Just got face camped... what a strategy.



  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Well, that's what the Devs think it is. It's the only progression to make in the game. Pips = win

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    So you say if facecamping is a strategy so is taunting

    And then you explain why taunting is a strategy

    So you bassicly agree that facecamping is a strategy

    I do agree though taunting is a strategy and much more effective then it should be tbh

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Calling people names actually has nothing to do with this posts topic.

    People ruining other people's game experience by camping does. Maybe you should stay on topic. :)

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    If facecamping is going to be considered a strategy yes.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    I don't disagree with anything you've said.

    This doesn't equate to any variety of punishment for the Killer. Nor does it deter people front face camping.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Look I think everyone can agree that getting facecamped sucks. The thing is this is a multiplayer game. Where you play with multiple people. And people in general are jerks. Especially if they're anonymous

    Every multiplayer game has their scummy tacktics. You can either learn to deal with this or go play single player games. And I don't mean this in a patronising way. I myself often take breaks from multiplayer games to play singleplayer which are often more relaxing.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    I mean, it's the most counterable strategy in the game....and yet, it worked on you.

    Think about that. Let it sink deep into your soul.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61

    Here's an idea: what about the hooked survivor gaining Boldness points while the killer is standing in the radius that would reveal his aura with Kindred. The idea is to make it so the face camped survivor doesn't de-pip. Kinda sucks when the killer decides to face camp from the first hook, tunnel you down, and then you just have to take the de-pip even though there wasn't anything you could do.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Well camping is a strategy, hoewever idk about face camping. Like if camping is punished what is the counter to over altruistic survivors hm? It would be stupid for the killer to patrol the gen when 3 or all the survivors go straight to the hook.

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    You were responding to my question about the guy insulting people. Your answer, had 0 relevance to what I was discussing.

    So you're fine with calling people condescending names and giving them horrid titles, but you're not alright with someone camping you in a virtual game?

    Someone doesn't have their priorities straight :)

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Nah, at the end of the day, the survivor got caught. Regardless of how they die from that point, you can't simply reward them for being outplayed in the first place, which did happen if they are on the hook to begin with.

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    Hear hear. Facecamping sucks, but moaning about it isn't going to do anything. Neither will insulting people or generally trying to be a nuisance like some people are doing.

    All we can do is suggest changes for the devs and hope that they implement something. In the meantime be sensible and stop feeding the killer when you know they're facecamping.

  • CaptainSkel
    CaptainSkel Member Posts: 24

    As a killer main who doesn't camp, I'm having trouble seeing the issue with it. If one survivor is being camped why doesn't everyone else just do gens and leave? I played survivor for a while and only saw one facecamp and we just left. The killer didn't get many points and that was that.

    What's preventing the team from just doing gens and leaving? It sucks that there's a guaranteed death but that's how it goes.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    You're simplifying the issue as if everyone is SWF. What about people that attempt and give up or DC? Not everyone is willing to sacrifice themselves so willingly. I know I do it, I will struggle until the last drop and hope the three escape. Also from the perspective of the Survivor being camped, not fun. Imo the game doesn't do enough to discourage this behavior.

  • 5thPerkSlot
    5thPerkSlot Member Posts: 395
  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    Yeah. People's complaints mostly boil down to. "Its not fun for the person on the hook." Even if the rest escape. I completely understand that, but I fail to see a solution to that issue.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There are many perks you can take for coordination, like Kindred.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Kindred doesn't achieve much in this circumstance, but even so doesn't really address the core issue. At this point everyone would be required to run DS, BT, and UB to provide some relief to tunnelers, campers and sluggers. And two of the aforementioned perks only work once.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's because you're trying to feed campers by attempting unsafe unhooks. If you actually want to punish campers, you genrush.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited June 2020

    You don't know what I do, so don't assume and look like a fool in the process.

    You're speaking as if one person has the power to accomplish that. It's all up to the Survivor getting face camped (and the others to capitalize on it), but ime many attempt and then let go out of frustration. Then what? On to victim #2, assuming he doesn't just insta-suicide or DC, etc. Even the devs agree it isn't healthy or optimal but they don't see it as that effective in terms of getting kills or problematic to work on a remedy. If they saw 4ks from camping, they indicated it would be a problem.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You said you had to use perks like DS and BT to "counter" camping. Those perks only work if you unhook. If I'm mistaken, then please explain what it is that you do and why you need those perks to do it.

