Tierlist for Killers as of Patch 4.0.0



  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    My unbiased bias tier list would be putting The Legion at S+++ lol. Legion is the best killer in the game, we just need a lil more love from the devs 😎

    =My unbiased bias tier list would be putting Legion S+++ lol. Best Killer in the game

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206
    edited June 2020

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  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    My tier list. Consider that killer is playing the best he can and survivor are a strong swf

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198
    edited June 2020

    I think you totally underestimate plague and deathslinger. Plague is easily low A - high B. And a skilled deathslinger too. And you overestimate doc. He's probably B. His antiloop is very unreliable and heavily affected by latency. Skilled survivors are usually totally unphased by his affects. Static blast is great though.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    anyone who's ever played Ghostface knows it goes both ways though. You get revealed through walls half the time, and stalk is incredibly unreliable. Has been really garbage since dedicated servers were instituted.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    I made one like that before. It hasn't changed much & I would honestly put Pyramid somewhere on the lower end of that list. His Cages & Final Judgement are cool, but I hate the way his ranged attack works. Super easy to juke & feels odd trying to use it. It needs a bit of a flick to it. Besides that, I find he isn't as fun since he has zero gen or map pressure. Every game goes by super fast to where you can't even have the time to enjoy the killer. But again, this is an issue for many killers.

    Trapper is a hit or miss. You either get survivors that fall for all of your traps, or survivors that dodge every single one of them. Deathslinger isn't really add-on dependent, but any good team knows how to play against him. Then he basically becomes a 110% speed killer who can't afford to miss any shots or else he could lose any momentum he may have. Wraith in the right hands is lethal. At base he is not the strongest, but he can secure some easy hits. Plus, if you aren't playing hit & run Wraith you are playing him wrong. Freddy just has much more to his kit than Hag. He anti-loops, teleports, mindgames, counters BT, & could potentially slow survivors action speed. Hag is also countered by flashlights. And Myers is just super susceptible to gen rush. It's why people have taken to playing him by slugging. His power needs an update because it is so old.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Your Huntress comparison makes no sense. Huntress's hitting cross map shots all the time isn't a thing. A Nurse blinking around loops & catching survivors off guard is literally every game as long as the person knows how to play Nurse. Despite her bugs, she still does everything she used to do. She only has an extra recharge feature that limits how quickly she can begin blinking again, but it doesn't destroy her potential. She has a lot of useless or gimmicky add-ons, but at base she does everything she needs to do. I'm not saying she isn't flawed, but her power literally alters survivor gameplay & counters a whole lot.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    His reveal is bad for both sides. GF will get revealed even if there's a rock between him and the survivor. The strength of GF isn't his stalk. It's just him being able to stealth and move full speed while being completely black. With the right info and slow down perks GF is great with or without his broken reveal. I agree with his placement.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    My tier list but based on who is the coolest killer

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    What are you talking about? Sure you might not see many Huntress players getting consistent cross map hatches but aren't we making tier lists based on potential. What difference does it make if the majority you see in practice are not S tier it's the potential that matters, right?

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Yeah, I'm talking about REALISTIC potential. A Nurse playing well isn't hard to come across. You're trying to compare that to a godlike Huntress that sounds more like a hacker than a pro player.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400
    edited June 2020

    While I agree that Nurse has been weakened by her rework. I think that anyone that doesnt place nurse in the highest tier/as numero uno if played by someone capable of controlling her power should really clarify that their list is not about potential but more about how easy they are to play for the general player base.

    As an example I know billy is goddamn high tier, but I cant play him worth a damn so in my personal book when I play him he is a D tier killer at best. I have a higher chance of getting kills with bubba. On the other hand killers like Piggy or Clown has a much simpler and easier ability to use and I am therefor a lot more succesful with them. But at the same time I know that they arent actually that great because if I get screwed by rng or just get a bad start with them then game is over before it began. Where as if I could control Billys chain saw then the game is over when I say its over.

