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Why are charms so pointless?

Member Posts: 140

Seriously, at least cosmetics are noticeable and keep the game aesthetically fresh. Killer charms barely get a pass from me seeing how visible they are, but in most cases no one really even stop to admire which charms are on a killer hook. Survivor charms are so stupid. No one but they player even sees their own charms in-game (and even then its hard to even see them) and most of the charms are super lackluster in general.

Why were these added again? I haven't seen a survivor use charms in months.


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  • Member Posts: 3,826

    I don't understand hook charms.

    Haven't used them.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    I always look while on a Hook lol Especially if they have the Tier 70 charm on day one, then I know this person paid 100 Auric Cells per tier.

  • Member Posts: 320

    I only use the purple charms anyway. I find the common ones worthless.

  • Member Posts: 48

    I always look at the survivor charms when deciding if I'm to give them the hatch

  • Member Posts: 270

    More cosmetics and more multiplayer trends. Absolutely hate it too. I'd maybe find them interesting if they made sense. Make them something a survivor/killer would actually have as a goodluck charm. Dwight could have his nametag/pen pocket on his chest. Bill could have a pack of cigarettes. Cheryl could have an accurate sized Seal in her breast pocket...

    But no, we get dumb funko pops and microscopic circles. Just remove these dumb immersion breaking microtransactions from the game if you're not gonna change 'em BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    I like how quickly they ran out of ideas too. The very first batch had a purple Technician charm. Technician isn't a popular perk by any means, it sees practically no use and isn't popular in the sense of it being a fan favourite either. It has no connection to neither Claudette nor Trapper. It's so lazy.

    Then there is also the purple arcade cabinet charm which to me is honestly even worse. Again no connection to either character. It was most likely a leftover asset that didn't get finished to be put in a map, so it was recycled. It's not even difficult to make it not look completely awful and lazy, just give it a texture that isn't just all purple, but not even that was done.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I dont know why I thought Charms were supposed to give character more actions (such as gesture). But its just a decor

  • Member Posts: 395

    yes it is so ridiculous invention, these should provide some REAL ^**balanced*** advantages:

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Pretty much what I'm talking about right here.

    I think they should just do a suggestion that I've seen here before, and put shards into the rift. Where they would go is where the bad charms would get taken out. Or hell, even like the tiniest amount of auric cells so over a few rifts somebody could save up just a tiny bit for a cell-exclusive cosmetic piece or something. I don't know, anything that would be more appealing than these useless ugly charms that won't even get used. I'm even fine with the cool ones as I said, because there's gotta be some sort of filler. That cell idea would be nice because I, for example have something like 1020 or 1040 cells or something of spare cells after the cells I spend on the rift pass, and it would be nice if instead of those charms I was able to earn a tiny bit of cells to be able to purchase a cell-exclusive set or something since I'm not even 100 off.

  • Member Posts: 270
  • Member Posts: 24

    I got jumpscared by my own charm when I was playing killer when I turned a corner in the Silent Hill map and walked right into the scary Spirit doll with the screaming face I put on my hook.

    Plus it gives me something to judge on a survivor if I'm determining to give them the hatch or if there's two left which one to give the hatch to.

  • Member Posts: 372

    They were added as filler for the rift. As much as i enjoy the rift and archives feature, the rewards like the charms, are just boring and quiet frankly lazy filler.

  • Member Posts: 826

    I love them solely because the art piece that is the silver coin exists because of them. Let us flip them already, you know no one cares about the generic side of these coins, why does the generic get to face outward?

  • Member Posts: 2,015

    I liked them at first because they were new but I quickly grew tired of them and genuinely forget they exist frequently, even though I always have them equipped.

  • Member Posts: 141


    If they don't wanted to give them advantages then atleast make them matching the characters of the rift.

    Like for the Claudette and Trapper one.

    • You could make their Teachables once like the LVl 30 Perk Brown, LVL 35 Yellow and LVL 40 Green (Available in the free tier)
    • The Chibi figures are kind of neat and I would include two of them one in their standard outfit (Free tier) and their unique Rift Outfit (Premium Tier)
    • Claudette Charms could include (based on her lore) her first A+ Test, Her Birthday Gift, A Microscope, a petri dish, some kind of plants
    • Trapper Charms could include (based on his lore) a minecart, a bear trap, coal lump, a mining helmet, a picking axe, The picture of him and his dad

    If they really wanted to make them purely cosmetic they could have dig more into the lore and give more anecdotes in form of those charms. Atleast they would have been more thematic.

    We also had the halloween stuff in that rift and could have included some of that stuff too.

    I think the rift needs a rework.

    The free path needs more rewards (currently only two, max. 3 rewards per page) and I kind of like the idea of gifting shards (make it in the free path) it would give the players more motivation to actually progress in the rift.

  • Member Posts: 21,675
    edited June 2020

    Because they're cosmetics. They're pointless by definition. Nobody cares about which cosmetics you use except you.

  • Member Posts: 274

    Because money. The Rift is about money, the cosmetics are about money, charms...wait...You can't BUY charms yet.

    So I guess they're just meant for showing off how far your Rift is or if you are a whale and spend money on the Rift.

  • Member Posts: 164

    This. I have never ever equiped any charm. They are like a pointless giveaway to fill up the rift.

  • Member Posts: 22,851

    Idk if I'm a killer and I see a shirtless David provided they ain't toxic they're getting hatch.

    This would make the game almost pay to win. You pay for the rift and pay for the tiers to get the better charms that give you better bonuses whilst the free players don't get these. It's why most Claudette outfits aren't as dark as/darker than her P3 skin, so people don't class it as p2w.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    Probably cause aesthetics is their only purpose.

    And if you don't like them, that's fair.

    All i want from them is for Killers to be able to hang them on more things than just the Hooks, like Lockers or the Basement/Basement Hooks.

    Btw, i do always check out the Charms on Killer Hooks as Survivor.

    I don't actively look for them, but once i pass by a Hook, i like to theorize in my head how much effort they put into Rifts.

  • Member Posts: 4,299

    I do use hook charms as they add a little something.

    Survivor well my favorite cosmetic has a jacket and that covers the charms so its kinda pointless to put any on.

    They are just cosmetics and never stated to be anything else. Any and all cosmetics can be seen as pointless to some its all a matter of personal opinion.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Back in my day all people did was collect useless trinkets without a game to go with it and we liked it.

    Young whipersnappers these days

    Remember the pogs

  • Member Posts: 3,793

    It’s kind of sad, some of the designs are amazing but like you said rarely looked and hard to see.

  • Member Posts: 489

    Insert Marge Simspon "I just think they're neat" meme here

  • Member Posts: 1,652

    Arcade charm I assumed was for Feng Ming. She was a gamer girl irl.

  • Member Posts: 395

    technically you dont "win" if the charms are well-balanced, more examples of well-balanced:

    • Surv reduce your stagger duration from falls by 15 %, but has a 5% speed down when crouched
    • Killer has extra speed in hook progression of 1%, but has a 20% speed up when opening gates

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