How to slow gen progression


Okay so if you watched King's video, you would know that the devs are figuring out a way to make the beginning of the game slower. My idea doesn't necessarily slow the beginning, but more the whole match in general.

Okay so picture this. Each generator, instead of them being connected to the exits wirelessly. Because that's what they are right now. They have cables that go to the exits. Each cable is under the floor so you cant see them, but when you complete a generator, you see a white aura of the cable, far away from your location. To activate the generator and to connect it to the exit, you have to reattach the cable together. Every cable starts unattached. So when you get to the cable, you start an animation which you pull the cable together and boom the generator is now activated and is counted towards the generator completion. Once you do this, the killer now sees the white aura, and can come and disconnect the cable. So this killer has a choice to chase survivors, protect generators, or disconnect the generators. When the killer disconnects the generator, it doesnt completely regress the gen, the survivor can just come back to the cable and reconnect it. So say that you have all 5 gens done, but only 4 cables are connected, it will only count 4 gens towards the total gens done. So say you get all 5 gens done, you connect all the cables. But because 7 gens spawn on the map, 7 cables are available. Now the exits are being powered by the generators, via these cables. So you get on the exit, the killer can go to a cable and disconnect it and the exit gate unpowers. And because there are 7 cables, you only need 5 cables attached to power the exits. This way, the killer can't camp the cable to stop the exits from being powered.

Sorry if this is really complicated, it made really good sense in my head. It makes sense that the exits are powered by the gens via cables and not wireless. I feel like this would really make the game a little slower and stop gens from popping left right and centre. Please give your input and let me know what you think


  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    That pretty much makes getting 3 gend guaranteed every match, only you don't need 3 gens clustered together. Killer can just go to any gen on the map and shut everything down. They'll be able to camp any gen and hold the game permanently hostage if they chose.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Here's how you slow the game down:

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    Gonna pass on the killer being able to disconnect the cable.

    Im down with there being a secondary objective needed to connect the power between the gen and the exit gate, but I'm not playing musical generators with the ######### killer. Hard pass.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    No because there are 7 generators. If they camp 1 gen, the survivors can just do the other gens. There's no way to camp the gens or the cables. There are 5 gens to complete, but 7 in total, meaning that the killer cant just camp the cables, because there are 7, and only 5 need completing

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Other (less complicated) options:

    • Increase regression speed
    • Speed up the "damage" interaction
    • Remove gen tapping (maybe make it so repairs don't start until the character is actually repairing the generator)
    • Add a very small instant regression (5% should do it) to each "damage" interaction (nerf PGTW accordingly)
  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    But if three gens spawned close together, the killer could just patrol them and stop the survivors powering the gates. If the survivors connected a cable in the three gen the killer would instantly disconnect it. There would be no way to counter it.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    You don't understand what I'm saying. When the 5 generators are completed. What happens to the other 2 gens? They also activate. So when one of the gens in the 3 gen area are completed, 2 other cables spawn because of the 2 gens that weren't completed. The killer can't go round disconnecting every single cable because, the survivors only need 5 out of 7 completed. Or f*ck it, make it so killers can't disconnect the cables. So instead of the musical gens, the survivor has to complete the gen, then attach the cable and boom, thats an irreversible gen done

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    How about they take a look into the endless second chance perks survivors can equip instead of adding more? I'd say that is one of the core problems of the game, survivors being able to make as many mistakes as possible and still being rewarded for it.

    That is from like 20 seconds into my latest clown game, and of course dead hard for distance almost doubles the length of the chase. I get an infectious fright proc into another down maybe 15 seconds after downing her; which is instantly unbreakabled.

    So I get one hook from almost two perfect chases, lasting 60-70 seconds total. In the time it takes me to go tunnel mori him, another 60 seconds, 2 gens pop. By the time the animation is done, another gen pops roughly 30 seconds after. So 3 gens in less than 3 minutes, when I am running corrupt intervention. And a huge portion of that can be attributed to second chance perks.

    The new one sounds ridiculous, unlimited unbreakables + a styptic if I want to run a hex totem?

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    No, you don’t understand what I’m saying. The survivors need 5 of 7 cables, but if three spawn near each other the killer can protect them and keep the survivors stuck at 4 cables. If they connect the last one the killer would just disconnect it again, over and over. There would be no way to break the stalemate, matches would become hour long contests of will.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    No because they're not gonna spawn right next to each other. They'll spawn randomly across the map and have a minimum distance between them so the killer can't camp them

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    I think if gens took a significant loss on progress everytime someone got injured (not downed) you'd kill a bunch of birds with one stone. It would reduce the ambivalence about getting chased for survivors - at this point you normally have one or two survivors actively hunting the killer to start a loop as the time-waste is more valuable than anything else the survivors can do. It would reduce (but not eradicate) the value of the wealth of second chance survivor perks. It would make healing a strategic choice instead of an obvious one. It would encourage more teamplay and proximity contact with the survivors instead of the divide and conquer approach we have now, as you'd want to prioritize one gen at a time. It would reduce the need for boring but necessary locator perks and free builds to go in more interesting directions.

    It'd make the game more dangerous for survivors and push them away from the kind of gameplay mechanics that make DbD's "horror" designation a joke, without making the game an auto-win for killers.

    You'd have to take a look at a lot of the killer mechanics designed to slow down gen progress and finding survivors, though, but I feel like those are all band-aid fixes for the same general problem anyway that tend to make the game more annoying than more fun.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    But that's just surge but with being injured instead of downed

  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52

    Kind of a cool concept, might need a few tweaks so killers cant just camp the cables so the gens never get done but other wise it seems like it might work.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    ruin doesn't slow gen progression. It speeds up gen regression. And doesn't last forever. Even without ruin you can get gen rushed, especially if you're playing killers with no map pressure like clown or LF

  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199

    I meant the old hex:ruin. You can see that from the video.

  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91
  • Icery
    Icery Member Posts: 199