Anyone else think Midwich is the worst map in the history of DBD (gameplay wise)?

Xpljesus Member Posts: 395
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

I'd honestly rather play Haddonfield or The Game, never thought they'd release a map so bad I'd say that. The gens are so hard to find with zero indicators, the pallets are pretty ######### and there's even a room with loads of chairs that's completely dead - but subsequently, it's horrible for any killer who can't teleport or something. Gen patrol and navigation is extremely painful and creates for hardly any interaction as finding survivors is an insane chore (a problem Haddonfield was previously was the worst for, due to the gen spread, how hidden the gens were, and the horrible sound occlusion this game has. I feel there should be 4+ staircases to the second floor, 4 entries to the courtyard and multiple dropdowns (2-4). As it is, this map is so unfun for both sides, this map is even worse to navigate and patrol gens than Haddonfield, and after about 8h on it for both sides each, I think it's the worst map ever created.

Edit: just to clarify this is PURELY gameplay, the atmosphere and look of the map are extremely well done



  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    It feels me with so much anxiety. I love it! I have yet to see what it looks like behind the gates, though. But its the only map that makes me feel dread (in a horror sense.)

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    The map looks really good but i hate it gameplay wise.I don't think we ever had a map that is this confusing.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    The map needs alot more indicators, that true. Generators, stairs, holes all need to be indicated better for both killer and survivor.

    While the map is probably one of the most exciting ones for new players, for more experienced players who play a but more competetive will get annoyed by its navigation.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    Although I could be wrong as it just came out, I don't think it's as bad as everyone says. More ways to get between floors and a 4-way crossroads at the middle of the map would definitely help though. It's just intrinsically flawed like Hawkins or The Game though, due to the pallets being either worthless or god pallets. Seriously, how many god pallets are on midwich? There's, like, four or something just off the top of my head, in the courtyard, bathroom and near the stairs.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Appearance? Its the best.

    Lore and Easter eggs and even the siren at the end omg amazing

    Finding the stairs... yeah ######### that map.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well, I understand that at first I got very lost but actually, if you have played Silent Hill, then it's almost the same. I just have issues while I play killer since I don't get used to it and perhaps that is a big map. Also, Am I the only who noticed the double pallet on the tower?

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    It's bad, but not as bad as Hawkins. That's still the unequivocal worst map in the game for me.

    Do people really dislike Dead Dawg? I actually think it's the best map they've made since Clown.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Also, as far as finding gens, I'm low enough rank that I can get away with running Deja Vu without anyone batting an eyelid. ;)

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,372

    I've escaped on Midwich more times than I've escaped Hawkins and it's been a day since Midwich was released.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I hate it personally, and a few others do. It feels frustrating as both sides and promotes genrushing since survivors can't really loop most the map, there's only a few spots for it, so they pressure gens heavily. Idk, I feel like it's unhealthy for the game personally.

  • Mogletmox
    Mogletmox Member Posts: 24

    the new map has many "deadzonez" that nurse cant blink past which she should be able as you could see the destination

    especialy at the corners leading to a corridoor..i can see the whole corridor but my blink gets "blocked" by inch of corner


  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I might run detective's hunch solely in case I get this map. AND urban evasion! Look out world.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656


    The map is beautifully done, which is why it is so sad the room configurations, resources and gen placements are utter trash. I have started using ANY map offering to avoid being taken there. Unfortunate. I love the look/feel of the place.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575

    Looks fantastic. Still hate it. I have been using map offerings every match just to avoid it.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Hawkins is a very bad map and worse for survivors. But I put this as worse in a similar vein to why I consider Haddonfield 'worse' to play on than Ormond/Cowshed/Mother's Dwelling. The thing about Haddonfield is the thing that makes it unfun isn't the strength of the map/loops etc, but the layout of the gens and map navigation. There's not a worse map (until now perhaps) to go about patrolling gens on. Atleast Hawkins has (some) gen indicator with the doors that don't open properly, and atleast it's virtually flat. But just navigating this map, for me, is way more painful than any of the ######### on hawkins that you have to deal with

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    Honestly I tried Deja Vu yesterday for the first time (I have over 1000 hours and I'm not a low rank) randomly, yesterday, and it's actually a pretty decent perk

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I feel like this is the issue. They wanted to stay true to the layout in the original game, which is cool, but this isn't Silent Hill. It's like fan service was the focus instead of what makes a DBD map fun and balanced.