    Tier lists, should be based around their potential. Not neccesarily their highest potential but their potential in the hands of someone capable. So not someone with 10k hours on nurse but maybe someone with 100+ hours exclusively on playing new nurse in red ranks. At this point the player understands the general ins and outs of the killers power and have a decent grasp of how to play as the nurse. Is there more to learn? Ofc, but they would be able to close chases real fast.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Pre nerf I would agree with you but post nerf I don't see any of those God Nurses anymore. Maybe your just getting lucky but the Nurses I face aren't any better than the Spirit's, Freddy's or Billy's of the world. When I experience a post nerf God Nurse then I will change my view but until then, you saying that Nurse is S tier because of her potential to me sounds exactly like Huntress is S tier because of her potential.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    He still suffers from the same problems as before. Just because he isn't slowed by the throws anymore doesn't mean his power is pathetic without Solvent Jug and Cork Stopper. Clown still suffers from map traversal and gen defense. Regardless of how well you do in chases, most games will end with you getting maybe 1-2 kills on average. Unless you build him like I do. Then you'll get either 3 on average if they're any good.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Death Slinger is B at least

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    yeah you are right about doctor and, not sure about plague and deathslinger

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694
    edited June 2020

    Pre nerf I would agree with you but post nerf I don't see any of those God Nurses anymore. Maybe your just getting lucky but the Nurses I face aren't any better than the Spirit's, Freddy's or Billy's of the world. When I experience a post nerf God Nurse then I will change my view but until then, you saying that Nurse is S tier because of her potential to me sounds exactly like Huntress is S tier because of her potential.

    Post edited by Quol on
  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited June 2020

    tier ist this is mine, i had a couple of problems on the B tier but i kind of think that most of you are gonna agre at least with the tiers, maybe not the orders but is about that, i didnt think too much about the bottom trash tier so even if bubba is a little bit above or below doesnt really matter anyway same with legion, i gave the piramid head maybe a little bit more than what he deserved but i think he has potential we didnt discover his full potential yet.

    yes clown got a buff still doesnt change a thing most people would usea the feather anyway before and still he is trash, this cahnge makes him better but didnt go from trash tier to playable by any mean. i played a match today with him and he is so bad and still so bad, i got 3 kills but i sweated my ass in order to perfom good against rank 1 survivors also a killer sided map, the saloon, would have been different on a bigger map.

    btw i dont get why so much hate to michel, yes he is kinda outdated but thanks to plague and infectious fright now he is very good and has a lot of snawball potential with good addons to have tier 3 a lot of time or the quicker as possible. he is b tier, at least bottom b tier.

  • Tris_wuz_h3r3
    Tris_wuz_h3r3 Member Posts: 12

    I think it really depends on how a person uses them like how some people can figure out the nurses patterns, some people don't know how to use the hillbilly properly, Michael is a basic killer but with the right assets he can deal some nasty work, the clown is really about luring players to go in the direction you desire.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Not sure why ghost face and wraith are so high. They have powers that don't help with looping and spine chill is popular.

  • Dwightmain640
    Dwightmain640 Member Posts: 4

    Actually demos portals can detect players when they are close to one if it's active (has to use ability to see the survivor) also he could place them near gens to see if survivors are there so m abe he should go one tier. p.s. I'm a Dwight main, just saying.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Demo's portal detection range is super small. Yeah you can place it next to a gen, but a good team will either gen rush that gen before you notice to make that portal useless now (which then limits how many portals you have to use in places you may need them) or they will just break it so you can't teleport to that gen. His portals can be helpful, but for a means of mobility it's easily the weakest one in the game.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340
  • SpEz
    SpEz Member Posts: 73

    Clown is B tier because he is so underrated his power is actually good he can end chases pretty quickly if u know what your doing . Ghostface is higher than plague as ghostface can come out of nowhere and hit you or expose u without u knowing he’s there and just get a free down , while plague if they don’t cleanse you just become a 115% killer with a one hit but no anti loop no nothing and even if they do cleanse her corrupt purge sometimes misses when it feels like it should have hit and if they loop you around a tile with walls that can make it harder to the survivor. Hag with OoO and flashlight Yh it can be annoying but you don’t verse that often really but even so once in chase with them u can still use your traps as anti loop to end chase pretty quick.

