Salty question but actually curious...

Why do killers get Ebony Moris almost EVERY blood web but survivors struggle to get keys?

And please do not come in here talking about how ebony moris are rare to see. I've had times where I've gotten them 4 blood webs in a row. I currently have 7 of them, but average about 1 key every 5-10 blood webs.



  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Every bloodweb guarantees atleast one ultra rare

    Most killers only have 2 ultra rare addons so you see a mori about every third bloodweb

    Billy has no ultra rare addons so he gets a mori every bloodweb

    As long as you don't end matches too quickly it is very possible to always have a mori with billy

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Survivors have more items and add ons they can get in the bloodweb and they also have a chance to get the key randomly in a match.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Here's the thing - keys are better for survivors than ebony mori's are for killers. Key escapes count as a full on escape. Ebony mori's (or any mori) do not count as a sacrifice, and you will likely depip if you mori everyone.

    Besides, killers have hoards and hoards of mori's. Do you know why? It's cause they don't use them.

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    right? this bothers me a lot too. i just want to be nice and give everyone extra bloodpoints.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    No, you depip if you tunnel everyone off hook and mori them.

    You will NOT depip, you will actually double pip if you play fair and you mori then on their death hook. You depip because you cut chases short and you kill the survivor.

    Compare 900 Bloodpoints in the Brutality category, then you Mori someone. Not to mention, Hunting and Deviousness gets lowered.

    Now compare 1800 Bloodpoints in the Brutality category when you don't tunnel someone off hook and you Mori them on their deathhook. Your Hunting and Deviousness gets a higher rating as well because you prolonged chases.

    I'm more than happy to give you examples with personal videos.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm just stating the obvious.

    Enjoy your depip, and nice derailing of the topic I spoke about.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I didn't derail anything. You specifically mentioned "playing fair". I countered it with a question - genrushing doesn't seem fair to killers. Is genrushing fair to you?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I get them in literally every bloodweb, maybe you're unlucky?

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Never, I don't care enough to, feels cheap to me. Maybe it's because I hate them as survivor, or because I play some of the more reliable and consistent killers.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Most killers feel that way.

    Kind of makes you wonder how mori's seem so common, at least according to survivors.

    I personally don't use them cause I prefer the rewards I get for actual sacrifices.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I also play survivor, and they are way more common than they should be. 1/6 (or so) games will have a mori. Likewise, as killer, about 1/8 of my games have a key. They're both way too common and should just be butchered to the point where even maps will be godlike compared to them.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 308

    Because I play everyday, I think I can safely say I see AT LEAST 2 moris.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    thats most likely due to the lack of Ultra Rare things a killer can obtain from their bloodweb, compared to the many things survivors have.

    usually a killer has 3 Ultra Rares, so when the bloodweb gives them one there is a 1/3 chance for it to be an Ebony Mori.

    Survivors however have 5 Ultra Rares, therefore the chance to get a Skeleton Key is only 1/5.

    BUUUUUUUUUT we shouldnt forget about a certain Very Rare Item in existance, equal to the Skeleton Keys strength. however, getting one of these has a 1/12 chance to appear any time you get a Very Rare item, therefore Very Rares are easier to come across than Ultra Rares - plus you can loot them from chests midgame, which makes them even easier to get.

    if you want keys, use plunderers. you will be surprised how common these actually are.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    2 mori's in a day? And you're complaining? o.O

    I only ever really bring a mori if I see a key in my lobby; and only an ebony if I don't have an ivory (for some reason ivory mori's are really uncommon o.O).

    One thing you'll notice - most people who use a mori just to mori people are high green ranks to yellow/brown ranks. Decent killers don't use moris.

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 308

    Complaining, no. Moris are fine with me unless the killer does mori off first hook because then the game just seems like a waste of time.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    There are four survivors in every game. Why should each one of them see keys as often as the one killer sees Moris?

  • Papamodzz
    Papamodzz Member Posts: 57

    I see more ebony moris then ivory ones in my killers blood web i think my huntress and doc have 10 plus moris on them heck when pyramid head came out dump a mill bp in him got 8 ebony moris lol just luck i guess

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122

    This! I have always wondered. Why do Bloody Party Streamers seem to be the rarest thing survivors can acquire? It's ridiculous. Level a character to 50 and you'll maybe get 2, if you're REALLY lucky. I think the rarities need some work; for instance, why is the 100% BP objective/survival/deviousness/whatever offering green while a 100% BP Escape Cake/Survivor Pudding is yellow? I'm hoping someone can enlighten me.

