What did you prefer Dead By Daylight or Friday 13th

Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
edited June 2020 in Polls

You're on the DBD forum, but that doesn't necessarily mean you prefer/red Dead By Daylight over Friday 13th: The Game. I'm interested to know how people feel.

Imagine if Friday 13th never had the lawsuit or had overcome it. Or has DBD excelled and become better than F13 ever was?

Which do you believe was the best?

What did you prefer Dead By Daylight or Friday 13th 76 votes

Dead By Daylight
BossCamoRangerSeiko300ItzSoulzicemancatIhatelifeNehalennyaCheersShrimpTwiggsdrimmalorSpartagone45MiriamGF60_31brokedownpalaceInnCognitoDimekBabyCameron10[Deleted User]Revzi100shreament 65 votes
Friday 13th
LethalPugyI_am_NeganKillermainBTWm8Dr_Loomissojalol[Deleted User]TheBananaMansourglobeLowkeysaurusmostlyghostlyÅintAntøïnêD 11 votes


  • ItzSoulz
    ItzSoulz Member Posts: 368
    Dead By Daylight

    DBD For Sure. Friday the 13 is a Trash Game

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Friday 13th

    Well that's certainly a matter of opinion 😇

  • Elcopollo
    Elcopollo Member Posts: 768
    Dead By Daylight

    DbD easily. The main problem with Friday is that it's basically a dead game and by "dead" I mean not the lack of players or anything like that, but unability of developers to adequately progress further with the game due to the whole thing with legal fight over rights to the franchise.

    Also, these games are pretty different, they feel different (at least for me), both gameplaywise and balancewise. Basically the only thing that connects them, imo, is the whole idea of a killer hunting down survivors. So, that being said, it pretty much depends on what type of gameplay you prefer. Personally for me Dead by Daylight is more fun and interesting. And I can't really say anything bad about the Friday - it's just not my cup of tea.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756
    Friday 13th

    If the lawsuit never happened I would still be playing F13

    Plus there was more to do in F13 then DBD

    DBD just work on Gens and same mori

    F13 more to do more kills

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529
    Dead By Daylight

    no chance F13 is better, have you seen the match cue? and people moan about match times on DBD, i deleted it after no games all day once

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549
    Dead By Daylight

    F13 honestly looked really boring to me from the gameplay videos I watched. I can't really put my finger on why, but I just didn't feel like I'd have fun with it. Never got it so I can't tell you if my thoughts were correct or not, but yeah, that's my opinion.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212
    Friday 13th

    Not a really popular opinion but a mix of nostalgia and the fun I had with friends made that game so wonderful for me. You could have way more friends in one game, multiple objectives. Jason was fun to play and could wreck if you were experienced with the shift learning curve. I left dead by daylight for F13 at the time. Dead By Daylight is still a great game, don't get me wrong that's why I still play it. But depending on the content added in F13 if the lawsuit didn't happen. I might have played F13 a little more.

  • Loner
    Loner Member Posts: 139
    Dead By Daylight

    Interesting poll,not gonna lie.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275
    Dead By Daylight

    Lemme tell you about Friday the 13th, since you're asking. 🤣

    I started playing Friday the 13th when it launched back in May 2017. Cuz hey, I love that franchise! The idea sounded pretty neat to me. I also purchased Dead by Daylight around the same time, out of curiosity (but I didn't really get into it much until about a year and a half later, after I finally walked away from Friday the 13th).

    Friday the 13th was opaque. Like, OPAQUE AS HELL. Entire game mechanics were vague, more vague than anything we currently deal with in DBD. Oh, "considerably improves" such and such? That at least gives you some actionable information about what the perk does. But what about Friday the 13th? What does, I dunno, the Stealth stat do, just to pick out one specific thing? Well, if you asked people on Reddit or the forums, they would tell you that it let you hide from Jason in cabins, or made you undetectable by his aura-reading, or impacted your fear accrual. So I ran a bunch of tests to see what it actually did, and it turned out that it affected the "noise pings" that Jason sees when you run. Literally nothing else was impacted by this stat, not one thing. And the numbers on Stealth and other stats (rated 1-10) were radically disproportionate, and the numbers in some cases meant almost nothing (Stealth levels 6-8, for instance, were effectively identical).

    I dug into the weeds with all of the counselor stats. Then with Jason's different powers and skills. Then with weapon stats. Then with item locations and map population mechanics (actually this was one of the first things I hashed out). I reverse-engineered almost everything in the game, because the developers didn't want to define anything beyond vague descriptions.

    I made a bunch of exhaustive Steam guides (which you can see here, although I presume they are outdated at this point).

