Sick of people claiming pyramid head is “OP”

I’m honestly really tired of people claiming killers such as pyramid head are overpowered. As an old killer main and now starting to play survivor more and more due to friends getting the game i can confidently say he is a fun killer to play as, and play against. I have him almost maxed out on console and I honestly think he’s extremely balanced.

i also have a lot of fun playing against him. He doesn’t have large amounts of map pressure but he makes up For it with his ranged attack and he forces you as a survivor to be more mindful of a loop and not just brain dead run around.

please please don’t change this killer I think he’s in a really good place


  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Yeah he's not OP. He's decently strong and he's new so people are having a tough time vs him.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    People seem to think he's OP because he makes their fallbacks less reliant.

  • Danu
    Danu Member Posts: 281

    I agree, I think he's strong right now but not OP at all, I feel like he might be like nurse in the way that he'll be difficult to learn but he will be amazing when someone learns him really well so it will balance.

    I'm seeing a lot of complaints about cages and it has its fair pros and cons for both sides so I really hope it's not changed, youre right he's in a good place right now

  • DYL1590
    DYL1590 Member Posts: 2

    I agree, he’s litteraly meant to be a counter to perks such as decisive and he’s still punished for using his cage as he doesn’t get to use BBQ or devour hope

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Lol where are you reading hes op ?

    All the posts I see are complaints he's weak and perks are trash

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Bros good to see a chat that's not about ph op like I swear to god If they get him nerfed then I'm getting every loop removed on the map ha then it's fair but yeah its balanced I've easily beaten r1 ph and as him beaten r1 survivors so he is super balanced plus we needed a killer that stops ds brain dead loops and body blockers so yeah

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    He's no OP. But he sure as hell is not fun to play against.

  • Noire
    Noire Member Posts: 41

    From what I've seen, the opinions on him seem to be quite different depending on the social media platform, at least for me.

    On these forums, most people say he's a weak killer that needs buffs

    On Twitter, most say he's too op and needs nerfs

    On the subreddit, most say he's simply balanced

    Honestly as a whole I'd say the community is very split on how strong or weak he is

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Hes perfect in my opinion

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    To many nerfs to many buffs just let him be poor guy hasn't even had a day and hes already being judged himself

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    It happens after every new chapter.. people don't like to take the time to learn to play against him or play as him to know.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    I've been playing him perkless, slowly climbing out of PC brown ranks, just to get used to him. He is not OP. On ps4, i could play perkless spirit at red ranks and still do well most of the time. I don't think I could do the same performance with perkless PH at red ranks.

    His ranged attack feels off somehow. Unlike billy, nurse, spirit, freddy... PH can't traverse the map quickly. He does have zoning going for him.

    I 4k'd with him, but it's against other brown ranks that are probably new to the game going by their teir 1 crappy perks.

  • doitagain_
    doitagain_ Member Posts: 723

    Really? Cause I’m seeing way more posts lately about how weak he is & needs buffs.

  • ActulCasul
    ActulCasul Member Posts: 178

    He's nothing special in chase and exells at camping and tunneling. I haven't met a single one yet as survivor who didn't use him exclusively to tunnel (PS4 red ranks) and I ######### on people scared of his power or get bodied by people who understand his maneuverability and telegraphs (red ranks as well).

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I'm seeing a lot of people claim his ranged attack is impossible to hit, but that and the torment allowing him to freely tunnel/camp are the only issue I see people complaining about.

    BTW his ranged attack isn't bad. You need to predict and aim where you think they will be when the attack comes out.

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    Exactly. It's about time they put in a killer that can work around looping survivors. I find it so annoying when they just run in a circle. What's the point man it's called a chase for a reason.

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    His range attack can be easily dodged but I use it when a survivor is locked In an animation giving me an easy free hit that's probably the best moments to use the attack because hes no huntress

  • nightingale
    nightingale Member Posts: 41

    I don't want to be changed he's great. Maybe my favorite killer.

    Just keep in mind that the people that say that he is OP are these stupid survivors that are toxic.


  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Not to mention I hate people saying he needs torment on the ranged attack because that's ridiculous like I much prefer the trench is cool and give you way more control over the maps pallets

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's tradition at this point

  • Ashwitherton
    Ashwitherton Member Posts: 83

    Plus the only people I get scared of is the ones that actually don't care about getting tormented now those are the people I'm terrified of going up against I met a heather yesterday that was just fine with it and though I made quick work of her she still managed to loop me on some pallets which annoyed the ######### out of me