  • dastru
    dastru Member Posts: 165

    despite some bugs i love the small details they added like the corpse jumping out from a locker when you get closer, the small locker shaking where the cat was in sh1 or the girl crying sound when youre next to the closed bathroom on a corner of the room

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    I had a lot of fun on it so far. I guess I'm in the minority on that though?

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    People just need to learn their way around the map. Its not hard to learn the layout, just rough to orient yourself from one room. If you're still learning the map, I recommend perks like Windows Of Opportunity and Detective's Hunch/Deja Vu- normally these perks arent that helpful, but they work wonders on new maps. Killers, you've got Zanshin Tactics in place of Windows, and use totem perks to learn totem placements.

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    Nah I’m actually rather enjoying Midwich so far. My one complaint is that I wish there were more stairs or paths that connected the two floors. But everything else about the map is S++ tier. The layout, art direction, visual design, sound deisgn, aesthetic, horror factor, and all the Easter eggs really make this map the new gold standard.

    The worst map in the game for me personally is undoubtedly Hawkins. Just abysmal in every aspect. I can’t remember the last time I had fun on that map. It’s not even pleasing from an aesthetic standpoint either it’s just ugly grey lab hallways with the only cool part being the upside down room.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    I don't think this is the problem, the navigation being too inconvenient is the biggest problem. You can be in spots where you can't cut off a survivor and to get into chase takes literally like 45secs. You can be in spots where you need to get to the courtyard, to a spot 5 metres of total distance from where you're standing, and it takes like 20-30 seconds. Changing floors should be doable in max 10 seconds at virtually any part of the map, instead it's like half a minute.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417

    Eh it's a lot better than Hawkins and honestly better than I thought it would be. In fact it might be my favorite indoor map of them all.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    It's a great map. Playing it as a survivor vs as a killer is a completely different gaming experience. As a survivor I was actually a little spooked. Especially walking out of the bathrooms. The constant low noises and the siren at the start of the round really set the mood that this is indeed a horror game.

    As a killer it's definitely not as scary but that's by design I feel.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited June 2020

    I've enjoyed the map so far, though I can't really comment on the issue of struggling with finding gens. I do think it needs some improvements, like one or two more stair cases or a few more doors. And probably a better way of finding the generators.

    Still, so far I've been enjoying the map. I just like it's unique design, think it's quite balanced, and it has great atmosphere

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I do think there needs to be more ways to access the courtyard from the 2nd floor, but in terms of gen/totem/chest placements I think they're alright. Maybe have better indicators for the access point between floors, but thats about it. What I really like about it that differs from the other indoor maps is the fact that its tough to orient from a room- making a map confusing makes it more fun and dangerous IMO. Maybe its just from experiencing the other maps so often, but I like not knowing exactly where I am w/o seeing a landmark area to tell me where I am.

  • mutante
    mutante Member Posts: 54

    Nurse players: are you having a good time playing nurse in this map? Because I'm absolutely not.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    I really enjoy it as Michael. I think stealth killers will like it more. I can't see Billys, Huntress' etc having a good time there though.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I played as Trapper. Survivor stepped on a trap upstair. I could not find a way up to get them.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited June 2020

    I'll be honest, I've only managed to play the new map twice (once as survivor and once as killer) so I'm not going to claim I'm an expert on the topic but I will say I always groan when I hear people say "gens are so hard to find!" because that's very much more a intro-to-a-new-chapter problem than anything else.

    A few months down the line everyone will have this map memorized because there aren't yet multiple variations for any of the licensed maps. Also, if finding gens is really that big of an issue just run perks like Deja Vu or Detective's Hunch, at the very least for the first few hours or days as you get accustomed to the new map just to learn where the typical gen placement / spawns are.

