Hey BHVR, guess what. I'm done with your mess.

A team of 4 (I checked), leaching off the low rank for easy f#ckn games and even though I didnt tunnel, I still get 2 DS slaps by two rank 1's "Go figure", just probably at the end of its timer. I had perks, just didnt show there for some reason (BHVR standard)
And at gate their teabagging, spinning in circles and pointing and I'm left feeling depressed asf and not wanting to play anymore cause they made so many rush saves and stupid plays and I played well. Not to mention how they always leave 10 seconds before I get to them. On top of that, so many sound bugs. PLEASE BHVR, FIX YOUR TERRIBLE GAME.
Why bother asking for a fix, if you're gonna leave this game anyway because you're done with this mess?
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Alright but tbf fam youre playing deathslinger with no perks at all. You were always going to have a bad time...
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yeah im getting sick of this too. im just trying to have fun and mess around, get my bbq stacks and do whatever challenege i have. but no, i a yellow rank keep getting stuck with sweaty red and purple ranks. i havent had a fun killer match for the past ten matches i've done because its been nothing but this.
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I said I had perks. The game just bugged and didnt show them. Had M&A, Pop, STBFL and BBQ.
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But you got 23k points and a kill with these rank differences. That’s not that bad..
the teabagging and pointing is not nice but that’s a problem with playerbase not BHVR. Also ever had a camping killer, nodding and hitting you in the hook? Also not nice, but survs have to suck it up as well.
even though there are plenty of bugs, I don’t see it as a terrible game. But if you see it as that: no one is forcing you to play a game you don’t enjoy.
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There is actually a bug with the post-game screen currently where the Killer's power can be incorrectly displayed, and one or more players can be shown as perkless even though one can be certain that they have particular perks equipped.
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yeah dude it sucks, you just got a bad game. I mean it happens but I hear they are currently working on fixing it, just learn some tips and tricks like moon walking than you'd be good.
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It's fine, stuff happens. I'm more p#ssed off that I play a legitimate game and I'm stuck with sweaty rank 1's getting easy games cause they get their lvl 18 to host. That's what it's back to. Lowest rank hosts.
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This has been happening since before Deathslinger, they've had plenty of time to fix this as they did it before with the estimation method. This wasnt just a one off game. Every game I get now, theres always at least one red rank friends with a 16+
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This and all the survivor no noise bugs are why im taking a killer break.
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Yeah I here they are fixing that
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"Survivors are matched to a Killer as close to their rank as possible. If the Survivor is playing with a group, the highest ranked Survivor’s rank will be used for matchmaking purposes. (e.g. If a rank 1 and rank 10 Survivor are playing together, the game will search for a rank 1 Killer.) If a match of the same rank is not available, the system will gradually expand the acceptable range until it finds a match. This has a hard limit of 6 ranks above or below your rank. "
To be honest, I'm starting to think that this system ACTUALLY WORKS, however they inputted the highest rank as the highest integer, as opposed to the highest rank. So if 3 rank 1s and 1 rank 20 find a match, it'll find a killer between rank 20-14, instead of finding a killer between rank 1-6
I've been laughing to myself so hard thinking that if this is true, it would be one of the biggest blunders I can think of in gaming.
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BHVR: "But... but... but Silent Hill 😢"
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Yeah just take a break and come back to it trust me you'll feel better
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My bad, havent finished my coffee, somehow missed that bit
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Ranking and Matchmaking are totally messed currently. They are aware and working on a fix (MMR based matchmaking).
i get it though, I am rank 10-14 killer and most games I get red ranks in my matches. Fortunately that does not always translate to being a competent survivor though.
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It's all cool xD sh#t happens
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You're not wrong but at the same time basekit no perks should be viable to play. If 4 survivors can go perkless/itemless and stomp killers the reverse should only be true too as long as the killer is sufficiently skilled.
But they took that away with Nurse.
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Only some killers get that right. Billy, Spirit. Oni maybe but nobody else really.
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Killer rank is disproportionate to Survivor ranks, they're not the same ranking number.
Killer rank 15 = Survivor rank 9
Killer rank 8 = Survivor rank 2
From there, survivor rank caps and you get anyone and everyone competent at this game, even streamers, you know, the popular ones that don't need "TTV" displayed ;)
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There really needs to be an official or KYF Adept only game mode. It would really help hash out base kit and base perk balances.
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Ok, I know it's bad, but teo of them are within your rank range.
Is it acceptable that the other two aren't? No. You shouldn't be facing them at all.
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Simplest option is just to remove ranks. But we all know how broken the game is any yet we still play it.
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This is also the option BHVR is taking
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Matchmaking has been based on the highest rank for a while now, not the lowest, with the lowest ranks getting thrown into any match they can find after a certain period of queuing so that they get to play regardless of ranking.
Definitely pretty ######### matchmaking though half the time rank means nothing. It's so easy to rank up its a joke.
