I hate the doctor so much that i'm....

Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Wasting a perk slot on Calm Spirit. Which I hate.

i'm no expert or pro but i'm ok. I have lost the doctor during a chase before but then he uses his power to cheaply spot me again and another chase commence. The doctor is just not fun to play against. It's god awful.

I know this perk isn't considered top tier but if i can laugh at the doc player cause his cheap trick isn't giving him my location instead of being a smart killer then it's worth it.

Unfortunately escaping chances are low cause all day long during a match i just hear my teammates screaming and blowing up generators since not only does your location get revealed but skill checks are a pain. Especially on the Switch at a rough frame rate and skill checks that stutter have of the time.


  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    Take-backsie cheese perks (or abilities, in this case) suck whether you're killer or survivor. I guess take solace that that's pretty much the majority of top tier survivor perks? Every survivor is basically the Doctor.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Really, you shouldn't always focus on using whats considered the best perks, but bring perks to cover your personal weaknesses, so this is not a terrible idea.

    Btw, this perk trips me up as killer when the survivors run around me after getting hit, confuses the hell outta me when I can't hear the direction they're going. But this could just be me and not actually help you out.

  • dhealy646
    dhealy646 Member Posts: 462

    Counters infectiuous aswell so I hate when people use it vs my oni

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,065

    I gained a new appreciation for this perk yesterday myself. I equipped it in case I ran into any baby Pyramid Heads using the scream when you heal perk and put it to great use against a Doctor instead. As literally right next to him even he did a static blast and he ran off for someone else.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    I am a killer trying to learn how to tell where survivors are by the crows unfortunately crows spawn and fly off near me which makes it really annoying and tempts me to burn a slot on Spies from the Shadows which isn't the greatest. Though Calm Spirit does way more than counter doctor unfortunately he introduced screaming so he is the one everyone assumes it's only useful for.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Run Lithe, it's crazy good against Doc. If you get distance, you can just hold W and when he's about to catch up, loop him around a filler pallet (he counters jungle gyms, shacks and T and L walls).

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    Yeah that's what i'm hoping. Escaping the Doc is hard enough as he's making you scream every few seconds but then i'll do some slick move and really trick him and i feel like i used my head and skills to escape and as i'm leaving he makes me scream and it starts again. All because he can hit a button to see where you are.

    Makes the survivor skill level really high to escape him and the killer skill level really low to find anyone.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    you nailed it on the head. i'm making my build for me. who cares what people consider low perk or what ever.

    I'm decent at confusing killers during chases. With iron will and calm spirit i'm a fng ninja now man.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262


    -doctor main

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    If doc causes trouble go for it..but be warned..it will fail against my doctor..because I've put many hours into my boy herman over 2 years..and I learned the best ways to deal with that perk X3

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    No problem then i deserve to get caught.

    It's mostly for doctor noobs and spammers. They usually depend on that power so much that i bet that once i lose them and they try to find me with the power and can't they will get frustrated and just walk away. They seem to rely on the power so much that they are not developing good habits.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    If i see it's a doctor or hear the TR, I run in the opposite direction until i hit a ######### wall. Next I hope there is a gen near said wall.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    that looks terrifying. On the Switch is a big blur. lol.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046
    edited June 2020

    Doctor is strong, yes, but he's not overpowered. I will readily admit the extra buff he received wasn't really necessary and some of it should be reverted, but he isn't as unfun as Freddy. Doc's just intrinsically an annoying killer and unfortunately people don't know how to play against him in solo queue. And spamming shocks is a bit too effective for how little effort it takes but idk how you could fix that. Maybe give him 5 or so shock therapies but they recharge quickly like Nurse blinks with recharge addons, so spamming is a poor idea? Just spitballing.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    Same but still annoying.

    Fixing gens is a nightmare with all the crap you have. Part of this is cause on the Switch the skill checks are like 5 times harder to hit due to 30 frames and a stutter that happens like half of the times where the skill checks skip like crazy making it a guessing game as to when to stop the marker.

    You get used to it but when you're dealing with a bunch of crap then it's a nightmare.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    A lot of bad doctors spam the power on cd..helps at lower ranks but a wasted static blast is a lot of possible pressure gone , not to mention wasted firing time..same with shock spamming..timing is key, also beware the restraint addons..they're my fave and they shut down calm spirit a little

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    How about 3 shocks but you have to hook someone to get another 5?

    or 3 shocks and then you have to stand still and recharge for 2 seconds or something.

