devs not going to have a 2x bloodpoint event because we get 50k a day? seriously?

as said on the stream we will not get 2x bloodpoints despite the anniversary next week just because we're having 50k bloodpoints a day
like why? is behaviour so insistent on the grind they want to keep all forms of bp earnings low as possible? its so pathetic
Wait really? Lol. Then keep the 50k per day, double BP would be way better. Come on, It's a new chapter. x.x I have to grind for those two.
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That's most likely because we're getting the 104% bloodpoint offering, just like last year where we got the 103% one.
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Hopefully :)
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Giving a 104% offering a special name is no better than coming across a pudding or cake in the bloodweb.
The biggest draw of these events is being able to have a double bloodpoint period AND being able to use one of these offerings to quadruple the bloodpoint gain which makes a reasonable dent in the already tremendous grind that exists in the game.
By giving us a special 104% offering, we essentially get a 4% bloodpoint bonus.
The devs WANT the grind to last as long as possible which is why we don't see them at the same time anymore.
I plan to save every 104% offering for the next time they have an actual bloodhunt and I suggest that you do the same if you still have stuff to grind for.
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I think the bloodpoint login is just to inflate numbers for Konami but that's just my theory. Plus why don't we just keep the 50k? With how many characters and perks there are its really nice to have.
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Yeah, this would be nice. It's like a drop in the well really, when you can make the same amount in 2 games as survivor or 1 as killer.
Disappointed we won't be getting a blood hunt. That feels a lot more appropriate.
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Tbh, 50k blood points a day is pretty sweet.
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Those 50k BPs cannot compete the slightest with Double BP. Thats one (mediocre) Killer game with BBQ, so roughly 10 minutes.
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I agree. 50k for just logging in is pretty sweet.
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who cares about 50k? its 1 bloodweb worth
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50k don't go far so yea think they like that we grind.