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Don't think it's a blunder I think they said they did that but never actually did because no matter your rank you only get purple and red ranks. I think more people would play this game as killer if you get rid of the toxic behavior on both sides. In every other game teabagging is unsportsmanlike conduct but not in dbd makes no sense
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I bet that BHVR wont even see this post, or if they do, wont change too much
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If you don't learn to love the dumb #########, even when it pisses you off, you won't ever really love this game. You can't take it seriously, you'll only hurt yourself that way.
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From how Pyramid Head feels to play I feel like he should be on that list
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Yeah. Everyone knows if you want to have fun in this game you should only play a tiny selection of meta heroes with the exact same meta perks.
What's that saying about variety? "Something something way too spicy for me"?
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It is most definitely frustrating. People are toxic it seems. Specifically when you know if your going against a lower rank killer. All of us can tell if it is a newer player. There is no need to be an ass to them at all. Just play the game and move on and have fun.
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It's amazing how many people will do mental gymnastics and make excuses for BHVR still, despite being BHVR being about as close to objectively bad at their jobs as they can be. Sound still bugged to hell, new map is garbage.
I mean, how can you argue they even care about this game and don't care more about money than quality? This game is not a qualitynproduct, no matter how you slice it.
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I love how they claim they fixed the bug that causes no noise from downed survivors. They didn't.
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They say lots of things xD it either comes back in another patch or it gets worse.
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Get good. But also, sometimes I've seen this happen when 1 or 2 experienced players play SWF with some new friends, showing them the game. It'd be unfair to ban all of these people just because of a few bad apples. Everyone in the community wants to ban some kind of playstyle or behavior or something now. So that there's only one way to play the game. This is DBD, not 1984. Players in any video game are like a box of chocolates. Sometimes it's a nice snack, and sometimes you get diabetes.
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This is just a really roundabout way of saying DS is absolute bullsh*t and needs a nerf.
Which I think many people can agree with.
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Couple things you should know. Matchmaking is horrible (they know) and unfortunately they probably waited for a while and you were there. 2) they left early because your terror radius gives you away. 3)Instead of getting salty about going against rank 1s learn from it and get better at the game because that probably the least toxic match you can get in those circumstances
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So you're upset that you got stuck with three people higher ranked than you? Would you be complaining if it was 1 person at your rank and 3 at rank 20-19? No of course you wouldn't. You'd be proud because you "won" the game. Really the 23k blood points should be all you care about. You're playing a game to earn blood points, last I checked you don't magically get more by being a higher rank. So just deal with the bad games and be happy with the good.
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this why if there rank 1 survivor in the group they should face rank 1 killer if the lower rank want to play with they rank 1 friend then they need to face rank 1 killer.
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console pleb
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Hey OP guess what?
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First, you are so wrong to request a good matchmaking on a almost dead game, second the game is almost dead because the toxicity of the people and third no one with sense of reason gonna play this game like a killer because the reasons one and two. But yeah im here playing all week xD.
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And so much red rank are not good, whatever the rank says, cause the most of the players are on red ranks leaving his teammates die and hiding .
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Why are you crying? You did well given the circumstances. You have to have a better mentality about these situations. You're going to keep improving until rank 1s ain't nothing to you. You'll have to deal with rank 1s and decisive strike survivors when you get to higher ranks anyway. Would you prefer the matches just be easier until then? You'll have a rude awakening that way. Try thinking about what you can do to avoid the outcome of this match. Almost no one is unbeatable in DBD if you have the skill and imagination to shut down their cheesy stacked builds. Good luck, stay strong, and stop crying. We all have to go through the current matchmaking.
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Honestly this couldn’t be any more accurate I have a friend who just started playing the game and wanted to try out killer to say the least he didn’t have a good time he barely had one perk learning how to play as killer and almost every match he played he got rank 1 survivors obviously playing together they made his life a living hell three of them would block the hook and when he would chase one and they dropped a pallet he would break the pallet and two-three would come to flash him in the face with a flashlight like i know there’s good fun in being sweaty with someone in your rank but that was in no shape or form fair. Nor does it make sense match after match going up against red ranks.. when he literally was still learning the mechanics. 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 Not fun. And made him feel stupid. I hear you when you say FIX YOUR GAME
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Hate to be the one to tell you this, but the ranking system will find a killer similar to the lowest rank survivor. And as I can clearly see you killed one and you said you got hit with ds twice so you hooked most of them at least once. You're not supposed to win every game. Sometimes you gotta death with unfair ranks, but you don't gotta make a forums post complaining every time you get matched up against a swf
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I've gotten matches against rank 20 killers when every survivor in the game was rank 1 so I really doubt it. There's either no cap to how far the search will expand, or no actual matchmaking system based on rank
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If its really that bad don't dedicate so much time to one chase. Analyze each individual skill and kill them accordingly even if you getting 2 or 3 of them you've still got a victory imo. This game is a amazing I get its frustrating but all you can do is adapt and overcome! Eventually you're going to be at that skill level any way its just upping your training and teaching you early. Ignore the bm take the experience move on. It is just a game after all.
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We don't want you. Go play civ 6 or something.
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But didn't they change the matchmaking so it only takes the highest rank of a swf? This looks like matchmaking being ######### not this guys doing it on purpose