    Maybe he doesn't make you scream but you have electricity. so if you work on a generator you shock the generator making you scream and anyone else that touches it. Like the killer that throws toxic at you and can poison the generators. Similar but it shocks you and causes you to scream.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    i read that earlier while looking up calm spirit. i had no idea. I heard you can just run through the illusion to make it go away?

    I texted my friend and told him that too. No wonder i would go hide in a corner and he'd find me anyways. Ugh.

    So remember guys i'm not a pro so i''m sure many here dont' see a problem. But lets assume that many playing aren't pros.

    So the fun is being sucked out of a match if the killer can find everyone with his power. track you with his power. make fixing generators extremely hard. makes you scream in madness every couple seconds unless you take care of that.

    you can see how being matched up with different skill levels mean it's going to be a **** show match. No fun at all.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,046

    No, those ideas would make him so much drastically weaker and less fun. The hook one would make him only able to recharge his only chase power by winning a chase; a power that doesn't even do damage. I don't think I need to say anything more. The second idea is more valid, but still would be clunky and would make him very similar to Clown which is not what anyone wants. Doc doesn't need drastic nerfs. He just needs his skill ceiling and floor raised with his shock therapy, imo. You've gotta remember he's an 115% killer with no other chase power. He kinda relies on his shock.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    It's normal to dislike certain killers in this game. But don't expect the devs to change certain killers just because some people don't enjoy going against them, otherwise they'd be forced to change pretty much every killer.

    The Doctor's detection ability is simply one of the aspects that make him an actual, strong killer. Doesn't mean it's a cheap trick and that people who use the ability aren't smart killers. It's just one of his powers that make him stand out from other killers.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Not only that, but because of his unique detection ability, more varied perk loadouts are encouraged.

    I use distressing + unnerving presence (not original) but still 2 perks i probably would have never used on a different killer.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    I think that good skilled players can use the Doc but it's my belief that he's a beginner friendly killer.

    i do think his power is very spammable. Most doc users just run around in circles using the power shocking everyone.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 576

    I completely understand. My strength as a survivor is stealth. I don't mean just hiding. I'm still doing objectives and all the other stuff, but I'm good at not being seen by the killer. Doc makes my stealth useless. I could play Calm Spirit for those occasional matches where I face Doc, but I don't need it against others. I've just had to realize when I play against doc I will adapt as best as I can and I'm probably not going to have a great game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    Sure, though to be fair I'm not the biggest fan of encouraging more perk variety with certain killers, just because survivors never know what killer they will go against, but I do see how some people would find that to be a postive thing. I personally just want more of the weak perks buffed so we can get more perk variety that way.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Kudos, OP, for actually changing your build to counter something you're having trouble countering through gameplay alone. That's what perks are made for.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I'm not going to argue against that. Doctor is one of the easier killers to pick up, his skill cap mainly comes from timing your shocks perfectly. It's pretty hard to always time your shocks perfectly in order to end chases fast enough, but yes even if you are bad at killer, you'll most likely do better with Doc than with most of the other killers.

    I do think it was worse before the rework though, but maybe the devs can take a look into making him a bit fairer at low ranks, and maybe make changes to make him less annoying for some people.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    That will happen no matter what game you play..but that's why you dont balance around low ranks..dbd nearly collapsed from it, and actually yes the illusions help but every time you tier up your aura is revealed ,/ funny enough though most doctors dont use it

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    If you feel like you hate Doctor of all killers because you feel like you can't get away, you must have night terrors of some of the other killers that are actually much better at chasing...

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80
    edited June 2020

    No I do fine against all other killers. Because I can use skill and mind games and lose them. When I lose the doctor he just shocked me to see where I am and it starts again. It’s awful. In fact I just played a killer right now and it was the worse. Made me want to quit the game. It was in the new level and he would shock all 4 of us at the same time every time. Miserable experience. I don’t have any friends that find playing against him enjoyable

    god just a few more blood points to unlock calm spirit. Just a few more. I can’t wait.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    If you're that good at losing other killers, you should have absolutely no problem with Doc even if he does know where you are. You don't have to find playing against him enjoyable but you have to admit that in terms of pure chasing power, Doc does not compare to some other killers. Especially on the new map where it's confusing as hell for anybody to even find their way around.

