DEVS Do Something About Leather Face, I Was Skeptical at First....

Okay I haven't been playing as much over the past couple months and i got to say my first day back was loads of fun after a good break. UNTIL match after match of face camping bubbas just shitting on my survivors while im trying to play. The method is toxic as hell and really made me stop having fun almost instantly. I instantly remembered the kinds of things that made me dislike this game. It's not the camping that ######### is easy to deal with, its the chainsaw revving one shot camp where bubba doesn't even have a lunge so you can't juke it out unless you get him to dink on a tree or something, (if there's even anything nearby). I have so many games where it's just impossible when people play this way, I automatically know its going to be a game i have to quit and take a break or ill be the only one escaping usually, unless i play with friends. The matchmaking itself has paired me up with so many people who aren't used to combating bubba like I am. It's unfortunate that he hasn't been reworked and I see all these improvements and changes to killers who can't even abuse secondary abilities. Please consider this as a person who has been playing for 4 years, the only thing that's so game breaking right now is this. If you care about your community not being full of toxic nonsense you'll at least give it consideration.
this threads too important to the longevity of the game for it to get lost in the forums
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No it's not. Don't act like you are the messiah for pointing out a glaring issue, when in reality you are just fed up bc of some camping bubbas in a row. Yes that sucks heavily, but once you get out of certain ranks it gets a non issue. It surely is not "game breaking", pls look that term up before using it for ridiculous claims. A game breaking glitch would be something like gens cannot be prepared for some reason, so survivors have no chance to escape at all. Or in any story-driven game, when you can't finish the game due to bugs / glitches. A Bubba doing a staring contest with you, leaving the other suvirorvs doing what they want, is scummy and cheap playstyle, but thats it.
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What you want the Devs to do? Make perhaps the weakest killer more weak? lol.
He face camping ya? Oh well, stay on that hook as long as possible and hopefully your team mates rush gens. Take one for the team.
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I don't know why he can hold his M2 and have Insidious working at the same time.
I don't have issues with Bubbas, but I have issues with broken mechanics.
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I play a decent amount and in the past couple of months, I've only ever been facecamped by 2 bubbas. It really doesn't happen often at high ranks, at least for me.
Just rush gens and gtfo.
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just run deliverance and stop being a karen "i want to talk to the devs"
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There is a solution
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It's not a broken mechanic. He can hold M2 and still not be moving. Insidious is activates when you're not moving. It's INSANELY obvious if a Bubba has insidious. Even more, you should always assume every Bubba has insidious. Anticipate it always. If you don't, it's your own fault.
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Huntress can't hold her M2 and activate Insidious.
Nurse can't hold her M2 and activate Insidious.
Pyramid Head can't hold his M2 and activate Insidious.
Deathslinger can't.
They don't move either, I don't know what makes Bubba special, but whatever.
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I mean, technically those are all actions in mobility. Revving a chainsaw is hardly mobility.
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It isn't, there are much bigger issues in the game, then a Bubba camping you.
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So how is holding a hatchet in the air an action in mobility?
How is holding the arm out to prepare a teleport an action in mobility?
How is putting a sword into the ground an action in mobility?
How is holding a gun an action in mobility?
Please if you want to compare these things think about it harder. Revving a chainsaw is a mobility, especially LF in this game.
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Yeah, and I just had 7 back to back survivor games where I either got camped, hard tunneled, went against a mori, had my team mate kill me themselves, and was found first practically every single game within seconds of the match starting. Usually a combination of more than one of them happened in a single game. It's more than likely the ranked reset.
Welcome to rank reset, where the other survivors are even more of a detriment to you and even less useful to you than usual, all the while the killers have to rely on anything they can, even bullying a survivor off hook every single time to the point where they only get 2k points, just to secure a "win" no matter how scummy. Ranked reset is really something.
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Do gens and bones.
Let the survivor be sacrificed for the greater good!
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Facecamping visca valid strategy, said by mods dozens of times
If you don't wanna get facecamped build skills at hiding and looping so you won't get caught
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first forum post in month and all i get is trolls because of a broken killers mechanic. great community
and to stick up for myself. i never said im struggling its the fact that i have to watch so many new players fall to the same crap that isn't even how the games supposed to be played.
im nasty at this game infact ill even upload clips if i have to prove a point
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