  • DrunkenXSMonkey8456
    DrunkenXSMonkey8456 Member Posts: 53

    Just for a thing to note, deathslinger is basically just a weaker huntress so putting him above huntress is out of the question, he only has a single shot before reloading (but can reload on the go) he can only injure survivors easily but isn't as good at finishing since unless he drags you to him for the finishing blow, snapping the chain won't cause a down. unlike huntress who can easily shut down windows or pallets without fear and can easily win chases quickly with a throw and stab.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    deathslingers who don't miss are pretty much guaranteed at least 2 kills, just because of how difficult it is to run him. And plague is insane. When she has corrupt purge, there are few loops that are safe from her. Tiny misplays can lead to her snowballing.

  • Larz02Barz
    Larz02Barz Member Posts: 95

    Not a bad way to put killers but each killer is different for each player like I would put pog and legion higher but that's because I can play them strongly. But this is a very good list thank you for giving me some idea of why some killers are used more than others.

  • rogueplayer00
    rogueplayer00 Member Posts: 110

    All imma say, is play new clown dude. The movement speed buff when throwing bottles was exactly what he needed. I love playing him now. He's not super amazing, you know, C tier to low B tier at best in my opinion, but he's FUN AS HECK.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Oh absolutely. People really overrate Deathslinger. Hes cool and all, but hes not that good.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    yeah but if survivors don't heal she has only m1 (except first corrupt purge). My tier list is when both survivors and killer play the best they can.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    I don't have an S-category because i don't think there are any completely broken killers right now. I also don't like Tiermaker lol.

    A+ = Nurse

    A = Spirit, Freddy

    A- = Oni, Hillbilly

    B+ = Doctor, Huntress, Pyramid Head

    B = Deathslinger, Hag, Pig, Ghostface, Plague

    B- = Myers, Legion

    C = Wraith, Trapper, Demogorgon

    D = Clown, Leatherface

    Nurse is still very good, i played against some crazy russian Nurse Players lately.

    Some saying that Oni has the worst early game, i don't think it's the worst. And as soon as he gets going, he has his ability almost everytime, if played halfway decent. His M2 has a crazy hitbox and is easy to land if you know a little bit about his flick. I'm not good with him but i could turn matches that seemed lost in seconds.

    Pig is kinda underrated, but that's maybe me always having bad RNG against her lol. Anyway she can drag matches.

    Legion is very popular right now and i've seen some strong ones. They're not very deadly but annoying, if survivors don't have enough patience and stamina they will lose.

    Wraith can give good results if played with good add ons and hit&run-technique, but good survivors just heal up fast and loop you to death, because at some point you have to get your hooks and commit to chases.

    Trapper can be a nightmare on some maps and i've met some very good ones since hitting red ranks, but if he has a bad start it's kinda game over. You have to be very good in this game in general, if you want to be a good Trapper (also true for every other low tier M1 killer).

    I kinda regret spending so much BP on Demoboy. I love the character but i just can't get to terms with him. I'm used to stealth killers and now everyone hears what i'm doing. His portals are meh. Also his shred only works for zoning, the situations where you can actually use it to down someone are spare. You can say that's me not being good with him and that's true, but i haven't seen any good Demo since ages.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    She always has access to at least 1 corrupt purge, and can increase it to 4 with add-ons. Besides that, never healing is not the proper way to play against plague. If everyone is 1-shot all the time, it's even easier for Plague to wipe the team.

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    survivor that are good can keep the killer for hours if she has only m1. At high ranks a lot of people stay injured with iron will so i don't think she is A. Maybe A-

  • GodNap
    GodNap Member Posts: 206

    if there are good legions doesn't mean that legion is strong as myers. Survivor spread out and legion is only m1. Excpecially in big maps that are the most common.

  • Tritoneko
    Tritoneko Member Posts: 4

    I'll throw my thoughts into this discussion. I think it's always interesting to see what others think.

    This list comes from a Survivor Main with some gameplay of all killers ~ Love to hear your comments on this one =o

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Freddy is S tier 100%