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Rational pyramid head discussion

Member Posts: 462

OK so. First up I think pyramid head is probably the most flawed killer since legion. He's nowhere near as bad but all killers after legion have had no real problems other than being slightly weak eg: deathslinger.

I think pyramid head is pretty weak and janky to play as and against.

Here's why. Starting with the cages. You sacrifice time to torment survivors which gives you back that time later. This isn't really a bad thing but kind of makes these cages obsolete. Usually it spawns opposite you and they get instantly saved.

The best strategy for this is to torment everyone and hook them normally. Then when they are unhooked down them as fast as possible and cage them. This basically speeds up the process of killing by about 20%.

But this can seriously backfire on pyramid head if the survivors can loop or seriously be annoying for the survivor to spend half the match on a hook then a cage and be found 2 minutes later and killed.

Cages in my opinion should still bypass all perks but torment should only last until they are hooked or caged and shouldn't be removed by uncaging anyone. Also when a survivor is rescued from a cage they are hindered for 30s. This prevents pyramid head from hooking, tunnelling and caging getting a free hook state while also benifitting him by sending them to a cage rather than a hook because if he tunnels and re-torments the survivor it's harder to do while making the chase lean towards pyramid head.

Next is his ranged attack.

This thing is really bad. It's only good for faking or 50 50 at a pallet.

This should be changed like this: the attack activates faster as in the ground glows as the ground erupts rather than before it. Missed cooldown should be drastically reduced. Its around 3s and it should be brought down to 2.

In return canceling it should incur a 0.5s cooldown in which he moves at 3.8m/s.

This makes his power more about actually using it to hit survivors rather than just faking it and hitting or faking it but the survivor commits and wins the 50 50.

Do you agree with these changes or do you propose a different one?

(also I think pyramid head showed just how much of a crutch DS really is to some people because some people say "I use DS and its not even that good" and are now saying "but muh DS"

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  • Member Posts: 706

    He's a nightmare in solo games. It's far from uncommon that PH comes to your cage to draw a little circle then proxi camps until you reach P2, and since he draws his dicdics around your cage and your potatoes teammates yolo save as usual.

    80% of my games ends up being caged then fast mori'd. Since I have to choose between being hooked or moried.

    Lowkey obnoxious but fair since they waste a lot of time to secure kills.

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    You wanna have a rational conversation?

    Then stop posting things like this.

    It is only showing your bias, and considering you only mention his "weaknesses", you have obviously not played against him to understand how OP and crutch, it is for him to cage someone and tunnel them off the cage. You can literally kill a survivor in under one minute.

  • Member Posts: 320

    The only issue I have is that his reach could be a little shorter. And that's after I've played as him and against him.

  • Member Posts: 462

    I mentioned his weakness while also acknowledging his tunnelling problem while trying to fix both. Also that thing at the end was more of a message to say just how strong DS really is and if it never existed killer would be alot easier

  • Member Posts: 250

    Completely agree that ph's range should be made better in exchange for cool down on cancel

  • Member Posts: 178

    Ngl he's not as insanely bad or op as people are making him sound, it's just he's really frustrating to play in chase and most people exclusively use him to tunnel, making it ######### to go against.

    His power is most viable in situations where huntress and deathslinger are superior.

    It's like he was intentionally designed to be decent in max purple ranks, because good killers give 0 ######### about ds and would prefer the slug. For me personally bt is more obnoxious, and I prefer the opportunity to slug for slowing the game down.

    The solution isn't a killer who can bypass ds and bt to the problem of the way ds is abused by good survivors.

  • Member Posts: 270

    He's neither insanely OP, or bad. He's balanced. One of the most we've gotten on launch. His ranged attack is clunky and unweildly, but powerful when mastered/utilized. His cages can give up map pressure and take more time than worth to get someone tormented, but can lead to a beautiful time save if you play your cards right. His Torment means nothing if you crouch or just run around it, but can net you information and tricky through-the-wall shots if you're skilled enough.

    I really really love this killer, and wouldn't change anything about him. I think he's just really shaking up what survivors are so used to... Which is what a killer should do. I personally have never had experiences with a cage tunneling PH, but a lot of people are crying over it. If it is true, my one suggestion is to remove cage auras, and instead show killer instinct on the un-hooker. Maybe make a add-on that shows the killer instinct, instead of putting it in his base-kit.

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