No borrowed time from cage rescue

I have enjoy the new chapter so far. The killer, survivor and the map which is a total labyrinth but still love it.

I run borrowed time in my build all the time and the one thing that pisses me off beyond belief is the fact that cage rescues in the killers terror radius don't get borrowed time where as hook rescues would.



  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417


  • Ghosty123
    Ghosty123 Member Posts: 23

    Yes its a pain but no killer perks work for cages either e.g devour hope

  • Puffieball
    Puffieball Member Posts: 64

    That's so stupid. They better change that at some point because borrowed time is that one last chance if the killer is tunneling or camping the hook. That makes it useless if they are in a cage.

  • Puffieball
    Puffieball Member Posts: 64

    At least like you guys are pointing out it won't work with the killer perks which I didn't know. Imagine if it did lol the killer would get the devour hope is fast lol

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    I said the same at first, but there are times when the cage isn't too far. Like if they go down in the center of the map, the cage might only be 35 or 40 meters away.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    You wouldn't need BT if you'd just pull people out of the cage before the killer runs across the entire map. If you see the cage icon pop up, just start running in the opposite direction and they'll probably spawn right in front of you.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Yes, you are right - PH players (calling them good is laughable) have found the best way to work hooks and cages. They hook. Then they tunnel. Then the cage. Then they tunnel. Then they mori. Its very quick. Its very dirty. Its very broken. Its no fun. There's nothing you can do about it because the only perks in the game designed to provide SOME alleviation from this abusive play style are voided by this particular killer. I like to think the BHVR team is relatively smart. So my statement stands. They purposely designed a Killer adept at tunneling because they desired to. Clearly. Otherwise it wouldn't exist. If they wanted to change the meta, they would make adjustments so that the necessity of running DS/BT wasn't an every match occurrence. Instead, they built a Killer that negates the perks they designed specifically to address this hated play style. On purpose. As I said.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Its impossible to rescue someone safely when a Killer comes directly to their cage and refuses to leave. Getting a safe hook rescue is a luxury these days more survivors are not afforded.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    Not to mention it dosen't work with Kindred which make PH even more a nightmare in solo queue besides all the average farming and casual sandbag or death on first "hook". Since you can't even get out once because you can't use deliverance.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So go work on gens. I don't complain that I can't repair a generator because the killer is hovering around it, I just go find a new one and leave the killer to do nothing. Basically the same thing, if the caged survivor is a team player.

  • Altarf
    Altarf Member Posts: 1,045

    They need to weaken his camping potential; right now he's a bit like Bubba, in that his cages and trails work really well if you camp but often does nothing or harms you otherwise. But hook perks not working needs to stay, that's his whole gimmick. If anything, he needs an overall buff. I'd say make him unable to see the cage aura until the unhook happens and he gets a loud noise notification, but make the cage spawn as far as possible from all players so insta saves don't happen.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I haven't played tons of games against him or whatever, but I've already gone some without even having gotten caged once.

    First of all, it sends you to the far corner of the map.

    Second, you actually have to be caught in a trail and then downed to be put into the cage, at which point you will no longer be tormented.

    Third, if you hate that part about him, I imagine you absolutely despise going against Freddy. Maybe start with Freddy if you want to complain about things that negate Borrowed Time, because Freddy can do that with normal old hooks and without having to land any special power on somebody. What do you know, he's existed like that for months now and hasn't changed.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    You're probably right, but he's one in twenty Killers and fairly new. I doubt people are going to change their loadout of DS and BT unless he becomes oppressive (like when people ran Iron Will all the time against Spirit pre-addon nerfs). He's popular now cause he just got released, but when people get used to his playstyle they won't necessarily take off their crutch 2nd chance perks if he doesn't shoot to the top of the meta killers.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Thank you for trying to "killer-splain" what survivors can do to "win" in this scenario. As usual, this advice is ignorant AF. It fails to address that no matter what this ruins the game for at least 1 person, for no reason. It wastes their time. It wastes their BP. It wastes their addons. It wastes their offerings. It wastes their PIPs. Because why? They had the audacity to spawn into a match? LOL No. Just do gens is not an acceptable answer to a Killer purpose-built to utilize the most obnoxious and toxic play styles in the game. Sorry.

  • shwag
    shwag Member Posts: 417

    Oh cool so just gloss over what I said and stick to your flawed logic and still bash killer players...

    Super classy and I see the bars have not educated you on how rude and snide you are towards your imaginary enemy "killer" players.

    I am sorry that you can not see the forest from the trees on this and that crappy people hard tunnel you.

    Not every killer plays like that but please continue to shoe horn the player base to fit whatever killer is op agenda you have for us this week.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    Its a cage, and borrowed time says that when you Unhook someone it activates

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    I love how you guys always got mad when someone complained about DS because its way too strong for a anti tunnel perk and you guys just said ,,ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ANTI TUNNELING PERK, ITS TO EXPAND CHASES"

    But now you guys cry because your ,,anti tunneling" perks dont work. Oh boi, get off of the forums. Glad you got jailed.