    That's not to say the rest of what you mentioned isn't valid, crappy pallet spawns, not enough entry points between floors or the center of the map are all things that could probably make the map better I won't lie. As well as sound / audio optimization just as a general QoL change.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The saloon is one of the worst maps in the game. A lack of decent loops forces stealth play, and an overabundance of high bushes means that even the brightest Nea becomes blendette. From a looping perspective, it's one of the most killer sided maps in the game. From a general gameplay perspective, it's easily one of the most, if not THE most survivor sided map in the game, simply because you can crouch in a bush and become invisible (and the darker your character, the more bushes become available for this tactic).

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    It’s terrible. So bad that I’ve been playing Pig because I keep getting the new map. I played Huntress and got the map three times in row last night and that was enough DBD for the night for me.

    The map is only bearable if you are a stealth killer.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    its not a competitive game tho so the map is fine and I wish more maps were like this. No real loops, just run from the killer.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    looping is dumb to begin with and the game is going into the direction of removing loops more and more if you haven't noticed.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    BHVR just cant make good maps - gameplay wise. Midwich, Saloon, Hawkins all are just not playable esp. for survivors. Yamaoka was quite okay, the only one out of last four. Its really sad to tell them again and again what's wrong with their map designs and nothing changes. Latest map changes also didnt got a overhaul despite several serious issues.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    While what you say is a fair point about finding the gens, I'd still say that it's an issue. It's kinda a problem on all three of the indoor maps already (the game being the easiest to find gens) and those maps have all been out for a long time. Point being, there is already a problem finding gens on indoor maps, so an indoor map that now has ZERO indicators of where gens spawned, and is harder to traverse than any other map in dbd, even though your point about it being new is valid and things will get easier, it's still IMO always gonna be atleast a moderate problem

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020

    For me I would say any map that has corn fields.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    Very much agree. If any of the survivors have OoO on this map you literally cant catch them at all.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    There is only 3 ways upstairs when it should have like 5-6 ways to get up and BHVR still thinks making god loops is okay if they put a breakable wall next to it

  • Sziosis
    Sziosis Member Posts: 198

    .-. I have no real problem with the new map. looks great, has played great for me and I recently learned that Midwich may be one of Legion's best maps. I think there should be more ways to go upstairs (plenty of drops though), but other than that, I'm good.

  • Freshwick
    Freshwick Member Posts: 71

    I agreed, but it's not surprising since the map is basically the same layout from Payday 2's Hotline Miami Day 2 with a Silent Hill reskin.

    If you have never played this mission you basically start in the courtyard by finding the bag of C4.

    You destroy one of the two entrances into the building, then frantically run into an apartment building, running down long corridors in a square formation, sometimes blasting your way into apartments looking for the stairwells to the next floor.

    Eventually you have to find the collapsed ceiling as the stairwell is blocked on one floor.

    These gameplay elements are still included from the courtyard, the stairwells, the dead end rooms to the mission specific collapsed ceiling that you need to find to advance in the original map design for Payday.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Nah Dead Dawg Saloon is the worst for me. Midwich isn't bad at all once you get used to it.

  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    Bathroom and courtyard pallets are god pallets? Don't make me laugh lol. They're both EXTREMELY unsafe because it TRAPS the survivor in that area unless they loop them the right way but the simple way to counter that is just loop them the opposite way.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810
    edited June 2020

    I'm a person that will typically defend BHVR where ever I can, but honestly, this map is beyond unplayable.

    The map has arguably one of the worst map flows in the entire game. Gens are ludicrously hard to find as survivor, and survivors are hard to find as killer. There are about -3 safe pallets on the entire map, but I guess that doesn't matter since the killer rarely finds you anyway. My least favorite map before this was the Stranger Things lab because of the same map flow issues, but it seems like its far worse in this map.

    Some may argue that we need time to get used to the map. While that may help slightly, no amount of experience can compensate for bad design.

    EDIT: These are my initial thoughts, I could change my opinion as time goes on, but as it stands currently, I think this map is very bad.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    One of my favorite maps so far as both survivor and killer.

    Seems like one of the better designed maps to me.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839

    No. Haddonfeild will always be the worst map. Terrible gameplay balance and ugly. Old Thomspon House is worse too. At least Midwitch, for any balance issues, looks great and has an amazing atmosphere.