    I know one person doesn't have the power to accomplish that, which is why I mentioned you should take coordination perks like Kindred. The camped survivor is just going to have to bite the bullet, like I have many times over.

  • FloofyHaru
    FloofyHaru Member Posts: 40

    I don't mind facecamping, but only if theres a reason for it. Being a douche for no reason? Yeah, sure. Farming teammates? I've facecamped for that before, no shame. 3 Gen chase? Sure, thats on the killer, but it's understandable to a degree. TTV in their name? Camp away Mr. Killer, no ones judging you. We're proud of you. Insidious Bubba? Helllllll yeahh. New player? They'll learn. Just, like, play killer if you don't like facecamping.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I said you would have to use those perks to provide some relief. The idea that you need a perk to deal with everything is the point. This is often the go-to reply from people. "Run this perk" and at some point you run out of slots because every slot is dedicated to dealing with something out of your control. I also said camping not face camping, there's a difference. I agree, just take one for the team but that is rarely done in solo queue. Ime everyone just suicides asap. Even with Kindred, nothing can be achieved if the person suicides. I just don't see it a remedy.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The difference is irrelevant, unsafe unhooks are what reward campers in the first place. The unhook gives the killers more BP (new chase and hits), more pips (again, new chase and hits), and allows them to "fast-forward" a sacrifice stage, all while generator repairs are not progressing as quickly as they should be, which also gives them more time to get more survivors.

    The remedy is for all survivors to bite the bullet for once and stop rewarding campers. Suicide on the hook rewards campers. Unsafe unhooks reward campers. Not working on gens rewards campers.

    And as for the "run this perk" statement, if camping were really as big of an issue as many survivors make it seem, they would definitely run perks against it. That's what players do.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    Camping is way more common than face camping, which is why BT is very meta in red rank. I otherwise agree with you but you're almost never going to find four people willing to coordinate to that extent to punish the face camper. If more people did, the few face campers would probably diminish even further. My "run this perk" comment was general, which I made clear. Every issue gets told to run a perk (often to deal with a niche situation) and Survivors already have more frequent and important issues to deal with: camping, tunneling, and slugging. Which is why BT, DS and UB are so common. People want to run perks that help with frequent issues. There is no perk to deal with face campers but as I also stated, it clearly isn't enough of an issue and the devs have stated such.

  • Deathslinger
    Deathslinger Member Posts: 570

    I must be a more unique killer, because I never face camp. When I’m max tilted, I stand over them as they bleed out. Either A) get to enjoy them crawling around or spinning for my amusement or B) get to play the fun lil game of ‘DONT TOUCH HIM, HES MYNE!’ and just re-smack him if someone did the touch and go during my recovery animation. Very rarely do I get a team that can assess the situation, finish gens in a heartbeat, open doors and work with each other well enough to distract, pick up, body block all the way to the door before the bleed out. I mean, it can happen and I’ll turn off the game for the day but usually they bleed out.

    Im always surprised killers find face camping more fun the bleed outs.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I swear some people act like they’ve never played an online multiplayer game before, or pretend this is the first game that’s had people act like jerks to others.

    Heck in WoW your own party would screw your over, and they were on the same team!

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    I've died maybe less then 10 times this year and I'm not even good. This game is stupid easy as survivor just hold down a gen and hide when you hear a heartbeat and the killer won't even see you.

    In a chase you can litterally run at the killer and still get away because his fov is so small

    Don't want to use perks items gens ect?

    Litterally hide in a locker near the exit game and wait for them to either power it for you or for the killer to close hatch and power it for you and you can open it before most killers can even reach you lol

    It's like 80/20 escape just doing that.

    Broken add ons ? Most add ons for killers are like... stat increases or hemmerage oh boy more bleeding lol

    Almost every killer perk is trash and some are even actively harmful to you.