  • Shivadeathkiss
    Shivadeathkiss Member Posts: 94

    Killer mains are just as toxic. The whole dbd community is rather toxic. I play both sides and get hate mail no matter which role I play.

    Each side complains and says the game is biased towards the other. It's so childish at times. Idk why people can't just play the game without getting so serious about it and without complaining that the devs are favoring one side over the other.

    Both sides get nerfs and buffs. Both sides are constantly being adjusted.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Makes sense.. it would be very easy to get tokens from it. About BT i notice it too, when i released a survivor from the cage with BT and it didn't work. But again it makes sense since there isn't a description from the perk to work with cages.

    I know it may suck to be camped in the cage.. but come on... the killer has to literally cross the entire map to go there. By that time any survivor can release and fully heal you.

    So in conclusion i think its ok that it works that way, no perks benefits for both sides. And it's not the killers fault if the survivors are playing with the crows instead of releasing someone from a cage..

  • fckal0
    fckal0 Member Posts: 14

    You waste time doing everything in the game, including gens and bones. Why complain now that's not in your favor?

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Maybe its time to learn how to unhook safely without running BT

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Don't get tormented. GGEZ

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Why do you assume the killer downed them on the opposite side of the map? Downing someone in the center makes it far more likely they will reach the cage - and the less survivors still alive those odds just go up. I guess survivors are just supposed to race through hostile territory with a killer around making them easy to spot and intercept just to reach a cage. Get real.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    How can you even say “shake up the meta” like these people even play their own game and even know what the meta is?

  • perezkarlo37
    perezkarlo37 Member Posts: 55

    Y'all realized that when Pyramid head cages someone it appears literally in the contrary side of the map? Just have to be there before the survivor is caged and everything is fine.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I don't disagree with you that doing gens is currently the only thing to do in this situation. That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that THAT being the ONLY thing anyone can do is un-#########-acceptable. There are many things in games and in life that are currently 'the way' things are done - it doesn't make them the best way or the right way or mean that they shouldn't be changed to something better for everyone. Change is the only true constant and this is one of those things that's needed changed for A LONG time.

    If I am not entitled to play however I want regardless of the situation - why are Killers?

    Why am I not entitled to an OPPORTUNITY to EARN BP in a game because someone else has a cheap/easy way to incapacitate me for the entirety of my lifespan by being a complete #########?

    Why should I have my items wasted because, again, a total ######### decided I shouldn't get the opportunity to play the game - and for some reason BHVR thinks its ok to put that choice in the hands of someone else.

    Why should I have my offerings wasted because, again, a total ######### decided I shouldn't get an opportunity to play the game - and for some reason BHVR thinks its ok to put that choice in the hands of someone else.

    Why should I have to DEPIP because someone decided to be a total ######### and remove my ability to EARN a PIP?

    The answer is I shouldn't. I shouldn't have to deal with these things because you are RIGHT, this is a PVP game and in PVP games it is typically skill vs skill. And there is absolutely no skill in camping/tunneling people to death. It can be done against any survivor, by any killer, at any rank. It's broken.

    I'm glad you're a survivor main who plays around this. I hope that works wonders for you. It doesn't make this any less bullshit and it doesn't negate the fact that devs making this EVEN EASIER is ruining the game for thousands of people. It is not remotely ok.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I don't know how you could think this was an intelligible argument. You don't 'waste time' doing gens, you invest time into doing those things to win a game. Your time is wasted when you wait to play a game and your opponent has the capability of disabling you from doing that as intended by the game's design. But you already knew that - or at least I hope so. Otherwise...yikes.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656
    edited June 2020

    DS is not an anit-tunnel perk. But it is one of the only recourses for tunneling available. Kind of hard to see where you don't understand that distinction or why breaking part of its functionality is unacceptable.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    So answer my question because I've received 0 replies on this topic.

    What happens if I, as Pyramid Head down a survivor while I'm in the middle of the map, which is easy.

    1. Middle of Corn Field in Thompson House.
    2. Killer Shack at Rotten Fields.
    3. Haddonfield Streets.
    4. Lery's Middle.
    5. Midwich Elementary outside.

    I can get there before any survivor, which I do, and I believe it's also unfair.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    True but the difference is if The Killer happens to be The Executioner, he can specifically avoid using Perks based on hooking people. So there is no wasted perks in that case. Not so for Survivors who often must equip hook based perks in order to have a chance. I know people here like to act surprised but the reality (at least on PS4) is that DS and BT are prerequisites. Even Unbreakable and Soul Guard are unfortunately very useful!

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    Except it doesn’t shake the meta.

    Killers still tunnel even without anyone bringing DS.

    Also, just a side note. I don’t think people are complaining that he can do that. You know... cage and tunnel. Their complaints are that in the event that they tunnel they do not have options to counter it. I am talking from the moment someone pulls you from a cage.

    I guess Styptics and syringes will become more meta now. Shaking the meta would mean both sides get adjusted as a result of people making the same plays. Not just one side.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    As far as I know with the cages, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, and We're Gonna Farm Forever. I've also noticed that when Adrenaline activates when on a hook, I come off the hook healthy and with a speed boost. When Adrenaline activates when I'm in a cage, I don't gain a health state or speed boost when rescued. Killer perks like BBQ and Chili also don't work with the cages.

