Survivor perk Windows of opportunity should not highlight breakable doors

It's even more apparent in the new silent hill map where there are tons of breakable doors.

"But it helps the survivor know where the killer can break the door from."

If the poorly wall of planks wasn't a clear enough indication of a breakable door then I don't know what is!

Having highlighted breakable doors are actually really distracting and often times get us survivor killed because we mistake them for unused pallets!

Please remove highlighted breakable doors from the perk windows of opportunity


  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    You are actually asking for a nerf to a perk that's whole purpose is to help new players... because you can't learn to distinguish 2 things...

  • edogast
    edogast Member Posts: 148

    It's actually more useful for experienced players as well. It tells you which pallets have already been used so you don't bother running to that loop

    And do you think new players would have Kate unlocked? Most new players would stick to the basic free characters

    And also wouldn't it be even more confusing for new players to see breakable doors and wonder why they can't interact with it?

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    If you go with this logic:

    Seeing breakable walls can tell you if certain loops are still save or killer already destroyed the wall. Still a nerf because you dont want to learn...

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    I see somebody's never visited the saloon's "panic room".

    Upstairs, there's a room with 3 breakable walls and a locker. The only entry point is a window on the outside. The room next to it, linked by one of the breakable walls, also has one entry point. As killer, I've caught no end of survivors running into those rooms only to trap themselves. Using Windows of Opportunity, you'd know if it was safe to run through.

    The same goes for Midwich Elementary's hidden staircase. I like to break the wall downstairs to catch survivors trying to escape the bathrooms. Again, with Windows of Opportunity, they'd be able to look up and see if it's a safe escape route.

    If they add more rooms like this, which I feel is a major feature of the breakable walls, having that info as a survivor could save them.

  • edogast
    edogast Member Posts: 148

    that NEVER happens. Killers that down survivors in that room have to drop the survivors and then break one of the doors, and then pick up the survivors again. From my experience, no killer ever goes to that room anyways. You don't need "information" on breakable doors because of how the breakable doors are designed.

    So in Midwich Elementary School stage, there's a lot of dead end rooms with breakable door, what "information" does it give to the survivors? it takes literally 2 seconds to break a door, survivors aren't going to react in time anyways. "Oh there's a breakable door near the generator I'm working on! Thanks Windows of Opportunity!" Said no one ever.

    Window of Opportunity is use for panicked people looking for WINDOWS AND PALLETS, it helps them find safe places quickly, like a minute of life and death kind of thing. What is this "INFORMATION" that is just a clustered mess on the screen that distracts survivors from actual windows and pallets. And yes, I do know the difference between a pallet and a breakable door.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited June 2020

    "If the poorly wall of planks wasn't a clear enough indication of a breakable door then I don't know what is!"

    What do you think this perk is used for? How bout getting map awareness?

    Or should I say "if the huge gap in the wall isn't a clear enough indication of a window vault..."

    Unless you pulled them out of a locker it would be pretty dujmb to first pick up the survivor... And even then, there are at least 2 hooks directly next to the saloon. You could drop them twice and still make it. And I'm not sure if this perk is just for panicking people. My idea was more "learn maps". I think if you start a poll there would be a lot of more uses, not only the single use oneself has in mind

  • ermsy
    ermsy Member Posts: 580

    Would be nice if they mad the walls aura a different colour.

  • cyniChris
    cyniChris Member Posts: 207

    Well, we can only speak from personal experience, can't we? I've had it happen a bunch. There's actually a bug where survivors can get stuck at the top of the hidden staircase on Midwich, which I only found out because I broke the bottom wall and two survivors ran upstairs. As for the two upstairs rooms in the saloon, survivors run into those quite often for me. Again, speaking from my own personal experience. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all.

    I'm fully aware that those are two areas on two different maps, but what happens when more areas like that are made? I'd want to know if the room I'm running into is a dead end or not. Wouldn't you? Isn't that the whole point of perks like Windows of Opportunity - to help new players who don't know the maps very well?

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I agree with the OP. It can happen on rare occasion that I mistake a breakable wall for a pallet from afar through aura reading if only because I see something yellow and I run at it. WoO is meant to show props that would benefit the survivor in its usage. Breakable walls don't fall under that. Breakable Walls' auras are not only pointless to see but also potentially harmful.

    It feels as if someone who didn't use WoO as a survival perk though, "Wouldn't that be neat?" and all the devs involved in implementing the change jumped on with it. To that person I say, "No. It isn't neat. Please stop changing things on a whim."