    I'm not trashing on you by any means either, so don't take it that way. I think Calm Spirit is actually a pretty alright perk, not only against the Doctor. I just find it kind of funny that you hate Doctor because you, as I said, feel like you can't stay away from him (he just finds you again) when there's plenty of other killers that are just like that. Right off the top of my head, I can name 3 killers that I can outplay and outplay but no matter what, they're still almost always going to be right back on me: Nurse, Spirit, Billy. I can elude all these killers and no matter what they'll still be relentlessly chasing me, unless one of them just really goes and gets extra confused. Most of the time though, a good one of those killers won't be confused about things. I know it's not exactly the same thing that you said with Doc, because you say you lose him at least but still get found, but with all the other killers it just reminds me of that same exact feeling of, "oh look I outplayed and outplayed this killer and yet I still can't get away because they're literally just that fast." Just thought it was kind of funny that you get that feeling the most from Doc of all killers, when there's several others I can think of that are much more annoying (in my opinion).

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    It’s not so much about the chase is when you lose them. Other killers you lose them and they have to try hard to find you. It’s a cat and mouse game. You lose the doctor and he’ll use his power, shock you and the chase starts again. You can only outrun a killer so many times even if he slow like the doctor. I’m good but not a pro.

    so when I lose the doctor my choice is to run and get far away fast. But that means he’ll see my scratch marks most likely or he might shock me before I even get far enough to escape it.

    i just Fng hate him. Other killers are tough too but fair. This guy just sucks. No fun at all.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80


    the doctor kept trying to shock me and couldn’t. I escaped him 3 times easily and he gave up cause generators kept popping. He was so surprised he wasn’t making me scream. I finished 4 generators while others were screaming all over and got out with ease. I love this perk!!!!!!!’

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    The problem is meta perks, 99% of the time, they work VS the killer you get. Then you run into the 1% of killers who try different things and bam screams of OPness...

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223


    Doctor is the worst experience in DBD. Anyone that says otherwise is trolling.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 890

    You do know that lockers protect you from his shocks right? You should be able to hear him charging his aoe shock since he shuffles his feet and it sounds pretty loud at least playing as him. You could bypass his aoe with that and he has to wait a minute to use it again.

    I know Calm spirit handles shocks as its thing among others but if you dont bring it lockers are his built in counter zap wise.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020

    lately I’ve not been playing as the doctor I’ve decided to go back to my survivor ways.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    I really don't understand how people get hit so often by blast. It has a predictable cooldown, many doctors will shock to find a new target after hooking. Hear terror after a hook, doctors due for another blast? Better locker up. Well timed locker dives mean you'll nearly never get hit. Gone many matches where I only hit madness 1 3+ gens in. I swear the idea of learning how something works and keeping track of timers is just something far too many survivors refuse to do.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824
  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80
    edited June 2020

    Thats not true. Insulting as well. Look not everyone is as good as you or i'm sure many here in this forum. The game is made up of different people with different skill levels.

    Would it be great if i could avoid the blast and all my teammates as well? Sure. But we can't and it's killing the game for some.

    Do you want the game to lose it's appeal to everyone other than the most hardcore and devoted? I'm sure the devs don't want that.

    I personally just don't hold the run button and run around and i still get blasted. Hell sometimes it seems i'm way across the map and for some reason i still get blasted. Does he have a long range one? Either way it's such an annoying power that even if you do get better at avoiding it the game just isn't fun with this mechanic.

    Anyhow, i'm running Calm Spirit now so F that killer. It just feels weird when i get hooked and i don't scream. Can my teammates still tell that ive been hooked?

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I almost always run restraint addons on doc. When I do occasionally get a calm spirit user they usually die quicker because they think I don't know where they are :)

  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    hes the first killer i bought and now out of everyone he is my main

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Doctor is just getting so common. It kind of makes me want to play as him less. I booted up survivor last night and the first 2 killers were doc.

    First match was coldwind.. we managed to 3 gen ourselves. Can't remember the last time i heard that much screaming. Some really struggle with snap out of it. 3 of us got out. Fun game.

    Second match.. Silent hill. I ditched him at least 4x but he ended up getting the 4k. Good level for him if ya know how to get around.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    Can't you run through the doctor clone to get rid of restraint? What's restraint exactly and how does it override calm spirit.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It makes the doctor auras readable in madness tier 2 as well but it also shows survivor auras whenever they go up a tier

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah he’s good on the locating but generic on the chase. Best part about him is shutting down vaults and loops with his shock. But you have to time it perfectly.

    The distressing, calm carters notes unnerving lullaby build can be a butt nutter. But I’ve had good survivors play around it a number of times.

    I main hag mostly but second doc. They both have very different play styles.

    if all killers were the same the game would be dull. Mix up the perks watch what the doc does. If he shoots off a blast every time he hooks someone then you can start to predict and get in a locker. It’s no different to survivors who always try to juke or double back. One trick pony survivors and killers are the easiest to catch/escape from.