    Distrsssing gives you a larger radius so me the survivor can avoid you at greater distance. Stridor is louder breathing lol turn up the volume. Tinker gives you a 10-5 second heads up a gen across the map will be completed you'll never stop me in time haha the majority are awful. Mindbreaker works if a gen is half done to give you exhaust for a single second oh boi

    Anyone can get you because its bill. Bait out the saw and save on the cooldown.

    Trade by body blocking. Even if you fail crawl away and heal or he goes to pick u up and the Orginal facecamped gets saved anyway and hook sabo in 2.5 seconds or flashlight blind so the trade doesn't get hooked.

    If you dont have any of those tools don't worry the map will provide chests for them.

  • TheCsoliday
    TheCsoliday Member Posts: 32

    Been away for a while but after reading this all I got was, 1: Just don’t get hooked (nice one), 2: Take it like a man (killer bias and the only thing to do really), or 3: Just play killer (yes, let’s just convert everybody towards killer and have them do the same lol).

    Yes, I understand their is a punishment for facecamping as a killer and that’s not pipping up or gaining bloodpoints... but I’m pretty sure a killer doesn’t care about none of that if they are face camping! Most facecamping killers I see are in red ranks and sometimes purple. I’m okay with a killer proximity camping or staying kinda close, but facecamping on the first hook of the game and being a billy just isn’t really right nor entertaining. Also, survivors get punished for being facecamped aswell. Most of the time they gain hardly any bloodpoints and they don’t pip up either.

    The only solution to get them off the hook is you almost have to be in a swf and have the right perks and tools. So, the killer can sit and do nothing while the survivors regress or take more time, and if they attempt to help their progress gets more slower and challenging... all while the killer doesn’t really have to do anything. Seems balanced and reasonable (it is DBD though so those two things are a myth in the game). So, to help them from getting unhooked isn’t even worth it really. The survivor gets punished and the killer gets “punished”, but they don’t really care about the consequences.

    So, facecamping is a scummy thing to do, and hopefully it can be tweaked or be removed as a “strategy” somehow. I know it’ll never go away cause their are to many Toxic killers who think they are proving a point (yes, their are also toxic survivors too killer mains, calm down). The gameplay can’t be very fun for both killer or survivor when it happens, but maybe killers will stop using it as a “strategy” or facecamping can be tweaked to make it less powerful or require a more serious punishment.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Maybe he liked your eyes?!

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Look facecamping sucks and is a scummy thing to do, however I have receive sooooo many "facecamper" messages from salty players in matches where I don't even stay near a hook for a split second after hooking them.

    The issue is people will always complain about it because "salt" and sadly SWF groups (and I'm sure just toxic people in general) abused the crap out of BHVRs early punishment methods to the point the killer was being punished for chasing survivors who chose to stay near the hook.

    Basically toxic people will always find a way to be toxic and ruin things for everyone else. While I'd love to see facecamping be removed there is no easy solution.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    The whole game is meaningless, its the player that gives it meaning.

    If someone enjoys going for a pip or wants to get a high pip number then they determine its value.

    I'm not saying the system is great (it sucks) but you cannot claim nobody cares about it.

  • Ev13698324
    Ev13698324 Member Posts: 61

    Honestly, most of this I can agree with.

    Points you made.

    1. Don't get hooked. Not realistic, at all, but I think the point is that if you're stealthy you likely won't be the one getting facecamped.
    2. Deal with it. As you said the only thing to do really. It is NOT killer bias, just the truth. People can discourage facecamping all they want but at the end of the day people are still going to do it because they can. In those scenarios dealing with it is pretty much all you can do.
    3. Sarcasm, not even going to discuss it.

    As you said, the punishment of less points means jack #########, nobody cares about points. There needs to be a different penalty.

    "The only solution to get them off the hook is you almost have to be in a swf and have the right perks and tools. So, the killer can sit and do nothing while the survivors regress or take more time, and if they attempt to help their progress gets more slower and challenging..." This right here. Trying to save a facecamped survivor with solos is pretty much suicide.

    Facecamping is scummy, and its not going away because of toxic "players", not killers. Players who want to be toxic could hop on survivor trying to bully the killer, and those same people might just hop on killer and facecamp for no reason. There needs to be a bigger penalty for it, but its impossible to remove.

    Some reasonable discussion, highly appreciated.