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Ok ######### this new map. (rant about bad map design)

Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

I can't believe the devs managed to make a map that's equally as ######### as Dead Dawg Saloon. You guys make the maps look amazing, but the gameplay feel like #########. It's disgusting. You'd expect for them to be designing more fun maps, but they really aren't. There's so much issues with it gameplay-wise. I'm going to get into them and briefly cover Dead Dawg Saloon cause these maps should be reworked.

I will be talking from the pov of an m1 killer, ie trapper or maybe myers.

Dead Dawg Saloon: (this bit isn't that relevant but I wanted to discuss this map too)

Now, in terms of aesthetics, Dead Dawg Saloon looks incredible, one of the best built maps to date. But gameplay? It ######### sucks.

To start, I'll explore the killer side of it. As killer, basically every pallet is unsafe, meaning mindgames are really not needed, and you can end chases in about 10 seconds unless the survivors do a method the devs seem to be shoving down everyone's throat, but I'll get to that in a short amount of time. However, there are spots that are busted as #########, for example, the main building. The main building has god windows from the start, providing crazy distance to survivors. The devs added breakable walls to balance this, which seems great until you realise how much time they waste. Breaking walls can waste valuable time, and honestly isn't worth it if you're a normal killer with no extra mobility. Now, there's the gen. The gen is extremely difficult to pressure unless you're playing Huntress or 'Slinger. It literally is a free gen in endgame. And there's some other windows in the map which you wont catch anyone at. Complete and utter BS.

Onto survivor, Dead Dawg Saloon is horrible to loop unless you're at the main building, shack, the jungle gym or that one god window, making SB godlike on it, and any other perk, and you're as good as dead. You can't loop, so you pressure gens constantly, causing a very stressful time for the killer. Chases go fast AF so you can only really genrush unless you're in position. This causes games to go very fast and causes stressful gameplay for killers. This alone makes it the (now joint) worst map for both sides, as it's either genrush, or die. Killers are put in a sweat, or lose mentality.

Now onto this new monstrosity of a map:

Initially, I thought this map looked great, looked fun and could really spice up the game. I was wrong, very, very wrong.

So first I played it as survivor, and I literally noticed that all you have to do to have long chases is hold W and look back occasionally to keep an eye on the killer. This causes all killers without any mobility to be forced to leave the chase, or they can waste their time trying to catch you. This alone is a huge design flaw. There's also the loops, in which the window loops are actually ok, some OP windows, but they have breakable walls. Then there's the pallets. Literally every loop is unsafe, meaning you can't really play a pallet for the amount of time you can in a normal map, even if you mindgame. Bloodlust 1 guarantees hits for the killers no matter how well you play. There's a few god pallets in this map, which are way too strong for distance and make it worse for killers to catch up. This map also seems to have pallets in bad spots to access in the first place, so holding W is literally the way too go.

As killer, it's horrible. You just watch the survivors run and you try to hit them. Only high mobility killers and Huntress will do remotely well on this map. Hag can trap the routes, and easily down since there's only one thing to do, and Huntress can just shoot you if you hold W, play the pallets, and she can down you effortlessly. Now onto the biggest problem in the map. The gens are #########. I can't believe the devs made the gens so difficult to access. As killer, you can't even pressure gens, so it leads to you getting genrushed, even 3 gens are way too difficult and impractical to pull off. Huntress also sucks in this sense, as she has terrible mobility. Now combining the difficult to access gens, and the M1 strat that is the best way to extend a chase, and you get horrible gameplay. If the survivors are dumb enough to go to a pallet then you get your free downs, but if they find a GOD pallet, they get a ######### ton of distance for free. It's another genrush or die map. Where the killers have to sweat or lose.

The only reason I can kinda excuse these maps being so terrible, is that COVID 19 does make it more difficult for the devs to design maps properly, so boring maps like these are to be expected. But if there's someone from BHVR reading this, can you consider looking at these maps again? They suck for both sides.

At least Hawkins gives the advantage to one side. I had a killer tell me earlier that they'd "rather play on haddonfield". That's how bad the new map is, it's just terrible for gameplay. And Dead Dawg Saloon.

Cya in the fog.


  • kate_best_girl
    kate_best_girl Member Posts: 2,184

    You probably just can't play it yet. Coming from someone who's been playing since PTB, it's a fine map and pretty even if not a tiny bit killer sided

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
    edited June 2020

    main reason why I always burn one of the 3 original realms (autohaven, coldwind, mcmillian) is for this reason. The devs make amazing maps but bad design when it comes to balance

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Literally everyone I've talked to also think it's #########.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
  • EveeIsATree
    EveeIsATree Member Posts: 15

    To preface this I am a killer main, but I've been experiencing some burnout from playing killer and wanted to try survivor.

    I will also say is I haven't played this map much (2 matches) but both those matches just sucked. The first time was because I hadn't played the map before and was so confused. Itfelt like a maze to me.

    That said one thing I noticed is how many breakable walls there were and how they made it extremely difficult to access certain areas of the map, it basically requires the killer to break them down and as you said why would a killer waste their time doing that?

    But the one thing that frustrates me is how you literally can't tell if the killer is above or below you.

    The amount of times I ran right into the killer because I thought they were on the same floor as me is way too many.

    I'll have to play the map a few more times but I doubt my opinion will change.

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    I don't even mind the w-key gaming on the new map but I hunt for these staircases more than I hunt for survivors. The map is impossible to pressure if they have half of a brain. If I play survivor I can at least find it funny that the killer will literally never catch up to me if I run object, killer on this map has 0 redeeming qualities for me, I'd rather have a map with strong loops and gens that can be pressured than a map with weak loops and gens that are impossible to be pressured. It's boring, it removes all the fun from chases, it makes people extremely sweaty in a party game.

    Getting this map over and over again has made me afk for the first time since I've installed the game with the doctor release. I'm entirely done with killer until this map is out of it's heavy rotation and even then I'm entirely willing to leave my computer the second I get the map. The same goes for dead dawg but to a bit of a lesser extent because a few of the gens on that map can actually be pressured.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    You hit the spot with that. That issue is not ONLY a issue for new maps. Most of the reworked maps seem to be very "genrush or die" type aswell, I hate this type of gameplay but sadly it seems that the devs want to push that kind of gameplay. Anyway my opinion might not be accurate cuz I cant play this game anymore so sry if I tell bullshit but thats it how it looks like to me.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yeah,it's basically Haddonfield 2.0

    Navigating in this map is horrible and the gameplay is just super unfun and frustrating for both sides