    On the subject, what @Sonzaishinai said is very true: certain Killers (e.g., Billy, Bubba) lack ultra-rare add-ons, so you'll find an Ebony Mori in almost every bloodweb. Like everyone here, I leveled Bubba to 35+ just to unlock BBQ in an effort to reduce the grind (and then 40+ so I'd have Franklin's Demise for those item-heavy 4-man SWF games).

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I honestly believe because you seen them as Green Rarity, when in fact they probably have the coding different to make them rarer.

    Probably %% Based.

  • Grim_Sleeper
    Grim_Sleeper Member Posts: 3

    I literally had to make an account because I need to ask this question - what exactly is the difference between "gen-rushing" and "playing the objective" as survivor? No, seriously, I'm curious. How can a survivor play the objective (which, btw, is fix generators so you can escape) without "gen-rushing?" Would you prefer survivors don't immediately go after gens when they see them? Should they just stand still where they spawn for the first minute of every match?

    I hear a lot of killers complain about "gen rushing" but nobody ever seems to explain how it's any different than simply playing the game the way it was meant to be played as survivor.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    What is exactly the difference between forcing kills by camping and tunneling, and sometimes using a mori (which a lot of the time ends up being extremely efficient), and doing their objective? No, seriously, I'm curious. How can a killer play the objective (which, btw, is killing survivors so they can't escape) efficiently and also play fair? Would you prefer killers just see a survivor and just let them go because they were recently on the hook? Or intentionally gimp themselves by playing by the survivor biased definition of "fair"? Should they just stand still where they spawn for the first minute of every match?

    I hear a lot of survivors complain about "camping, tunneling, mori's and playing fair", but nobody ever seems to explain how it's any different from completely their objective efficiently, and playing the game as it was intended (camping was actually the demonstrated strat in the original DBD tutorial videos before the playable tutorial was implemented) to be played as killer?

    See what I did there? I took your narrative, and dropped a fat turd on it by literally flipping it around, and it being every bit as valid. I was asking the original person the question because I knew they wouldn't answer. Not cause they couldn't answer, but because they knew what would come after. You fell right into it. Gratz, bud.

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    Just run plunderer's and you'll find a key almost every game.

  • Bludge23
    Bludge23 Member Posts: 234

    I don't use mori'd but I'll consider it if I was getting them as often as you.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Ebony mories are too strong to be so common. They need to have as low of a drop rate in blood webs as keys do honestly.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited June 2020

    You have 17 killers and 19 survivors, btw. So if you used some math, you'd have 11 keys per survivor and 8 moris per killer(not a huge difference really). That said, you used Plunderer's to get that, something killers don't have a version of. Most of your keys likely came from Plunderer's as well, because there are 5 different iridescent items/addons for survivors.

  • DraconDirnc
    DraconDirnc Member Posts: 121

    I used mine for challenges so I am out on everyone but Demogorgon. I usually prioritize addons over mori in BW.

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    You have to think that Moris actually yield less bloodpoints than sacrificing survivors normally. Where as the conditions required to use a key properly (usually finishing all but 1 gen) generally racks up more points.

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    Well my pyramid head is prestige 1 level 50 and I have 12 moris.

