Tierlist for Killers as of Patch 4.0.0

Yes, I know Pyramid Head has only been out for 2 days, but I think I've got a good idea of where he lies on the list. A month down the road when survivors pick up on his counterplay I might change my stance, but for right now he feels like a B to me since he lacks map pressure. What he has that makes him a B is time management & an alright anti-loop tool.

My controversial takes explained:

Myers - he is so outdated with crap add-ons overall. Ghost Face has more reliable stalking for instadowns, & honestly stalking isn't even the effective way to play GF.

Wraith - if you don't commit to every chase, I feel like Wraith can be nasty. He is add-on dependent, but he honestly has some of the best add-ons of the killers. His playstyle is versatile as well.

Deathslinger - his power has potential in chase, but survivors seem to know how to dodge it & keep from being reeled in. He is the worst 110% killer.

Freddy - now I don't think everyone will disagree with me on where he is, but there will people who say Hillbilly is better. Freddy has crazy gen & map pressure with his teleport. He has anti-loop & mindgame abilities. He counters Borrowed Time by doing nothing. His lunge is either broken or deceptive (devs said the animation doesn't match the normal range, still a problem that needs fixing). He isn't add-on dependent, & they only just make him stronger. Hillbilly can instadown, can be dodged & looped like any other killer.


**Feel free to put your thoughts below



  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    My opinion differs on some of the killers... But that's only nit-picking...

    What I want to do is make a tier list with stats to back it up but it's hard

    May I ask if you play all killers?

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Demo's portals are nice, but I feel a Demo shouldn't focus on portals too heavily. They're kinda weak & easily destroyed. His shred is decent though. Deathslinger has some clutch moments in chase, but missing shots is super detrimental. Plus he has zero pressure. Wraith at least can move around slightly faster with add-ons. His hit & run tactic is usually quite effective despite being an M1 killer. And Hag could debateably be bottom of A with Huntress.

    Yes, besides Nurse. I still play her, it's just very rare when I do. I just hate playing her because she is boring to me.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    I agree with A and above. In my opinion, I would move Plague, Demo, and Deathslinger up to B; move Legion and Bubba up to C; move Pig down to D; and move Pyramid Head down to C. I don't know how to explain my changes other than my personal encounters with the killers and how easily I can survive and loop them.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I'm still better at Legion than Pyramid Head...😭

  • profaned
    profaned Member Posts: 55

    Eh, the take on this tier list doesn't seem to be that different from most others in the past other than new killers or slightly differing opinions, i feel like alot of people's opinions aren't fully based on experience with the killer in question and put that killer in a spot based on the limited experience they have, plus some people either rank killers at base or at how powerful they can be

    Though an "objectively" good tier list could possibly exist, but I'm not gonna say anything absolute about that

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Not too different from how I would compile mine, but I would definitely put Demo above Plague. If played at the same level and experience, demo can ######### survivors up real good on a lot of tiles, and they also have the ability to teleport around the map thanks to the portals. This gives them a good bit of map pressure. Meanwhile Plague only has corrupt going for her, and the survivors have GIVE IT to her. Broken is nice but you still move at normal speed and have a big ass terror radius to warn the survivors, and in a chase you're just an m1 killer with no power.

    I don't believe Michael's addons are as bad as you say they are, but I do agree that he's power is really showing its age with how many things the other killers have gotten over the years and how the meta has changed. Back when downing as quickly as possible was the meta, he was very strong in that state of the game, now the game has shifted more so to how well a killer can keep survivors from doing their objectives. This is bad news for Michael who has a slow start and mid game utility. But he's definitely still usable. As annoying and as inconsistent the reveal mechanic on Ghost face is, his got a quite flexible kit that can synergize with perks and make up for his short comings.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    What is your base to select Wich tier the killer will go? Like, are you considering only their power or something else?

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    I would make a tier list, but it would spark arguments.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    here is mine

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Nurse down a tier and huntress up a tier. That's what i would change.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651
    edited June 2020

    What I hate about theses tier lists is that nobody ever explain what the tiers themselves mean. Especially when it come to the nebulous middle ground. Everybody seems to agree that Nurse, Spirit and Billy belong near the top while Clown and Cannibal are at the bottom, but everything in beetween seems to be detemined by throwing darts at the killers portraits.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    How is clown bottom tier? Have any of y'all even played against or have played Clown since his new buff? Go do that before you rank him at the bottom.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited June 2020

    Nurse is no longer S tier. People keep pointing to the legendary 10k hour Nurse that can destroy you in 5 seconds flat with a blindfold on and one hand eating a sandwich, but I've never seen any post nerf. Sure there are still great Nurses but I see more Billy, Spirit, Freddy players that are more oppressive than Nurse players.

    I feel like she has been the staple OP killer for so long it's hard for people to think of her as anything else.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I'd put Oni and Hag before Freddy and ye, that's basically mine.