    I worked with a team of really good players, including a guy named Pappus (who was super-committed to educating other players on high-level play), to essentially hash out the "meta" for Friday the 13th, as it were. We figured out the best perks to run, how many hits you could take from a huge number of actions, what the best weapons were for demasking or interrupting Jason, how Jason's teleport grid worked, how Jason interacted with objects like cars and water, how many of each item spawned per map, and how many different unique variations there were of each map (including how to immediately intuit which variation you were on, since the maps were static).

    Then I got sick of everything surrounding the game. Its sycophantic forum community fervently shouted down serious discussion of strategic play. Its developers effectively abandoned it for months on end; I feel that they used the at-the-time-pending franchise rights lawsuit as convenient cover to avoid devoting even basic bug-fixing resources to it while they shifted gears to work on a different game (Friday the 13th was still rife with awful game-destroying exploits when I left). And the publisher continued to release it on console platforms even in its half-baked state, and got their big payday. They completely squandered a slam-dunk franchise, and the one serious competitor DBD has ever had.

    But I wanted something to scratch that itch and, uh, here I am and here I've been. Props to Behaviour for being very diligent about supporting their game.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Friday 13th

    Friday 13th used to give a cosy feeling, sitting there...making friends in the lobbies...drinking some beer...it was fun.

    It was also much more funnier and scarier than DBD.

    It was genuinely exciting when a new DLC was being released with all the easter eggs and little details.

    Great days. Miss them.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    F13 was always super glitchy and unbalanced. Also in my opinion the F13 movies are overrated.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Friday 13th

    True it was very glitchy, but in some odd way the glitches often made it even more funnier. We used to all fall apart when the car started doing forward flips or a survivor was floating around the camp in a seated position.

    It's shame it couldn't of been throughly fixed and not be blighted by the lawsuit.

    In regards to the films, I find them enjoyable but the tongue is firmly in the cheek 😉

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I read your comment on why you like it, and that genuinely sounded fun. But I don't like when there is only 1 killer and that is Jason.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    Friday 13th

    Well that is one thing DBD has/had over F13: a diverse selection of original and licensed characters.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
    Dead By Daylight

    If you would've asked this question two years ago, I would've given a different answer.

  • LethalPugy
    LethalPugy Member Posts: 493
    Friday 13th

    I liked the way you could actually fight back. But that wouldn’t really work in dbd.

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53
    Dead By Daylight

    If the lawsuit never happened and the devs didnt abandon F13, i would have gladly played way more. But it did, and the game suffered.

    According to game stats, F13 at peak some days has 1000 players on steam on the weekend

    Dbd on steam charts, can have 20000 plus playing in the past few months consistently, and cross play is available. And honestly dbd is just more variety filled than f13, its just unfortunate i like asymetrical games

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615
    Dead By Daylight

    There's still only 1 Killer in F13.

    DbD can have loads of problems, but the variety of characters alone helps the game an unbelievable amount.

    Also, in F13, i can't be 100% sure i'll be the Killer, and i'd mostly want to be the Killer.

  • ShrekTheThird69
    ShrekTheThird69 Member Posts: 327
    Dead By Daylight

    DBD has a more arcade feel to it and Friday the 13 is more of a horror. personally i prefer the more arcade style dbd

  • BillTGYT
    BillTGYT Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2020
    Dead By Daylight

    Although Friday The 13th is not a bad game at all. The amount of updates, characters are very limited, and as a counselor you would just die within 1 minute into the game, making the game easy to get bored. Dead By Daylight on the other hand, is not a perfect game, but the updates and various of characters, perks and maps to achieve and play, just makes you wanting to jump right into the game and try to play by yourself or with your friends.

  • jadss
    jadss Member Posts: 207
    Dead By Daylight

    It's a huge opinion based, for me, dead by daylight is better even tho.

  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238

    I would prefer friday the 13th in dbd🤞

    GHERBEARRULES Member Posts: 265

    There's no option for both.

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129
    Dead By Daylight

    Dbd all the way. I’m sure if it had the ability to progress it could have been better but it feels so clunky in comparison. Not to mention wait times were way worse and the games were just so long for not a lot. On top of this think about the variety dbd brings in terms of unique powers and licensed killers in general while f13 was only about one killer and you can only do so much with that. Not to mention, talk about bulky squads swf like this isn’t oh darn they escaped guess it’s on to the next they can straight up bully Jason to death and didn’t feel right.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    Dead By Daylight

    Friday the 13th really did bring the Genre FIRST into the light.

  • Goliath
    Goliath Member Posts: 28
    Dead By Daylight

    DBD, but there is something cool about playing as Jason.