Can you?

Can you create, the most TOXIC, IRRITATING and ANNOYING build, for both survivor and killer? OBS: Any build is counted and reviewed with the killer's power. For example, if you do a build to Trapper, and it is very annoying for him, I/we are couting with the Trapper's abilities. START!
While not illegal, I wouldn’t support toxic playstyle for either side...ya ruining the game I love and making our queues longer.
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Bro I did not create this post to support toxicity, I just looking for opinions man, I don't like toxicity.
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lol. I cannot be the only one to see the irony here, knew I should’ve just kept quiet as this topic isn’t worthy of a response.
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Just exist in the game. As surv or killer. You will be called toxic no matter what.
but to give direct examples:
Surv: OoO, DS, BT, HeadOn, purple flashlight
Killer: Bubba, Insidious, Agitation, IronGrip, Franklins (?)
EDIT: as surv bring a Key and as Bubba/Killer a Mori
Post edited by Mooks on0 -
I do you one better: remove franklins and add noed to that build
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Yeah! You are right, that’s why Franklins got a question mark, I knew there would be something... „better“
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A player’s loadout doesn’t make them toxic. If you’re basing this all on free 2nd chances, then perhaps our definitions of “toxic”’are different.
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While the loadout is not toxic itself, we all know that certain loadout can be used in toxic ways.
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Killer: Anti-gen Freddy (with snares); Pop Goes the Weasel, Thrilling Tremors, Surge, Sloppy Butcher; Swing Chain & Paint Brush Add-on (keep people in dream & slower repair speed). Only rule, spam the hell out of snares at every loop you get to. Added bonus: have a crap connection or use a VPN so that you can dedicate some poor fools.
Survivor: Decisive Strike, Head On, Quick & Quiet, Iron Will; Purple Flashlight with 2 Battery add-ons. 2 rules: Must play as Blendette, Bunny Feng, or Nea with Pink Hair & Face Mask, AND Must click flashlight, T-bag, or point at the killer any chance you get. Added bonus: DC before the killer kills you.
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"Hey everybody, Can you tell me where you can buy the cheapest best quallity of drugs? Btw i don't support drugs i'm just looking for opinions"
Yeah, the backwards logic some people post here never fails to surprise me
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There's no such thing as a toxic build. Anything that is in the game intentionally can't be toxic.