    ACTIV3_GNASHER Member Posts: 75

    Imagine if killer perks work with the cage lol BBQ reveals auras of survivors 40m away from the hook, not the killer. So he’d cage somebody and see where all the survivors are around him as the cage/hook is far away from him.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    That's true about hook based perks not working for The Killer but a key difference is that when someone plays as The Executioner, they have the discretion not to use any.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Not always viable to crouch during an active chase. Maybe Cheryl needed a perk "Impervious to Judgement." Not serious btw but yeah, maybe I will try UE.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    Adrenaline should definitely proc when rescued from a cage.

    Currently it procs from stuff like being dropped by the killer while he's carrying you, (Either a manual drop or a break-free caused by wiggling/flashlights/stuns) being rescued from a hook, etc. and the description explicitly says "Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled when it triggers and will activate upon being freed."

    I know cages are not hooks but Adrenaline doesn't mention hooks, it simply mentions if you are "Disabled" which includes being on a hook and being carried by the killer. I argue being in a cage should fall under that same category.

  • Demonl3y
    Demonl3y Member Posts: 1,416

    How does it break the functionallity? Its not supposed to work on cages, so you are the one you dont understand anything i guess.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I don't disagree with you that doing gens is currently the only thing to do in this situation. That has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that THAT being the ONLY thing anyone can do is un-[BAD WORD]-acceptable. There are many things in games and in life that are currently 'the way' things are done - it doesn't make them the best way or the right way or mean that they shouldn't be changed to something better for everyone. Change is the only true constant and this is one of those things that's needed changed for A LONG time.

    Due to the nebulous nature of what "camping" even means, along with the numerous instances where it's 100% the best tactical decision, I don't think anything should be changed. Also, it's not that rushing gens is the only thing you can do, it's just the best thing you can do, the same way the best thing you can do when rescuing someone against the Hag is to crouch-walk to the hook and the best thing you can do when facing the Shape is to break LoS so he can't stalk you. The killer does something, you try to counter it. That's the game.

    If I am not entitled to play however I want regardless of the situation - why are Killers?

    As I mentioned before, when you play survivor, you choose to be the victim. Killers have fewer restrictions by design. They're the 1 in the 4v1, so they're supposed to be the active role whereas survivors are the reactive role.

    Why am I not entitled to an OPPORTUNITY to EARN BP in a game because someone else has a cheap/easy way to incapacitate me for the entirety of my lifespan by being a complete [BAD WORD]?

    You had an opportunity and you screwed up. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's the way of it.

    Why should I have my items wasted because, again, a total [BAD WORD] decided I shouldn't get the opportunity to play the game - and for some reason BHVR thinks its ok to put that choice in the hands of someone else.

    You had the opportunity to play. The killer has that choice by design. It's an asymmetrical game and you're playing the numbers role, that's how it works.

    Why should I have my offerings wasted because, again, a total [BAD WORD] decided I shouldn't get an opportunity to play the game - and for some reason BHVR thinks its ok to put that choice in the hands of someone else.

    See above.

    Why should I have to DEPIP because someone decided to be a total [BAD WORD] and remove my ability to EARN a PIP?

    You always had the ability. However, the killer got you before you could succeed at it. I've had trials when I've been camped to death and still pipped because I avoided being hooked right away.

    The answer is I shouldn't. I shouldn't have to deal with these things because you are RIGHT, this is a PVP game and in PVP games it is typically skill vs skill. And there is absolutely no skill in camping/tunneling people to death. It can be done against any survivor, by any killer, at any rank. It's broken.

    You didn't get on the hook by yourself. The killer showed skill by finding you and winning the chase. It absolutely cannot be done by any killer at any rank. A noob killer will never be able to catch an experienced survivor, so the experienced survivor will never be camped or tunneled.

    I'm glad you're a survivor main who plays around this. I hope that works wonders for you. It doesn't make this any less bullshit and it doesn't negate the fact that devs making this EVEN EASIER is ruining the game for thousands of people. It is not remotely ok.

    I've faced Pyramid Head a few times now and became inflicted by Torment. Do you know what I did when that happened? I took him to one side of the map - the side I knew had nobody around - and waited for him to put me in a cage after downing me. Now, much to my surprise, he never actually put me in a cage, but if he had, he would've put me right next to the other survivors and I would've been uncaged and healed before he got there.

    And no, it wasn't thanks to SWF that I knew that side of the map was empty, it was because of Aftercare. I had unhooked and/or healed every other survivor, so I knew where they were. I made sure to go down on the side of the map that would've benefited me the most if he tried to put me in a cage. He either realized this and countered by hooking me or was saving that Torment for the mini-Mori, but regardless, I made it difficult for him to down me again if he were to put me in a cage.

    You need to think ahead beyond where the next pallet, window, or loop is. Think about where you will be going down - because you will be going down, eventually - and make it the best possible location for you.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Imagine thinking killers have never had nerfs. OOF.

    Survivor entitlement, folks.