked and lose it after being uncaged.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    the mori only activates if u are dead on hook and tormented. It only saves time and counter DS. Hint: You can still jump into a locker while DS is active and PH would have to wait out like any other killer

  • Funguu
    Funguu Member Posts: 88
  • Funguu
    Funguu Member Posts: 88

    Look I think they just need to rework/nerf him just like they did with Legion, since legion's rework I haven't had a problem with him since

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Or you could play more than few games against him before asking for nerfs.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990
  • Gesteppie
    Gesteppie Member Posts: 29

    I've played a couple of games against this Killer so far and I have found he is really fun to play against...


    There are aspects such as his cages, which SHOULD be registered the same as hooks when it comes to perks, because there a lot of survivor perks rely on hook premises particularly DS and BT.

    When the killer is so powerful like this, further reducing survivors game play against him will result in a lot of angry players.

  • BootyAnimal
    BootyAnimal Member Posts: 1

    i play this game a lot..but as soon as the new dlc came out im having troubles surviving, games go by super quick, i only managed to escape one pyramid head but they so happen to not know what they're doing. I'll start off with punishment of damned, i understand its kind of like huntresses hatches but...the fact he can hit through to wall easily, and crutch perks like pop goes the wiesel and over charge makes it x10 worse. I'm all for the cage power but i wish they made it to where it would count as getting hooked because DS wont work and neither would borrow time. this killer is the reason I wont be playing for a while at least until something is done

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 375

    The only reason people think PH is op is because he counters looping. seriously. you dont get caged or final judgement unless you get tormented, and you dont get tormented unless you backtrack over the trails he can only leave BEHIND him; i.e., you only get these if you abuse the flawed level designs by looping. escape via other methods, and he has nothing but modified, usually inferior hatchets.

    I mean, he doesnt even have speed or map pressure like the top tier killers do, which is what makes them top tier. This happens every time a new killer comes out. certain standard counters dont work as well against them, so survivors rage, then come to accept that it's ok to use a different counter that's just as good, and the bitching mostly subsides. give it a month, and you'll see what I mean.

  • UhJoker
    UhJoker Member Posts: 6

    I've played 20 or 30 matches against him and I can say with ease that using him with a specific set of perks is extremely OP.

    The devs want to stop tunneling and camping, but then release a killer that completely counters the perks that counter tunneling. I don't get it.

  • Lemonaxdes
    Lemonaxdes Member Posts: 3

    unless you got a very quick reaction time, that glow isnt really gonna help. you basically gotta predict where he's gonna launch his hentai-inator at you.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    You know, I see that you're saying this, but I doubt you played Pyramid Head yourself yet. Go ahead and play him with the Red Ranks. Tell me how easy he is to get a 4k with ;D Especially with level 1 and 2 perks against Survivors fully kitted which is the stage EVERYONE is at right now.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    You do realize that his power also counters camping and tunneling? It also negates both Killer and Survivor perks as well. And until you find someone playing PH using those "specific set of perks", he's not OP.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Entitlement in its purest form.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    I can attest to this. He is not OP, but fun to play if you are a decent killer. He does have counter play. The good survivors are doing just fine. May I suggest the poster watch a YouTube vid or something.

  • darklinger
    darklinger Member Posts: 128

    Killer even not high tier. Not see reason rework him. No map control. Lol it's funny how survs want go against easy killers

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,623

    Seems people talking about camping cages are forgetting that Pyramid Head can only send survivors to a cage if they are tormented. In order to avoid being tormented just don't walk into his trails. Easy!

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Look guys I will admit he is pretty strong but I have been dodging his power constantly and it slows him quite a bit plus we needed a killer that stops op loops and ds so in opinion hes balanced plus all you people complaining please shut up just because you cant loop and ds and bully anymore dosent meen that you have to complain about it ok and ruining one killer because your an entitled inconsiderate a hole is not gonna help your cause plus the cages and mini mori are balanced and you will just have to live with it because of you want him nerfed even though hes only been out for a day then they should remove the meat tree killers shack and most other pallet loops and give people dribbling back then its balanced otherwise he stays the way he is

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Exactly like your literally not happy till every killer is garbage like jesus christ dont be a such a dck just try counter them plus if your being chased by PH then just jump in a locker and he will have to eat the da otherwise just leave

  • Bluegatti
    Bluegatti Member Posts: 80

    Stone edge is fine, you can dodge it still if you have quick reaction time or you learn the killers habit. The only issue that I find here is that a lot of killer abusing stone edge when someone unhooking then do the double hook which is tunneling, it is dumb and not good for the health of this game, it is not as stupid as bubba but it is still kind of non-skill. If this is not getting fixed I think there will be decreasing trend for the current player

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Also might I add that I have escaped 9 out of 10 rank one phs so dude your just bad not to mention someone said hes ruining the game no your ruining the game by destroying every single killer that is better than yourself look dude just get some skill or even better stop complaining like seriously also again to add I haven't yet been sent to a cage because I've been smart enough to crouch or take a hit instead of stand on torment which has then further alowed me to use my ds on him

  • Bluegatti
    Bluegatti Member Posts: 80

    There’s a huge increasing amount of unsafe rescue if you notice the recent gameplay.

    some people will say just cancel the unhook, my answer is yes and no, because there are 2 possibility for it:

    1: unsafe rescue, cancel unhooking is considered as unsafe rescue which decrease your point in the emblem.

    2: Guaranteed hit. This happen more compare to the first one, killer do the timing right so that he can hit both survivor which makes it inevitable. Perfectly satisfied the definition of tunneling.

    Non skill down should be avoid at all cost and devs failed to do so by creating bubba and current stone edge.