    JAZC_CR Member Posts: 207

    Pyramid can go easily to A tier cause his base kit

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    I’ll go through what I disagree with, meanwhile the rest I agree with

    1. Hillbilly should be switched with Freddy. Hillybilly just has so much mobility making a presence on all generators even if he isn’t in the area. He can also be a menace at loops with his curving and insta downs. While I agree Freddy is A tier he isn’t better then Billy.
    2. Move Doctor down to mid B tier. While he does significant anti loop potential, there are a lot of loops where against a good survivor his therapy is nearly useless. Combine this with the fact that he doesn’t down people very quickly and he’s not A tier quality imo. He does however have a game slowdown and a finding tool built into his kit.
    3. Move Huntress down to low B tier. This is probably always been my controversial opinion, but Huntress is honesty overrated. It’s because of the fact that survivors can do so much against her. There are many loops where a hatchets are useless and she becomes a basic 110 Killer. Survivors can just do so much to counter her. I do have to mention that her add ons are fantastic though.
    4. Move Hag right above ONI. Hag can be an absolute monster. Her ability to snowball of hooks is probably the best in the game. Watch someone like Michi play Hag and you’ll see how disgusting she is. The biggest thing with Hag is the fact that most people don’t know how to play her. Your not supposed to commit to chases with Hag, instead you’re supposed to set up a web and have survivors come to you. The only thing holding Hag back is her vulnerability to flashlights.
    5. Replace Wraith with Demo. While I believe some people do underrate Wraith a bit I thing you’re placing him to high meanwhile I believe you underage Demo. Demo for 1 has a great chase ability. His shred when use correctly is able to either gain a hit or force a pallet within a max of 10 seconds of being at loop. It just very strong when you use it zone, break pallets and force survivors to where you want them to. Meanwhile his portals when set up correctly allow him to traverse the map very quickly, which allows him to pressure survivors of gens consistently. The problem with Wraith is that he needs Windstorm to be a part of his basekit. Then the problem with including add ons on Wraith is that you then need to include them for other killers as well. Which makes this tier list very different. This means Infantry belt for Huntress, tombstone piece for Myers, rusty shackles for Hag, Topnot for ONI, black incense for Plague, etc.... I’m fine with including add ons of lower rarity when ranking a killer. However Wraith needs higher tier add ons to achieve viability which knocks him down below other killers.
    6. Rest of tier list is mostly fine with only minor changes.

  • Phoenix2195
    Phoenix2195 Member Posts: 30

    I find with demo it’s very easy to corner the survivors with 3-4 gems close together with portals all right next to the gens

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2020

    Legion is actually solid mid tier. Definitely not bottom tier at all.

    EDIT: Here is my list.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    I'd put Myers at B tier at least. With Infectious Fright he has amazing snowball potential. And while some of his add-ons are useless, his stalk rate and tier 3 duration add-ons are amazing. Dead rabbit is great too.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited June 2020

    That's pretty much my list, too. But I'd put Ghostface at C tier because if his reveal mechanic wasn't so broken he wouldn't get half the kills he does.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    So Clowns "huge" buff still lands him in the bottom..wow the guy have real problems. And Nurse still the best killer even with all her bugs? On console also the best? Perhaps but I'm not so sure, they need to fix her bugs.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Yeesssssssssssss!!!! Very good tier list! Mate if I could give you a fiver, I'd give you a tenner.

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    You all need to change spirit to F tier in context to this patch, sounds are more broken than ever no footsteps, randomly survivors can get iron will for free and sometimes the survivors don't make sounds anymore.

    The sound team is trash, every patch they seem to break the sounds more and more progressively and they fix them to be slightly wore than before so i'm looking forward to dbd with no sound effects for survivors eventually.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I go back and forth on whether I think Huntress or Deathslinger is better but this is pretty much my list.

    I agree with @Poweas, I think Hag and Oni are both stronger than Freddy.

    If anybody thinks Plague is a weak killer then they have absolutely no idea how to play her. She is a solid killer in the right hands.

    Everyone is gonna have different opinions though.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793
  • Nutty_Professor
    Nutty_Professor Member Posts: 621

    As someone who mains Doctor I would personally put Doc at B tier due to his lack of mobility. He really struggles on maps like Springwood, Ormund, and Disturb ward.

    I'd put Demo lower down on the C tier list as in my opinion he's one of the weakest killers in the game.

    Demo isn't very strong against good survivors, I'm quite a strong survivor myself I've never had much issues dealing with shred and him teleporting (due to the massive sound and animation give aways). In my opinion Demo needs a buff.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    IDK why people say it's broken, I break his stalk just fine. And a good GF will block LOS and creep up on you. He is one of my most played killers I sneak up on people all the time they don't even have a chance to break my stalk. And then when they DO have the chance it breaks super fast.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    I'd say oni is better than doctor because the power without addons can end a game within minutes. Doctor can't do that. Doctor also has no mobility.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Yeah, she's underrated as hell. The most counterplay you can do is force her corrupt, hide for 60 seconds and then play as you used to, but even then, she can use tracking perks to find you.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Spirit is F tier in general. F for ######### lame as hell to play and go against.