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    Because when you're camping, tunneling or slugging you're destroying the game experience for other players. Like, you're going to chase the player that just got saved and then you're slugging him because you want to do your objective but you don't want to eat the ds? Why are you even chasing the surv that got just saved then? Or even slugging in general. Making slug builds. You're not making points that way don't get a pip that way so what is the point of slugging right after the game start? The Goal Of slug builds is to destroy the game for survs because you're a toxic kid, annoyed of another game you had or just pathetic. Like, I'm a surv main and because of that I'm playing very fair as killer (yes I'm rank 1) and I still get at least 3 kills in every game when I'm playing serious I'm getting 4 kills without slugging. I'm not chasing the person that got of the hook and if the person is following me to get his ds of course I'm downing him and slugging him because that's just stupid. But like, I never use moris if I don't have to. I never tunnel, I never camp, I don't see the problem with getting kills playing fair and watching for the gens. And no I'm not a Billy main. I'm a Legion huntress and pyramid head main. I have 100% in dead by daylight and I also have all new achievements of the new chapter already. I had them 2 days after the chapter was out. + I think too many players listen to what streamers say. Like true talent, he's a killer main and he's talking trash. Like he's a good killer maybe, but everytime he plays against good players they're automatically toxic, swf or streamsnipers lmao like, that's bullsh**. He just can't accept that there are players that are not absolutely bad in the game. He can't take critic tho. I posted a Comment Where i Criticized And asked him something on a vid where he played against a "toxic 4 man swf" and guess what the comment got deleted

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,360

    Typically the game acts to put 1 UR on every BW. The problem presents itself on killers that have less than the normal amount of UR addons in that it cranks up the amount of ebonys you get. The game randomly assigns 1 UR item to that slot, but in cases like Bubba who doesnt have an UR addon for example...that leaves 1 thing it could possibly be. In the case of Huntress, she only has 1 UR addon as opposed to the usual 2 so your gonna see alot of Iri heads and Ebonys since theres not another UR addon to water down your chances.

  • DrSlaughter22
    DrSlaughter22 Member Posts: 26

    I honestly think the Mori/ Key mechanics should be reworked.

    On the killers end, just hook someone once them tunnel them down and mori them. Not fun to go against, and it feels cheep to play.

    Keys and the hatch also seems cheep too. Survivors can escape prematurely just because they have a key and happen to come across the hatch. also during the end of the game, if either the killer or survivor find the hatch first, chances are they are the one to win the game.

  • Rumtin
    Rumtin Member Posts: 1

    The better question to ask is why do moris and keys exist in the game? They both only exist to make the game less fun for the opponent(s).

    I get that the hatch spawns early and a key could get your team out, but that feels like a cop out. 1 gen left and the killer finally gets someone out of the game. Survivors just find hatch and leave with no more effort than avoiding the killer. This is even more frustrating for killers when against SWF.

    If you keep chasing someone long enough, you're sure to get them on hook. Then you murder them. Sure, the animation is neat, but now that's a person who just got denied to play the game. It is not fun to be put on a hook and then just die.

    Overall, both items are crutches used by players who want an easy win, which makes the opponent(s) much angrier overall. No killer likes seeing the survivors decide that they can leave early due to a key and no survivor likes getting murdered super fast by a mori. In addition, I know key users hate having the killer focus them because they have a key and killers also hate that they have to focus them because they have a key.

    The only exceptions I have to what I've said above with the game in its current state is finding keys in a chest and cypress moris. If you're lucky enough (or are doing a luck build for the memes) to find a key in a chest, then sure. I know I'd feel way less bad about survivors having good luck versus a fate I have to avoid. The cypress mori can only be performed on the last survivor, which when possible, generally means the survivor was dead anyway. Maybe they had decisive strike and could have used that if the killer picked them up in an odd circumstance but I'm sure that's not gonna happen all too often.

    TLDR: Bringing Keys and Moris into games is bad for the community and is designed to make the game experience worse. Don't bring them and encourage others not to either.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I honestly wish that bloody party streamers became ultra rare so i could use them more

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I recently tested this, because I felt like Killers do get more moris than survivors get keys (that will actually open the hatch).

    I decided that an ultra rare and rare key would count as a key (obviously), but not a green key since it doesn't open a black lock. I also counted the combination of a Weaved Ring/Milky Glass as a key - since they allow you to keep the key in any circumstance and this would pit 3 possible versions of a survivor item vs. 3 possible versions of a killer item.

    I counted all levels of moris, since they all allow you to kill someone.

    What I found was that if you just counted them up this way...keys vs. moris...yes, you do get more moris in a blood web. What I didn't find, however, is that you get more ebony moris than keys. While I only got 3 keys (including the addon combo) but 8 moris total...only 3 of the moris were ebony.

    So, in terms of ebony moris vs. keys...they actually seem fairly evenly matched from this small test.

    This was tested using 1MM BP on both a fully leveled survivor on a fresh blood web, and a fully leveled killer on a fresh blood web.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    My issue is that keys and moris aren't comparable.

    As you can tunnel mori someone immediately out of the game. I've had bad spawn RNG and a trolly teammate who worked with the killer that enabled me to be killed within 2 minutes of the game starting. I got less than 2k points. I never actually got to play the match at all.

    Keys on the other hand cannot be cheesed. You have to do more work the more people who are alive. 4 people have to do 100% of the gens. 3 people have to do 80% of the gens. 2 people still have to do 60% of the gens to escape.

    As you stated, the hatch should be a 50/50 shot...but it's not. It used to be. Its not anymore. Its now extremely killer sided. The killer has more opportunity to find the hatch as they traverse the map. They can move freely around the map when its open to find it much faster than a survivor who is basekit slower than they are but also has to stay hidden, which makes them even slower. If a survivor and killer come to the hatch at the same time, the killer standing NEAR the hatch will disable them from being able to enter...even though if a survivor is standing ON the hatch a killer can still close it. And if they hit their action button at the same time the killer's action takes priority. Keys NEED to exist to be able to reopen the hatch in this very unbalanced situation, when someone has had the forethought to bring one or gotten lucky enough to find one.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    I would like to something to your statement and the one above.

    First to the point of number of Mori against keys. Like other people stated, it is possible to find items in chests during the game and I have seen people get several pink keys in ONE game. Of course this is based on rng but it is in the game next to the other fact of some killer having less pinks as other people already said.

    Second to the point of effort for each. Of course the killer can use the Mori while doing almost nothing to the first survivor but for every survivor he has to put in effort for finding them and the hunt itself.

    On the survivor side the effort can very much differ. The survivor can do gens and progress the game or keep the killer busy and do his share but a key will also let an only crouching survivor get out of the game while he did nothing until it spawned. Of course this is close to only a hypothetical case but it can be.

    Lastly on the hatch chances itself. The hatch standoff where not really a 50/50 when a survivor can get a guaranteed escape as long as he finds the hatch and is not dying. I would understand that the survivor can escape with the killer on the hatch while he is healthy to take one hit but an injured survivor would just get grabbed by the throat and brought to a hook if it would be even a little bit like in the horror movies this game tried to imitate. Getting knocked down and still escaped was not a 50/50.

    Maybe I remember something wrong here but from my point the old hatch standoff was always a free escape for a survivor that was standing on the hatch in grabbing range of the killer but the killer could only go for the grab when the survivor did the escape animation.

    A compromise could maybe have been that the killer can always grab survivor that stand on the hatch but can't close it. Because there should be no chance to get out when a killer is standing on top of your way out but it was.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I dunno about that last part.

    I've met a LOT of Mori-happy killers. I also distinctly remember one particular night of 5 games where there were 4 Ebonies in a row from 4 different killers. All of which also had NoED. The last game was against the same killer as game 4 but he didn't have one but did have a raging hatred for me.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Yes, and I made a point of saying I use Plunder 3.

    Unfortunately I think that last bit that got removed was actually the part where I mentioned about my Plunders build I run often for fun (the part I'm not re-writing).

    My main point was its RNG and I didn't notice (myself) a huge difference in the Bloodweb but as a survivor you also have a free way of getting keys, unlike Killer and Mori.

    PS: I hate both items and wish they didn't exist.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    Both moris and keys are unbalanced. I personally think that both should be removed. Both promote toxic behaviour equally. You cant call someone a salty surv main for complaining about moris, and same goes for killers about keys. Tbh I have 37 keys on one character, and 0 moris on any killer bc ive used them all to derank from red ranks, as all red ranks genrush. I see brand new parts and keys every game, and I bring a mori and try to depip to get back to grey ranks. At least at rank 20 I don't have to worry about any of that. No moris, no keys. Thats honestly the best thing you can do to not play against them. Unless the devs remove both. My point is, the higher you climb, the more bullshit you dont want to deal with happens.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,237

    Because of the amount of ultra rares. (almost every) Killer has 2 ultra rare add ons, with 1 ultra rare offering (being the mori) when survivors have ultra rare items and add ons. So thats why