  • thegatekeeper
    thegatekeeper Member Posts: 12

    From what I see.freddy and huntress.and Dr.are top tier despite her being nerfed down a bit huntress is still powerful.still my favorite.and ok.michael Myers could go up.hes tough to use but once you get the hang of him hes fun.but from my experience with Freddy.he is top dog.when I play Freddy everything falls into place.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    It mostly depends on how well the killer can actually apply pressure mostly. This is measured through time management, map/gen pressure (good means of mobility helps this), chase potential, & how consistent they can be overall. I take into account their powers mostly, & do take add-ons & perk build synergies into account for the killers.

    Its based on her potential. She basically counters everything & has good mobility. Her playstyle completely alters how survivors play.

    She may be buggy at times, but I do not take that into account. & Clown's buff was good for him, but nowhere near enough for him. He needs something else that at least helps him reload faster & actually make better use of his bottles in chase. And if you want to get into bugs, Clown's gas is a bit buggy & acts very inconsistently as well.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    And you consider nurse consistent? She is the most bugged killer on the game, her actual add-ons are weak and she can't even teleport in most of the times, she is easily loopable in lots of maps and she is confusing as hell

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Her being based on potential is useless when no one can reach it. Let's put Huntress at S rank because based on her potential you can snipe people across maps with hatchets, surely being able to down someone across the map without them ever being in your tr is more OP than Nurse, right?

    I base my tier lists on my practical experience, not theory. And while Nurse in theory is strong, in reality she is not.

  • TheMajor
    TheMajor Member Posts: 15

    Trapper should move up 1 tier since his power is, in essence one to turn loops, a survivors strongest tool, into a crippling detriment.

    Death slinger and wraith should switch. Death slinger has such a terribly small terror radius considering what his power is that he's disproportionately stronger than he should be. Wraith on the other hand requires a good killer player AND addons to perform well.

    Mikey should be up a tier for sheer versatility. There are a bunch of different ways to play mikey because of all his different addons. Not to mention he's the only killer that can mori healthy survivors.

    And finally Hag and Freddy should switch. If you're talking map pressure, Hag has Freddy beat. While Freddy can only teleport to unfinished gens periodically, Hag can teleport to any of her tripped traps in range with no cooldown. In chase, Hag can make loops useless by placing a trap whereas Freddy can only temporarily slow a survivor down. I think that his strongest ability in chase is the dream pallets but those require an addons and for the survivor to be in the dream state.

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    Tier lists are usually based on the highest level of play. Trapper is not able to do this consistently vs survivors who understand him, call out his traps, disarm his traps, etc.

    Hag is destroyed by flashlights and OoO, and weak to SWF, and when she traps a loop, you run to a new one and take distance. When Freddy traps a loop, he does not slow down in any way. This is why it's uncounterable. Hag's map pressure is based off setup and is dependent on the survivors. Freddy's is at-will and cannot be removed.

    Mike's unique add-ons are useless gimmicks vs strong survivors. Strong survivors who understand how key it is to break LoS, how to do it, and how to exploit T1 slowness to the max, are gonna take 2 gens off you even with Corrupt just to get out of T1 and be an M1 killer. Then they'll take more for your first T3. They look around constantly & understand sightlines.

    If you're lucky, you'll get your infinite T3 or your Tombstone or whatever by the time 5 gens are done.

    Freddy's dream pallets are absolutely not strong. A SWF will tell the others which pallets are thrown, and occasional hits from fake pallets are straight-up inferior to blood pools making Freddy borderline unloopable and able to just strip the map of pallets rapidly, stack up injuries, etc. No top players are gonna tell you his fake pallets are strong.

  • SneakySnek0609
    SneakySnek0609 Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2020

    Maybe you should just make a tier list based on how fun you find playing certain killers ... Though opinions on that will be very varied...

  • SpEz
    SpEz Member Posts: 73

    My tier list

  • SewerSwans
    SewerSwans Member Posts: 147

    What's the reasoning for placing Plague below Ghostface, and Clown so high, if I can ask? Also, how do you feel about Hag and OoO, flashlights, etc?

  • Lumionesty
    Lumionesty Member Posts: 98

    It’s because of the fact that many Demo’s don’t know how to effectively use his shred. It’s much more powerful as a zoning tool rather then a damage tool. The presence of shrewd is a greater threat then the actual shred. As long as you run the rat liver add on,(It’s a common and his best add on) his shred can be used to completely deny pallets and windows.

    Lets say in a situation where the survivor is running for a fast vault towards shack window from the out side of shack. Demo simply by holding his shred denies the survivor of the vault. The survivor chooses to go away from the window, the Demo can simply let go of shred and get a free M1. If the survivor chooses to vault, it’s an easy shred hit. Most survivors in this case will fake the vault, however a good demo will be patient and wait till they see a confirmation of the vault. The speed of the shred lunge is fast enough to get a hit on the survivor in this scenario.

    My entire point is that even against the best of survivors, in the hands of a patient Demo the shred can guarantee hits at tons of loops.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I think if i would make a tierlist people would tear me to shreds

    Nurse is honest to god B tier in my eyes